There is more information in this article of Guy Reffitt's sentencing here: fedcoats identified Mr. Reffit by posting videos of the protest here
"FBI Washington Field Office Releases New Videos of Suspects in Violent Assaults on Federal Officers at U.S. Capitol, Seeks Public’s Help in Identifying Them" Feds always run video cameras at right wing protests to identify patriots to persecute them. Militiamen who are fit for combat should never go to protests.
Mr. Reffitt made a mistake carrying a handgun to a protest in the anti-gun District of Criminals. If he had to carry a handgun he should have worn a concealment holster not an outside the waist band belt holster.
![[Linked Image]](
Mr. Reffitt with his handgun at the protest.
I would never open carry in public because many career criminals when they are not pumping iron in prison practice disarming techniques on each other. Many career criminals when they get out are looking for someone open carrying so they can knock them out and steal their handgun.
Mr. Reffitt should not have worn a running Go Pro video and audio camera that recorded evidence against him.
Mr. Reffitt and the other D.C. protesters are political prisoners who committed no crimes and caused no damage. They should not have been arrested, locked up in the gulags, and held without bail.
The so-called protesters that should be arrested are the Antifa and BLM criminals who burnt down police cars, burnt businesses to the ground, blinded police with lasers, and threw improvised explosives at police while the corrupt Demorats in the major cites allowed the left wing arson and assaults to continue to further their goal of disrupting the presidential election and install Obama's senile puppet Biden through massive election fraud.