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The Collapse of America #177915
04/05/2022 11:34 PM
04/05/2022 11:34 PM
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ConSigCor  Offline OP
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Well, folks, we’re here.

Over the past decade I’ve written a few essays on the coming economic collapse of the USA. I noted in 2013 that the on-book national debt was an estimated $16 Trillion. The actual debt using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which includes all off-book obligations (promises of future payments such as Social Security, government retirement accounts, Medicare A & B, was $238 Trillion. Today the on-book debt is $30.3 Trillion, not quite double what it was when I last wrote about this. We can reasonably assume the total debt according to GAAP is similarly doubled, all in at $450 Trillion.

The rest of the world loaned us such vast sums, merely because the dollar was the worlds’ reserve currency. And that worked, when the USA produced things of inherent value. Oil and gas, manufactured goods, electronics, software, infrastructure products, even textiles. These days we manufacture dollar bills (or digital currency), and shoot anyone who rejects them. But these strong-arm tactics have worked up until now because we basically slapped around weak countries to keep them in line. Anyone who attempted to “de-dollarise” has had economic sanctions put against them, or invaded, or “revolutions” fomented to facilitate the execution of such leaders who would dare to challenge the dollar hegemony. THIS is the real reason for US troops in Iraq, the desire to go to war with Iran, the NATO attacks of Libya, the attempts to start a war in Syria, the destabilization efforts in Turkey. In every single example listed, the leaders of those countries had announced their intentions to bypass the dollar. Even now, when Saudi Arabia announced they were negotiating with China to sell oil in Chinese Yuan, a missile was mysteriously launched from Yemen somewhere that wiped out a huge refinery in Saudi Arabia within a few days; quite the coincidence.

Speaking of Saudi Arabia, the country is now run by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, since the King is apparently an invalid. A source told me last year that Prince Salman had openly demanded of his generals, to buy Chinese or Russian military gear; he was told this wouldn’t be possible, due to losing support from the USA. I don’t understand the dynamics of the situation of the time, but the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle has demonstrated that the USA is a paper tiger, and undependable as an ally.

No surprise, considering our “woke” military generals, decrepit and fraudulently “elected leaders” like pedo-Joe and his sidekick “ho,” whose only apparent core skill is the ability to suck-start a J-58 jet engine. Oh, and don’t forget Nancy “box-wine” Pelosi and stolen-valor Senator “Dick” Blumenthal. Yeah, good luck in the next election. But I digress…

The point is, the Bretton-Woods-2 agreement was already on death’s door, and the intentional actions of the Deep State (who use Biden as a puppet) are destroying the credibility of the United States, have pulled the last vestiges of support for the dollar as the worlds’ reserve currency status by forcing Russia and China together… and now here we are.


I’ll be honest, I fucking HATE it when someone brags about their resume, “I’m a mechanical engineer, and I know this (*stupid*) idea will work…” But I need to give you a quick thumbnail of my background, so you understand the basis for my conclusions. It’s not because I’m bragging, because nobody really gives two shits about such things in my line of work, anyway… If you boiled it down, I’m an over-educated gearhead with a knack for crunching numbers and trying to make sense of the whole economic system as a personal hobby.

In short, I was a nuke reactor operator on fast-attack boats in the Navy, and stayed in the engineering field while I went back to school, boot-strapped my way through a Bach. Science in Managerial Economics (a “super” finance degree), an MBA and then a Doctorate of Science in Information Systems… basically data analysis.

Next… I typically hyperlink my data points so you can go look for yourself, but not this time. A lot of bloggers who make money off the “hits” to their sites often repackage the same old shit 20 times, never saying anything new. I’m not one of those bloggers; I have a job (so far) that pays well enough I don’t have to whore myself out with doom-porn.

My motives for writing this stuff are, first of all, to keep myself sane. Having studied this shit for so long, in an academic manner and predicting what’s coming, is one thing; now I’m watching it happen in real-time, and it’s freaking the shit out of me. Next reason is simply the hope that, by providing real, actionable intelligence, you can better position yourself and your loved ones to survive what’s coming. While I’m a published author in another field, I don’t make a dime off of this work, and at this point in time, I really don’t give a shit about money.


Since I’ve laid out a lot of what matters already, I’ll ask you to PLEASE review these three posts which I’ve written over the years, and then we’ll go on…

The 30,000 foot view of what’s coming… | Capitalist Eric ( February 2013

So We’re In For an Economic Collapse. NOW What? | Capitalist Eric ( May 2013

Economic Collapse Scenario- My Best Guess | Capitalist Eric ( May, 2015


To begin with, the shitty, corrupt system that’s been in place since 1913, which is the ultimate Ponzi scheme- is finished.

In 2015 I listed several scenarios which could torpedo the dollar:

–China announces the yuan will be a gold-backed currency

–China announces they will no longer accept dollars for international commerce

–Saudi Arabia (now heavily backed by China) announces they will no longer accept dollars for oil

–China and Russia announce they’re dumping all US debt instruments

I was wrong; our leaders created a situation where bullets 2-4 have happened, or will soon. And ironically enough, Russia just backed the ruble with gold, so bullet one is somewhat covered.

In short order, our phony leaders have basically forced China, Russia, India and even Pakistan to join up, and permanently yank the carpet from under the fiat-money banking system that the globalists base their power on.

No bullshit, that’s just the truth. You can debate about the whys, but that doesn’t have any practical value for me, so we’ll move on to what that means, what’s coming, when, and give my recommendations of what you can do to best prepare, in the very short time we have left. And yes, I’m following my own advice on all of the things listed, as my funds and circumstances allow…


When the USA and its vassal states kicked Russia out of the SWIFT system, those same European countries, at the direction of the USA, also confiscated $300 BILLION worth of reserves that Russia had, violating the fiduciary trust of those same countries, AND made it so that those countries could no longer pay Russia in euros or dollars. Putin basically said, ‘you cut off our access to your currencies, you STOLE our money, and yet insist we accept your euros or dollars, through a system we can’t even access…? NO. You need natural gas, you need oil? Fine, you pay for it with either OUR rubles, or gold. We don’t run a fucking charity around here, ok?”

The net result is that Russia has been pushed straight into China’s arms, with the MIR financial system Russia has built over the last decade (they could see where this was going, and got ready). China is now using the MIR system, along with India and Pakistan. It won’t take long until poodle countries of Europe are forced to dump their euros and dollars, to buy gold or rubles, to keep their countries from literally running out of gas…

Combined with Operation Sandman, where 130+ countries are all lined up to repudiate the dollar simultaneously, it means that the rest of the world is going for a little payback for all the shit the US government has pulled since… oh, 1913? Yeah, they’re all lining up to give us a swift kick in the teeth.

What this means is that our paper currency will quickly become as desirable as Marks in Weimar Germany. And if you think that’s an exaggeration, you might want to check out the amount of money printed by the US government in the last couple of years… that grey spikey thing on the right? Yeah, that’s hard cash printed out… remember those pallets of $100 bills which were carried on C-130 planes to Iran? Yeah.


And forgive me for quoting myself, but I still stand by me earlier predictions:

“When that happens- and it will- the price of imported goods will go through the roof almost overnight, as every country will attempt to get rid of their dollars while they still can, and use some other currency for international trade.

The dollar will be dumped as the worlds’ reserve currency, in a cascade as other countries holding dollars run for the exits. When this happens, the price of products that are imported will go up by 4-5 times, almost overnight (my best guess). This is the logical result of the Cloward-Piven strategy writ large.

The price of oil- when no longer priced in dollars- will have ripple effects that will cause suffering on a scale never before seen in America. Consider the trucking industry, in a very real way, feeds the country. The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the furniture in your house… even the building materials for the house itself, were all delivered by truck. As the price of fuel skyrockets, trucking companies will attempt to pass on the costs to their customers (stores like Wal-Mart, for example), who will in turn pass it on to the consumer. Will the consumers pay so much more?

Consider that while those desperate people who live on the dole might still get their checks (or “deposits” on their EBT cards), it will no longer be able to buy anything, because the prices of everything have gone up 500% overnight. What will happen in the inner cities, when people realize they can’t put food on the table, much less put gas in their cars? Gerald Celente summarized it best: “when people lose everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” And they will.”

Notice, I said above, that the non-productive welfare citizens might get their payments, but there’s historical precedence which indicates this might not be the case. A very close friend told me about her experiences in Russia, during the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“One night, we went to bed, and everything was fine. You had, say, 2000 rubles in the bank- enough to buy a car. We woke up in the morning, all the banks were frozen, no transactions allowed. This stays for about two months, while they devalued the currency. When they finally opened and allowed us to get our money out, 2000 rubles was enough to buy a T-shirt.”

I believe that is EXACTLY what will happen to us. It’s not question of if, only when. And I don’t think it’s going to be long, at all… In the Soviet Union, they didn’t announce it (of course, the high-up politicians knew)’ it was a sneak attack. Even the crooks- who we now call “oligarchs”- didn’t know.

In effect, the initial devaluation made the cost for everything go up by 100x. Try to imagine buying a loaf of bread for $500; how long before you run out of money to feed your family?

Later, the government switched to a new ruble to replace the old one, again devalued. Every family was allowed to convert, say, $10,000 worth of currency. Any excess of the limit they set, which couldn’t be converted, automatically became worthless after a certain date. I remember seeing photos of pallets of cash dumped in the woods, rubles that couldn’t be converted… My Russian friend predicts that the USA will do the same here, to prevent the trillions of cash dollars used to bribe people all over the world from returning to the USA and exacerbating the hyperinflationary collapse we’re already in.

It’s also important to keep in mind, there are laws now on the books where the banks can- and will- confiscate your money, during a financial crisis, to keep themselves afloat. Legally, when you put your money into a checking or savings account, it’s not your money anymore; you’re an “unsecured creditor.” And if they want to, they’ll take your money, and the FDIC will not cover the loss, because your money wasn’t stolen, as it wasn’t your money anyway. See how that works?

And do you see why Biden signed an executive order to facilitate digital currencies? If your money is digital, it can be confiscated or they can at least stop you from transacting any more (cryptos).

It’s actually quite simple; anything you don’t have in your physical possession, you don’t own. If it isn’t physical cash in your hand (or under your mattress, or whatever) you don’t own it, and it can be stolen from you in the blink of an eye (think of everyone who donated to the Canadian truckers).

How to maintain your wealth, or whatever purchasing power you have saved up? Buy gold or silver, as much as you can, as FAST as you can. If that’s not available to you, store up extra food for trade/barter, later, as everyone needs to eat. Buy chickens, build a coop out of an old shed or any scrap building materials you can get your hands on (but make sure you can protect them from thieves of the four (or two)-legged variety. Buy a few 100# bags of chicken feed from your local farm supply or co-op. Eggs will be worth a LOT. Anything physical is better than the paper notes which will soon be worth nothing.


Due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict which NATO incited (and exacerbates to this day), Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT financial transaction system by all of America’s poodle countries. As a result, there will be no potash shipped out to most of the world- a necessary ingredient for high crop yields around the world. Food shortages, famines and starving to death are now a foregone conclusion, as the prices of food go up beyond what literally hundreds of millions will be able to pay.

Russia has been stockpiling food, and last week Putin announced to his people on Russian TV that the country had five years of food stockpiled, so they need nothing from the USA- or frankly, anyone else. China has stockpiled 18 months of wheat to feed their people, but their agents are busily moving around America buying any stored wheat they can get their hands on- by the trainload, at whatever price they have to pay- and sending it on cargo ships back to China.

The results here will be food prices going steadily up in the USA for the foreseeable future. I’m seeing 15-20% increases in the grocery stores, on a month-to-month basis, right now, and those increases will get much steeper. With no potash and already exorbitant prices for natural gas- both absolutely required to produce fertilizer for high crop yields- we’re going into a period of not just “food shortages,” like Brandon said, we’re going to be facing our own version of the Holodomor famine of 1933. Think of this starving woman with her son…

[Linked Image]

Or this family starving in their own yard:

[Linked Image]

Food prices will eventually go exponential, and finally won’t be available at any price, since fuel won’t be available for trucks, there simply won’t be any food available and even if there was, nobody wants to make a delivery to a place where there as likely to get shot as paid with the worthless money. The blue cities- hives of humanity more parasitical than productive- will face escalations of violence, famine, starvation and eventually cannibalism, as a result.

Keep in mind, this is going global. The only countries that’ll make it through reasonably “ok” will be Russia and- maybe- China. But I’m not holding my breath about the latter. The 2nd and 3rd-world countries will be the leading edge of the misery, as their populations live closest to poverty, and any significant price swings of food automatically mean they starve to death. But it will still hit here, HARD, and if you aren’t ready, there’s a good chance you’ll be relying on Brandon to save you… and then you’ll become a statistic.

My advice is to get as much food as you can get your hands on immediately. Understand, it really doesn’t matter how much food you have in your pantry, it ain’t enough. Make sure to get things that you and your kin will really eat, not stuff that will technically keep you alive, but your kids will refuse to consume because it doesn’t taste perfect. If you can get a YEAR of food stored away, you’ll be ahead of 95% of the crowd, who doesn’t have more than a weeks’ worth of food in their whole house. If you’re on city water, find a way to store it (plenty of videos on this sort of thing out there). If you have an electric well, find a way to power it if the utilities go off, or get a hand-pump if possible.


After the food completely runs out, the city parasites will start foraging out into the countryside, basically as far as the remaining gas in their cars will carry them. And with deteriorating mental capacity brought about by hunger, they’ll have lost their inhibitions about killing you for a can of Dinty Moore beef stew.

Police will too busy with attempting to “maintain order” of millions of hungry people, to worry about minor annoyances like rapists and murderers; they’ll roam freely among the weak and the desperate, predators amongst prey.

Which leads into our next subject…


If you have no weapons at this point, it’s almost too late for you. Find weapons in common calibers. This means .38 Special for revolver, 9mm for semi-auto pistol, 5.56mm AR-15 rifle, .30-30 lever gun or a .30-06 bolt gun if you can find it. Stick with common calibers, get as much ammunition as you can. Even a good hunting rifle is better than nothing. Be familiar with it, know how to use it, understand gun safety protocols so you don’t accidentally shoot a loved one.

Another aspect that people don’t think about, is edged weapons. Amazon has some amazing deals on Wakizashi-type swords (like miniature samurai swords) made of 9260 spring steel, which can be wielded one-handed by an adult or two-handed by kids, if needed. They can be made razor sharp, don’t require ammo, and are quiet. Finally, they don’t require background checks. Check out K-bar knives, as well. A good knife is useful not only as a weapon, but a tool. Get one, get used to carrying it all the time.


I’ll keep this short and sweet: The old cliché remains true; no man is an island. You’re NOT going to stand watch over your home 24×7 forever, you’ll need help and a community to work with, for mutual defense. The Civil Defense Manual by Jack Lawson will help you get started on this aspect, and you need to move with a purpose, right now. (And no, I don’t make any money mentioning the manual.) Move quickly, because if you don’t, there’s a very real possibility that you won’t survive this.


An old Japanese proverb applies: “preparation does not guarantee success, but the lack of preparation guarantees failure.”

I will tell you straight up, the global famine is coming, there’s no way to stop it. It WILL happen, I am 100% certain of this. Do you remember when COVID hit, everyone finally realized they needed to hit the local CostCo or Walmart or whatever, and stock up on food and toilet paper? People punching each other out for a bottle of hand-sanitizer or a 4-roll package of butt-wipe? Or even better, the buyer behavior of people trying to get ‘deals’ on Black Friday, right after Thanksgiving? Riots, shootings, the whole shebang of crazy behavior…? Multiply that by 100, for everyone wanting to get FOOD. I figure the crowds will start to figure it out by mid-May… earlier if we’re unlucky, later if we are lucky… but the mob-mentality of people trying to buy food before the shit hits the fan, will cause the shit to hit the fan… Food riots, all of it.

I also will state with absolute certainty, that the dollar collapse in imminent. It may be within days, weeks or within a few months. I seriously doubt we’ll make it to the November elections before it really kicks off. IF the dollar collapse happens more or less at the same time people are scrambling to stock up on food, it will get to a level of ugliness that people haven’t seen since at least WW2. And not just Americans, but everyone in the Western world- having lived a life of relative prosperity- are in for a brutal awakening to reality.

Do whatever you can to prepare, while you still have time. Food, water, storing your purchasing power, and weapons to defend your loved ones. Remember, your mental fortitude will be the biggest determinant on whether you make it or not. MENTALLY prepare yourself.

Godspeed to us all.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177920
04/06/2022 04:48 PM
04/06/2022 04:48 PM
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Biden needs to be impeached. Homos need to be bashed back into the closet. Faggots should not be allowed to compete in sports with real women, The influence of globalism and the globalists must be stopped. The US does not need the rest of the planet. We need to be self sufficient. The US is coming under the severe judgement of God.

King James Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14--If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177921
04/06/2022 05:08 PM
04/06/2022 05:08 PM
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The US is coming under the severe judgement of God.

The entire world is about to be judged; but first we must be moved out of the way so they can implement their "great reset" beast system.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177926
04/07/2022 12:39 AM
04/07/2022 12:39 AM
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Patriots will dig in and will not be moved out of the way. Patriots will adapt, improvise, and overcome. Hard times will get rid of a lot of the damn liberals.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177978
04/16/2022 02:42 AM
04/16/2022 02:42 AM
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Ducttape Offline
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Very well written there CSC !

Without FOOD and clean water there is NO Patriot that will last more then three or four days in the trenches or even on a remote mountaintop who will be able to resist with much or any chutzpah .

I am a disabled gimp now , HOWEVER , I can still produce FOOD .

I just picked up six new (2-yr old) Pilgrim ganders (female Pilgrim geese) to add to my flock , and hopefully more next week if things work out right.

I can't go out on patrols anymore or even carry carry my old ALICE pack due to lower back nerve damage and a few broken vertebrae , but I can still raise chickens , ducks and geese , and train donkeys (we have four).
We used to raise meat goats and sheep for sale for meat and supported ourselves on them. Well we just got rid of the last of them but how many people do you all know that could care for such animals for meat and milk to supply a group with just a little help ?

We save and lay in a years worth of hay at a time and buy our feed in bulk , much as we do with our food storage. As many of you should have been doing all this time also.

I'm going to share a little something with you all. I had THREE heart attacks in one day a little over two years ago when the China Flue broke out and I was the Chairman of the Board of our rural Fire District , that is what finally sloooowed my ass down , and I had to start looking at things in a different light.
I caught some hell from a buddy of mine that was all "Mr. HIGH-SPEED-LOW DRAG" , who was about fifteen years my junior, who had served with Blackwater in Iraq and was also a Firefighter . That is until this year when he called me for help, he was having a heart attack.

I drove him to the hospital and he needed to be airlifted to Colorado Springs for major surgery .

Now he is where I was , having to downsize and reevaluate just what it is he can do now while still being a Patriot and prepare for the storm we are now in.

GONE , is many of his plans , GONE is what he thought that he would be able to do , GONE , is the badass attitude that he thought would carry him through the coming fight.

Now he , along with me , and a few others , are changing up what we can and will be doing now and in the coming future.

If I could offer some advice it would be to not look down at those around you who cannot do what they once could as lesser then you , these are most likely the very people who still posses skills and knowledge that could very well save you and yours , with a little help that is .

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177979
04/16/2022 11:27 AM
04/16/2022 11:27 AM
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What you are talking about is the “importance of community”. All members have some skill, knowledge or abilities that they can contribute to the whole community. Growing up in a small farming community it used to be this way. Now that there are fewer farmers it is getting less so.

Our VFD (volunteer fire department) used to have an old “Deuce & half” army surplus water truck. They kept it WELL past it’s usable life because with its 6x6 chassis it could get where other trucks couldn’t. Great for dealing with wildfires. The younger men that served on the crew always wanted to get rid of it because it was too slow. It had a Governor on the carb limiting it to 45mph at best. The insurance would not allow them to modify engines. My dad had been a truck driver in Nebraska National Guard 1960-64 and knew a few army trucks on how to get around this. He gathered up the old WW2 vets that had similar knowledge and put on a little clinic to train the young bucks. It worked. The kids realized that this truck (if used properly) was amazing. They would then fight over who GOT to drive it! After that any new recruit had to go through my dad’s clinic before they could touch “his truck”.

The old timers were valued. They couldn’t drag a hose or climb the ladders… but they possessed knowledge from their experience that the young men didn’t. Without this knowledge they could not do their job to its fullest. Each contributed what they had towards the common goal.

(When the old truck finally wore out, they replaced it with another army surplus truck. Much newer and now 5 tons so it could carry more water. They still call on older vets with first hand experience with the truck to help train the young men on “army tricks”)

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177981
04/16/2022 12:24 PM
04/16/2022 12:24 PM
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At least I'm not the only one here who is past his prime!

You do what you can do. If all you and do is grow asparagus, grow as much of it as you can, and work trades with other gardeners. Learn what wild foods are in your area, and spice up your stews and salads a little. It may seems like these little things are more trouble than their worth, but stick with it. Once they become habit, they'll simply become part of your daily routine. The hardest part of surviving hard times is getting into the mindset to survive hard times. Start on it now, and you'll be ahead of the game when the hard times really hit.

Onward and upward,

Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177986
04/17/2022 04:46 PM
04/17/2022 04:46 PM
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Rome didn't fall in a day and neither will America. We've been in the early stages of collapse for decades. The past three years the collapse has reached critical mass. A blind man can see that the S has already hit the fan. The people who think an election is going to fix this are delusional.

At this point people better do everything possible to become self sufficient because famine is coming. Grow a garden, preserve food, build a water catchment system etc. Stack supplies to the rafters before the supply chain breaks completely down. There isn't much time left.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177987
04/18/2022 02:31 AM
04/18/2022 02:31 AM
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Just since I made my last post I have been asked for help from three different neighbors .

One was from a disabled Vet (Navy) who we traded a new flock of chickens for three of our young goats last year and now need advice on their forth coming baby goats.
Number two needed some duck and goose eggs for baking traditional Polish breads and pastries for Easter so we worked out a swap , with more trades in the future.
Number three (a nurse who is a new Prepper ) stopped by today to ask about how we built our small metal quonset huts that we use for our duck and goose coops , then told me that she was getting some chickens , milk goats and two mini donkeys after seeing what we have done and needed A LOT of advice.

WE, can play a very important part within our AO and in the coming hard times ahead if we are willing to work with others in different rolls from what we once had in mind for ourselves .

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #177988
04/18/2022 09:37 AM
04/18/2022 09:37 AM
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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: The Collapse of America [Re: ConSigCor] #178056
04/30/2022 10:52 PM
04/30/2022 10:52 PM
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Posts: 303
South-central Colorado
Ducttape Offline
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Ducttape  Offline
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Joined: Dec 2009
Posts: 303
South-central Colorado
Scored six Pilgrim Dames (females) , and two Pilgrim Ganders from totally different locations. That bring us up to 7-female and 3-male Pilgrims .

"Pilgrim geese are now rare, but their status has moved from “Critically Endangered” to “Threatened” according to The Livestock Conservancy – formerly known as the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC)."

It is my goal to help perpetuate this breed in our area and to educate others in keeping this breed going, hence why I added them to our little ranch.

Now I also have African Geese , Pekin Ducks along with a large flock of mixed chickens and roosters , however Water Fowl tend to be very resistant to Bird Flue , hence why I hedged my bets as so.

One is none , two is one and three is two ... or so the saying goes .

Just some ...."food for thought"

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.

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