... I didn't say Tobor shouldn't get it. He did pay in, he deserves to take some out.
All I was ever trying to get across is that there are steps that can, and should, be taken to avoid the situation. I used a few from Tobor's situation... we all makes mistakes, including Tobor. I just called attention to it so others can avoid it. It is hard not to run into a problem if you don't see it coming. You guys are reading too much into my comments... they are not that deep.
We payed in too, so we use the mediocre school system, and got a case of MREs once... and for the MREs I spent a total of 16 hours relaying comms for FEMA, state, and county emergency operations.
Socialist family business? It is really more of an investment we pay the taxes on by renting it... both of my parents have full time jobs in accounting.
What kind of family do you live in? Being a member of a family is different than a socialist governemnt anyway...
No, Sniper, I am not dropping out half way through a year of high school. That is a waste of time. And, no, I'm not using the feds to pay for college.
If/when Dad no longer works... he will have some savings. And, his family will support him. That is what families do. They help each other. The government doesn't need to be involved. Those who somehow lose their savings, or their family cannot support them, have charities available. Charities are more efficient than government...
Your last comment is just a bunch of whining... there isn't much to respond to there...
Read Ron Paul's book, "The Revolution"... it might cure your "need government" mindset when it comes to social issues. Through family and charity, those who cannot support themselves can still live in a society. The government doesn't need to be involved... but, since we the people pay for it, we might as well use it, but try to keep the use limited so that we don't DEPEND on it. That is all I am trying to say... you guys are putting too much thought into my words that I didn't intend to be there.