Here is a brine cure recipe recommended by dept. of agriculture.
6 gallons of water
12 pounds of salt (not Iodized) curing salt or granulated table salt Non iodized.
3 pounds of white or brown sugar.
100 pounds of chilled meat.
1 Dissolve salt and sugar in the water and bring to a boil. Stir well and chill thoroughly before using. You will need a 10 gallon container for this and room in the fridge.
2 When meat and brine are well chilled, pack the meat in a stone crock or crocks or a wooden barrel. Place hams on the bottom, skin side down, then shoulders, finally bacon slabs skin side up. Pack meat tightly and weight it down so it won't float in the brine.
3 Pour cold brine over meat until all meat is immersed.
4 Keep container in a cool place ( under 40 degrees F.) for 7 days
5 After 7 days pour brine into a container and remove meat and repack it, reposition the pieces for even cure.
6 Pour brine back over meat until immersed and keep in cool place until curing is complete.
7 After curing, hang meat in cool place for 1 to 3 weeks. Then it can be smoked or used as is.