This is probably old hat but here goes.
All species of birds in the U.S. are edible(blue jays are rather tasty!).
5 drops of clorox in one qt. of H2O will work as good as aqua tabs( and cheaper too unless yer wife catches ya getting it )
Peel pine bark off of tree get all the way down to the white membrane on the back of the brown bark shred it and boil it(just the white membrane) , it isn't that bad tatsting, you will need to boil it for at least 20 mins or more.
Boil shelled acorn until the water stops turning brown, mash into a paste while you are doing all of this place flat rock next to fire to heat it, make thin acorn patties then place on the flat hot rock and bake to desired crunchiness( it tast like blak! real bland but you won't starve) be sure to boil until no more brown water or you will have a bitter tasting biskit(tannic acid).
make hard tack by mixing water and flour into a thick dough roll it out to 1/4 in thickness cut biskits and bake until light brown, will last a long time but, bland tasting. American and Inkberry holly leaves contain caffiene for making a hot drink like coffee, I don't know what it taste like.
Use zip lock bags for vegetation stills for water.
If you dig a hole about 12ft(if I am remembering correctly) from a stream bank and it will fill after awhile use this water for distilling drinking water instead of distilling straight out of stream, you won't have to filter it as much.
Three T-shirts layed on top of each other will make an excellent waterfilter.
Cheyene Pepper is a blood cloting agent and has some medicinal qualities(it's what I carry as "poor boys quik-clot). And any pepper will act as a pain reliever, the capsaisine(sp) kicks in natrual pain killers. I have used halepinos as a pain reliever for back pain, it worked. I ate 3 large ones 3 times per day. Hope yer stomach is strong.
Never caterized(misspelled) wounds, it will impare the healing process. ect. ect.ect.
hope you find something helpful in this.