Originally Posted by Texas Resistance
We need 10,000 more like Rittenhouse to put a stop to the democrat sanctioned rioting, burning down of businesses, blinding with lasers, and throwing of explosives at police. The sorry damn Democrats allowed all these felony crimes to continue hoping that Trump would not be elected. It did not work so they rigged the election and a fake president is destroying our country to hand it over to the Chi-Coms.

It is way past time to take America back from the leftists before it is too late.

Former Navy Seal Matt Bracken told us how to stop the Deomcrat's insurgent communist agitators.

From: https://www.americanpartisan.org/20...-americas-cities-may-explode-in-violence

You’re absolutely right. That’s also an excellent, informative article you’ve provided. It’s lengthy, but includes valuable information and is well worth the read for any serious militiaman.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might