If you are not prepared by now you are in a world of hurt. The staff at AWRM has been preaching the merits of preperation since the end of the 20th century. If the average Joe would have headed our warnings and advice you would be a wealthy man today and be ready to face the challenges of the modern militiaman faces today.

2002 1K Black hills blue box $100 2009 1K Black hills blue box $588
2004 16" Bushmaster AR15 $700 2009 16" Bushmaster AR15 $1200
2002 1 oz gold Eagle $300 2009 1 oz gold Eagle $1000

I know of no other investment that has doubled or more in this decade other than militia materials. This is of course is due to the fact that the powers wish to make it difficult for those waking up to become prepared but it matters not to those who are already prepared.

In todays environment if is almost fool hardy to chase ammo and weapons at the current prices. My advice is to put your precious dollars into long term food. The ammo and weapons will come back down eventually.

Spam $1.50/can 114 year shelf life

5 gal bucket, 4 500ml oxygen absorbers, mylar bag $8-10 for all stores dry goods 10-30 years

Instant potatoes 1 5 gal bucket will store 390 servings for around $50 including the bucket 10-15 year shelf life

Whole wheat 1 5 gal bucket will produce enough high glotein flour for 80 loafs of bread 30 year shelf life

Other dry goods that store well

Dry milk
Chicken feed
Dog food


Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.
137th BN 32nd FF