Will America Survive the 2024 Election?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The election is upon us. It is an important election, because the result will determine whether America as we knew it will continue to exist.

Trump represents America. Kamala represents the forces attempting to overthrow America. In the last few days leading Democrats, such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, have said that the First Amendment is in the way of their ability to impose their agendas on the American people and that censorship of truth is essential to their rule. Democrat Law school deans and Democrat intellectuals have said the same.

In the Autumn 2024 City Journal, Jacob Siegel describes the Democrats’ plot to manage Democracy. Censorship is used to control the public’s access to information. Denied facts, controlled narratives are used to create public acceptance of Democrat agendas. These agendas are open borders; normalization of sexual perversity; sexualization of young children; demonization of white people as “racists,” “deplorables,” and “garbage;” replacement of merit with DEI, and further erosion of parental control by performing sex change operations on under age children without parental consent. Liberal American women think these are good policies. If Kamala becomes President of the United States, it will be while liberal women who elected her.

Jacob Siegel writes: “The Democratic Party’s strategy to win the presidency in 2024 hinges in large part on preventing a normal election from taking place. Procedural and voting irregularities that would have triggered alarm across the political spectrum until recently have become an accepted feature of the landscape. The Democrat party has pursued this strategy since 2016, when the Obama White House and the Hillary Clinton campaign worked with U.S. intelligence agencies to frame Trump falsely as a Russian agent.”

You have heard this all before from me. The Democrats want a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel, and they are working hard to get it. The same agenda is afoot in Europe where countries composed of ethnic nationalities for which they are named–French, German, Italian, Dutch, British, Irish, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, Hungarian, Polish, Czech–are disappearing into “diversity.” To get rid of ethnic Europeans and their culture is the reason for the open borders that have decimated European civilized existence.

The destruction of white ethnic countries and their replacement with Towers of Babel is the intention of the left-wing Western intellectuals and all of the currently ruling political parties. Western ethnicities have been sold out by their own elected leaders. What explains the insouciance of peoples who elect to power people who intend to displace them from their own country?

Consider the British. Once the British knew who they were. But no more. Their last Tory prime minister was an Indian. The current leader of the Conservative Party, perhaps the oldest existing political party in the world, is a black female raised in Nigeria and the US.

Kemi Badenoch might turn out to be the best leader of the British Conservative Party in history. But if I were an Englishman, and I saw the Tory Party headed by a black female raised abroad, I would wonder what had become of England. Apparently, ethnic British are no longer capable of governing themselves and have turned to people from their former colonies for leadership.

Steven Malanga writing in the City Journal makes it clear that the destruction of racial homogeneity has a cost. The Biden-Harris regime have made it possible for South American criminal gangs to get visas into the US without background checks due to a Homeland Security (sic) program called the Electronic System for Travel Authorirzation–Visa Waiver Program. The result Malange reports, has been a run-away epidemic of crimes.

All sorts of gangs have been unleashed on Americans. Some specialize in drugs, some in trafficking women and children for prostitution, some in burglary, some in murder. Malanga reports that immigrant-invader burglary gangs use “Wi-Fi suppression equipment to disarm home alarms, cell-phone trackers to determine the location of homeowners, and fake IDs.” The gangs face minimal risk. If arrested, they are usually quickly released and vanish. “The leaky immigration system has made some criminals so bold that they deliberately get themselves arrested at the California border, knowing that they will be immediately released into America.”

The amount of crimes committed by immigrant-invaders is difficult to determine, because Democrats do not want Americans to know the cost of the Democrat’s open borders policy. Malanga reports that a sense of the problem’s magnitude is available from a Government Accountability Office study of crimes committed by illegals incarcerated in prisons. “Analyzing data from 2011 through 2016, the study attributed more than 1 million drug violations, 33,000 homicides, 500,000 assaults, 110,000 auto thefts, and 132,000 sex offenses to illegals. And these figures predate the 2021 border surge, recent bail reforms that have let offenders walk free, and the reduction in public-safety efforts following the defund-the-police movement.”

Are Americans going to elect Kamala, who has responsibility for these policies, President of the United States? If so, Americans are kissing their country good-bye.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861