Not sure if this is the correct forum for this, so it can be moved if needed. This is for anyone in OH, MD, PA, NJ, DE, WV and VA. Mid Atlantic Wildfire Training Academy at West Virginia University's Fire Service Extension on June 7th through the 13th 2008, in Morgantown West Virginia.
This is for the Mid Atlantic Forestfire Compact.
Contact Person is Sue Dimmick at: or log on to WWW.MAWFTA.COM to get the schedule and info.
If you are going to attend please contact me so we can hook up! This is for firefighting in those states and you will be put on call up list.
Some courses have pre requirements so make sure you have what you need first. Any questions about the classes should be directed to the contact person. I only am taking classes, not in charge of anything.

Hope to see at least one of you there!

Tout Jour Prest. (Liberty Tree Radio.