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Survivalism going mainstream #99875
03/24/2009 05:20 PM
03/24/2009 05:20 PM
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Lately I've noticed a lot of articles coming out regarding survivalism. This indicates that survivalism is shifting from just a bunch of "conspiracy nuts" with a secret bomb shelter in the hills, to a main stream movement.

One of these articles can be found in the latest Soldier of Fortune magazine. In the last few months this magazine has gone from giving advice regarding BoBs to this latest article recommending storing at least a year's supply of food and keeping it hush-hush.

Below is an article written by Jared Diamond, author of "Collapse, How Societies Choose to Succeed or Fail", which I highly recommend for those of you in the Montana area (Diamond points out a lot of negative factors affecting Montana that you guys need to be aware of).

Famed Social Sciences Author Jared Diamond Predicts 49 Percent Chance of Civilization Collapse
Posted on 19 February 2009 by admin

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Jared Diamond is no doom-and-gloomer; he’s a Pulitzer Prize winning author of thoughtful, carefully researched books about the rise and fall of societies. Diamond is best known for Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (…) and Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (…), both of which are among my top-recommended books of all time.
When you read these books, you’ll quickly realize that Diamond is perhaps the world’s top expert on what might be called the “holistic, interdependent nature of complex societies.” Rather than limiting his perspective to immediate, short-term actions and consequences (as most national leaders and corporations do), Diamond intelligently examines the long-term, interdependent factors that lead to any society’s success or failure.
I’ve personally read both of Diamond’s books mentioned above, and they have strongly influenced my own views about the future (or lack thereof) of western civilization. What Diamond and I both agree on is that complex civilizations are quite fragile, and short-terming thinking can easily doom a society or civilization to irreversible collapse. (Another interesting book to read on this subject, although it’s quite technical and a bit older, is The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter.)
Collapse can come from many vectors. Many collapses are environmental, such as the collapse of the Anasazi Indians in North America or the collapse of the Tiwanaku in South America (
Other causes of collapse include man-made accelerations of environmental change; the classic example being the rampant deforestation of Easter Island by its inhabitants (…).
It is the Easter Island example that perhaps most closely resembles the short-sightedness of modern western civilization. At the expense of future generations, today’s CEOs, bankers and politicians are destroying our future in so many ways (financial, chemical, environmental, plundering of fossil fuels, etc.) that it is a challenge to imagine a scenario where western civilization even survives in its current form.
Jared Diamond, in fact, has publicly declared he sees only a 51 percent chance of western civilization surviving. You can hear this from his own mouth in this video interview:…
Peak Oil and other threats to human civilization
This is no casual number-tossing game from a newbie. Jared Diamond has studied the success and failure of world societies more closely than anyone living today. He describes himself as “cautiously optimistic” but worries that the outlandish financial decisions being made by the world’s leaders have put us all in a precarious position from which western civilization may not emerge intact.
In my own view, the financial challenges facing our world are, indeed, quite severe. And they may yet bring down the entire global banking system. But in the medium term, I see Peak Oil as being the far greater threat to the continuation of human civilization as we know it. Cheap, plentiful fossil fuels discovered in the last hundred years (or so) spurred a food bubble, which led to a population bubble. Cheap oil, in other words, created the temporary conditions necessary to support a runaway population explosion that is, without question, unsustainable without cheap energy.
But cheap oil is finite. And based on all reasonable accounting, world oil production is already in a state of substantial decline. That means oil will become increasingly scarce and expensive with each passing year, precisely as the world’s hunger for oil reaches unprecedented heights (cars in China, India, etc.).
When the era of cheap oil ends, the food bubble made possible by mechanized agriculture will also end. And that will usher in an era of rapid human depopulation. Long-term, in a post-Peak Oil scenario, most experts expect the planet to only be able to support about one billion people.
Massive depopulation of the human species
The current population on the planet is about 6.7 billion people (…). That means we are likely to see a die-off of about 5.7 billion people, or roughly 6 out of every 7 people.
A loss of 6 out of 7 people — even in the long run — means a great de-specialization of complex societies and a return to a far more agrarian society. There is only ONE nation on Earth that has the experience and culture to handle this transition without much loss of life, and that’s Papua New Guinea (…). Many nations like Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Bolivia and certain Pacific Island nations may also fare well, given that gardening is still a way of life that’s taught there (and their climates are especially conducive to easy food production).
For everybody else, the transition will be quite devastating.
The loss of population density and specialization means a collapse of technology multipliers such as mechanized agriculture, just-in-time manufacturing systems and complex industrial logistics that manufacture and deliver products quickly and cheaply. The long, complex supply lines that characterize modern society will collapse, becoming local. For example, right now fish caught in Canada are shipped to China to be filleted by low-cost laborers, then they are shipped back to Canada to be sold as fish fillets. Such outrageous examples of the wasteful use of energy (and long supply lines) will vanish almost overnight in a post-Peak Oil scenario.
Unless some cheap energy supply is quickly discovered that can magically replace oil, virtually all food will eventually become local, which means that anyone living in a region that cannot produce its own food will either starve or leave. Las Vegas, Phoenix and virtually the entire American Southwest will be mostly abandoned by humans. You can expect a mass exodus of people from virtually all cities. Los Angeles would likely become a gang-infested war zone that resembles Somalia more than America.
Those who master the skills of agriculture (and who can protect themselves from the desperate masses leaving the cities) will live and reproduce. Those who deny reality and hope for some government to save them with silly economic stimulus bills will starve and die. It is the ultimate application of Darwinian Natural Selection, on a grand and merciless scale.
In the end, about 1 out of 7 people will remain. They will be the healthy, resourceful people who are willing to work in order to survive. The masses of medicated, junk-food-eating, entitlement-minded citizens of western nations who insist someone else should save them will be removed from the human gene pool through natural processes.
Deniers who foolishly think oil will never run out, or that the global banking system can be saved by printing free money from nothing, or that western civilization will last forever will also be removed from the human gene pool.
Can it be prevented?
A dire scenario? No more dire than all the previous civilization collapses that have occurred on our planet. The history of human life on Earth is full of arrogant, short-sighted societies that believed they would last forever. Arrogance quickly crumbles into dust in the face of ecological reality (or perhaps in this case, economic reality).
Of course, all of this could be prevented if the leaders of modern nations had any real intelligence (defined as having long-term vision and understanding the future implications of present-day decisions). Human life CAN be sustainable on our planet, but only if the people are willing to elect leaders who make decisions today that protect the future instead of selling it out. Such decisions, however, are never popular with the short-sighted people living today.
Sadly, there is hardly a single example of a future-minded politician in America today. Rep. Dennis Kucinich may be one of the rare ones on ecological issues, and Rep. Ron Paul is of course right-minded on financial issues. I cannot think of another elected representative (nor any Senator) that has any real long-term view of a sustainable society.
Nor do most people think beyond their own paychecks and immediate circumstances. How many people are actually taking great steps to reduce their ecological footprint? How many are investing in nutrition and superfoods for healthy babies? How many are truly growing their own food and solving the problems of seed saving, irrigation, food storage and soil erosion?
Remarkably few. Most people in society today live in artificial worlds defined by indoor lighting, air conditioning, processed foods, chemical medicines, artificial wood furniture, television programming and online social networking.
None of these have anything to do with reality.
Reality is the soil, the rivers, the air, sunlight, plants and seeds. It is found in the animals, microbes, forests and aquatic ecosystems. Reality cannot be negotiated with, nor bargained with, nor put off. Reality is shaped by our decisions and actions, and what we see unfolding in the world right now — global warming, chemical contamination, depletion of fossil fuels — is merely a reflection of the destructive actions being mindlessly taken by people living today.
It is often said that in a Democracy, people get the government they deserve.
On a large scale, this related thought is also true: On our planet, the people get the results they create!
And it is this choice that Jared Diamond so graciously reminds us to consider. We have a choice to decide our collective future. Today’s decisions create tomorrow’s results.
There is absolutely no question that the decisions being made right now across the nations of western civilization will create a future world with a greatly reduced capacity for human population. If that is what modern people wish to create, they are right on track with it.
But if modern people want to create a different outcome — a sustainable world that future generations might enjoy without a population collapse and all the suffering that goes with it — serious changes in behavior are immediately needed in many areas: Economic, ecological, cultural, medicine, agriculture and more.
Do not be led to believe that modern civilization is anything more than an erratic blip of temporary insanity on the chart of human history.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99876
03/24/2009 08:06 PM
03/24/2009 08:06 PM
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Good article by Mike Adams. I like alot of his stuff, especially his cartoons.

Survival is going mainstream simply because so many people are waking up to the reality that we are being screwed now, and royally f*cked in the long term.

I am sure that gun sales only represent a tiny fraction of the preps people are finally putting together.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99877
03/25/2009 01:23 AM
03/25/2009 01:23 AM
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There are still plenty of sheep out there.

Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99878
03/25/2009 06:29 AM
03/25/2009 06:29 AM
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Most survivalists are still quivering cowardly sheep.

Unfortunately many former militiamen have now turned survivalist. They think they can hide and now many are afraid to say the word militia. Once your name is on FEMA's Red List it will never come off.

In 1775 at Lexington and Concord it was the militia who fired upon the government troops who were trying to confiscate firearms. If we are afraid to organize into militia units the tyrants will take our firearms and enslave us the next time they try.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99879
03/25/2009 11:48 AM
03/25/2009 11:48 AM
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I agree TR,

I have prepared for years to survive and fight.

I could survive for years in the mountains.

But I don't think I will, I don't think I will survive this fight,

if that's what it comes to.

I fear to many will hide or turn to save their skins.

That means it will be lost,

and that means I didn't survive!!

That's not fatalism, I have just seen all the BS that is floating around and it now so easy to see who is for real and who is all talk.

I wonder how many of the enemy, I can take with me?

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99880
03/25/2009 12:19 PM
03/25/2009 12:19 PM
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Originally posted by Texas Resistance:

In 1775 at Lexington and Concord it was the militia who fired upon the government troops who were trying to confiscate firearms. If we are afraid to organize into militia units the tyrants will take our firearms and enslave us the next time they try.
The only requirement is that "They" come to get them as they did in 1775, when that happens then we will all know more of what are fellow Americans believe. When the first shot is fired all the men and woman who have moral values and live with a certain amount of principals will come forth to defend this Blessing called Liberty.

IMO the average (Actual) Militia Soldier is also a Survivalist by nature. Both have certain skills that are the same, example storing food...Does or at least Should every Militia Soldier have food stored an the knowledge to survive off of that store? Do they not all posses certain self defense skills, is that not part of both mind-sets? like i said just my opinion.

Me...I am Both! I am trained to survive, in order to give All of my Enemy that small piece of Hell they deserve.

One Round at a Time!

"Train to be Feared"

Sic Vis Pacem Para Bellum

When you want peace
Prepare for War.
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99881
03/25/2009 02:38 PM
03/25/2009 02:38 PM
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The militia man who is not a survivalist first will not live to fight the war. Supply and logistics is the largest element because it must be able to support itself plus those in the field.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99882
03/25/2009 03:38 PM
03/25/2009 03:38 PM
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The survivalist mindset is to hunker down and lay low in a sustainable way until whatever problem drove them into survival mode blows over. That means they wait for others to fix the problem before they come back and rejoin society. This is flawed thinking.
If everyone is thinking that, then nothing will ever get done. Survivalists and militiamen need to be one and the same, otherwise those survivalists are going to be on their own for a REAL loooooooooooong time.

A warrior who is a survivalist becomes a militiaman. But a warrior who is not a survivalist becomes a bandit, thug, and land pirate. He feeds off the corpse of what's left of society and takes from anyone he encounters.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99883
03/25/2009 04:14 PM
03/25/2009 04:14 PM
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If you are not prepared by now you are in a world of hurt. The staff at AWRM has been preaching the merits of preperation since the end of the 20th century. If the average Joe would have headed our warnings and advice you would be a wealthy man today and be ready to face the challenges of the modern militiaman faces today.

2002 1K Black hills blue box $100 2009 1K Black hills blue box $588
2004 16" Bushmaster AR15 $700 2009 16" Bushmaster AR15 $1200
2002 1 oz gold Eagle $300 2009 1 oz gold Eagle $1000

I know of no other investment that has doubled or more in this decade other than militia materials. This is of course is due to the fact that the powers wish to make it difficult for those waking up to become prepared but it matters not to those who are already prepared.

In todays environment if is almost fool hardy to chase ammo and weapons at the current prices. My advice is to put your precious dollars into long term food. The ammo and weapons will come back down eventually.

Spam $1.50/can 114 year shelf life

5 gal bucket, 4 500ml oxygen absorbers, mylar bag $8-10 for all stores dry goods 10-30 years

Instant potatoes 1 5 gal bucket will store 390 servings for around $50 including the bucket 10-15 year shelf life

Whole wheat 1 5 gal bucket will produce enough high glotein flour for 80 loafs of bread 30 year shelf life

Other dry goods that store well

Dry milk
Chicken feed
Dog food


Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99884
03/26/2009 05:14 AM
03/26/2009 05:14 AM
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I can't count the times I've talked to militiamen who are just itching to run out and "fix things". This same bunch also loves to poke fun at all those "chicken-s--- survivalists". When I ask them how they intend to provide food and re supply for themselves and their team I usually receive a blank stare. So, I ask 2 more questions...

Just how long do you think it will take to win the revolution?


How do you intend to feed yourself and where do you intend to hole up for rest, medical aid etc.?

Most don't even like to think about the ramifications of a long term conflict.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Survivalism going mainstream #99885
03/26/2009 06:16 AM
03/26/2009 06:16 AM
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ConSigCor Sir, I totally agree with you that all militiamen need to also be survivalists and store up provisions for a very long fight so we don’t starve, freeze, and leave bloody foot prints in the snow.

However some militiamen I have known since the militia movement got big in the early 1990s (after the government’s many atrocities in the 1900s)now have gotten scared off by the phony war on terror, quit the militia, quit training, quit recruiting, now only call themselves survivalists, and think they can hide somewhere for the rest of their lives.

We need to all stay active in the militia movement, recruit, train, be force multipliers, and bring the militia back up to the strength we had in the 1990s so we can back down the tyrants again or be ready to defeat them besides being survivalists as well.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper

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