Posted by: Irish Jaeger Jan 5 2006, 11:56 AM
Recruitment is one of the most controversial, troublesome, and dangerous things we have to think about, plan for, and accomplish.
The debate has always been wether we should do “open” recruitment, or, Selective recruitment. Lets begin with descriptions of both:
Open Recruitment.
Your Unit puts an add in a local paper, or sets up a recruitment booth at a local gun-show, and anybody can join…and then HOPEFULLY you’ll use whatever security people you have to cull out the bad apples.
Selective Recruitment.
You start talking to a friend at work, and come to find out that he thinks a lot like you do, soon your debating the finer points of a certain type of gun, or planning a camping trip, and then as you get to know him and his family better…you slowly begin sounding out his opinions on the state of things or the world-wide situation. Slowly but surely him and his family are just guided in.
Some of the dangers of open recruitment are that everybody will know where your unit is located. It would be easy for a government agency to get moles, agitators, etc. into your unit. You’re running the risk of recruiting crazies, racists, criminals, etc.
Here is a excerpt from “Total Resistance” By Major H. Von Dach, dealing with Recruitment For Resistance Movements.
“In spite of all their good intentions, not all people are suitable for active participation in the resistance movement. You have to select carefully active resistance members from among the masses available. The success or failure of the resistance movement depends upon this selection.”
Selective Recruiting is getting to know someone and then slowly guiding them into the group. Better for several reasons:
A. Security is better, because as your getting to know the person you can check them out for illegal activities, traitorous activities etc.
B. You’ll have gotten to know the person pretty well while getting them into the group hence working with them IN the group will be easier.
If you haven’t read “Total Resistance” I highly suggest buying it and making it required reading for EVERYONE in your unit…be it an open unit, or a selective one. Its available through Paladin Press or
The next segment will be on Security.
Flame Away
Irish Jaeger
Posted by: airforce Jan 5 2006, 07:26 PM
No Flame here. Total resistance is somewhat dated, but its discussion of the organization of an effective resistance is invaluable.
Onward and upward,
Posted by: Stalker Jan 8 2006, 09:41 PM
I wonder if RT was betrayed by people he felt he knew for a long time? What about Falsarge? How can you truly verify trust prior to TSHTF? You can't, regardless of how or WHO you recruit. Its a rough business. Not for the faint of heart.
Now that doesn't mean to throw caution to the wind. You can limit your units exposure by instilling some sort of backround checks and setting hard rules for everyone to follow. You can keep your eyes open. If you don't have a specific reason to travel 500 miles to train with milita #A....... than don't. Simple things like that.
But its not a perfect world. Still, We can't set idle. We still have to keep moving forward as best as we can and accomplish what we can. Just do the best you can and keep moving.
Posted by: Clan DireWolf Jan 11 2006, 01:15 PM
What happen to RT? I can't find out anything other than he was busted by the ATF!