When I read this last night, I assumed that this must either be a joke or satire that was taken too literally! Nope…

I have this theory that these outright intentional in your face insults are meant to challenge and taunt Christians (which clearly these people are not) to lash out… to then justify eliminating terrorist threats.

Imagine if Trump had declared the first day of Ramadan to be a “barbecue pork celebration day”…. He’d be rightfully called out by ALL (including many on his side) for insulting a group and for only encouraging them to act out, putting people in danger. When the radical Islamists would no doubt retaliate with some sort of attack, TRUMP and the “ultra MAGA extremists” would be blamed for their provoking the attack.

How is what the corrupt child sniffing dementia patient in the White House’s actions ANY different?

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)