Welcome to A Well Regulated Militia...the premier source of information on the web for all American's who have an interest in firearms, the unorganized militia, or both. This site is owned and operated by Freedom-Loving Americans who have provided this space for others of like mind to be a place to gather together and share our collective knowledge, learn more about our Liberties and Heritage, enjoy the company of fellow American Patriots, pass on our skills and experiences, create new friends, and get reacquainted with old ones. One of our goals is to provide a place for American Patriots to communicate with one another to create a more cohesive network of Liberty minded people who have a vested interest in ensuring the continuance of our Constitutional Republic.
AWRM is a responsible community devoted to the revitalization of the militia of the several states and the restoration of our Republic. AWRM is also devoted to providing a voice and a learning source for the modern citizen soldier. Our topics center on quality educational and theoretical issues on the subjects of the constitution, militia organization and training and various legal and political aspects of the militia movement.
The patriot / Militia movement must do a better job of managing public opinion and we (as individual posters) must be responsible for the content of the posts we make. AWRM therefore strives to maintain the best possible image of the militiaman. Any post that is determined to contain content that is unbecoming of a militia man will be deleted.
What we stand for:
Our goal is to see the government restored to its original constitutional form.
AWRM stands in firm support of the constitutionally limited federal Republic of sovereign States as envisioned by the founding fathers. We firmly support the unalienable Rights of We the People, including the Rights of Life, Liberty and Property and the Right to resist tyranny and the usurpation of constitutionally delegated powers as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. Further, since all men are created equal, we affirm equal opportunity for all and special privilege for none.
AWRM is not an Anti-Government site - The philosophy of AWRM is straightforward: strict constitutionalism, non interventionism in foreign affairs, laissez-faire capitalism, unalienable individual rights, States rights, limited government, and republicanism; in short, the principles upon which this nation was founded.
We DO NOT advocate the violent overthrow of the United States Government. (Although we believe there is cause, in theory, by virtue of the government's cumulative corruption over the last 160years, and sufficient historical and philosophical precedent, by virtue of the Declaration of Independence and the writings of the Founding Fathers, to justify it.) We do advocate resisting government tyranny at all levels. We DO NOT advocate the initiation of force in doing so. We do advocate appropriate force-in-kind in self defense. Our goal is to see the federal government muzzled, shackled and cast back into its constitutional prison. We do advocate active resistance against any loss of sovereignty to the United Nations or any foreign, regional or global government.
We oppose: statism, liberalism, tribalism, collectivism, internationalism, democracy (mob rule by the majority over the minority), Corruption in government, Socialism, Fascism, Communism, altruism, pull politics, and the New World Order; in short, the philosophies of all tyrannies.
We oppose the federalization and militarization our local police.
We oppose open borders.
We oppose the forces of federal and international tyranny threatening our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property.
We oppose Globalization:
The United Nations, WEF, and their underlying philosophy of one-world government and socialist economics is an abominable evil. There is no compelling national interest underlying the foreign policy of the federal government. The conditions of treaties made with foreign governments force changes in our laws and override the Constitution. Foreign aid is nothing less than forced redistribution of this nation's wealth to impoverished socialist gangs and Third World savages. The belief of the internationalists is that we owe something to the rest of the world; We deny this.
We pledge our lives, honor, and fortunes to ensure that our Republic lives on forever. If you do not concur with this statement, you will have a rough going of it on the forums.