Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
07/17/2020 12:57 PM
07/17/2020 12:57 PM
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Are federal officers kidnapping protesters off the streets? I don't know what's going on here but, whatever it is, it should stop. A lot of the protesters are jerks, but that doesn't mean we should be. ... From Oregon Public Radio: Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July 14. Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation of why they are being arrested, and driving off. From a Washington Post report: Pettibone said he still does not know who arrested him or whether what happened to him legally qualifies as an arrest. The federal officers who snatched him off the street as he was walking home from a peaceful protest did not tell him why he had been detained or provide him any record of an arrest, he told The Post. As far as he knows, he has not been charged with any crimes. Videos from the streets of Portland are hardly comforting. Lots going on in this story, but let me point out just one: If agents are seizing people, throwing them in vans, driving them around, bringing them to the courthouse, putting them in cells, & trying to interrogate them, over hours, that's an arrest that requires probable cause. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/17/2020 08:47 PM
07/17/2020 08:47 PM
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Report I saw was that they are cutting off the head of the the leadership.
In another case a white blm leader was arrested for several counts of child sexual abuse.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/18/2020 01:56 PM
07/18/2020 01:56 PM
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Here is the lawsuit seeking a temporary restraining order against federal officers, to prevent them from arresting or using physical force against any journalist or "legal observer." it's 25 pages long, but the table of contents helps to separate what's important. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/19/2020 10:08 PM
07/19/2020 10:08 PM
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There's a lot of video to go through for matching facial recognition, and when they get a positive hit they round em up. Also there's a Cesna flying over Portland loaded with IMSI Catchers, Cell Site Simulators, Cell Phone Interrupters, Stingray Devices. From that, they can ID people who are at the attempts to arson the federal courthouse.
I don't like this rioting, looting, burning, and I don't like all this NWO surveillance police state shit either. These people are so dumb they are out their filming themselves commit crimes and destruction, so, let them burn or rot for all I care. If Portland PD and Oregon State Police are not going to put a stop to it then I guess the feds have to. Rounding people up should only be if they got proof admissible in court tho. The Stingray shit would never be admitted as evidence. Once they got a hit from that, they will engage in parallel construction instead. Not a big fan of that either. We can't win this argument because if we say government should not have these powers they will say we are being anti-police like BLM and are trying to "take away the tools our law enforcement officers need to do their jobs". Either way you slice it, it's still a shit sandwich.
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/19/2020 10:59 PM
07/19/2020 10:59 PM
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The ironic thing about this is, a couple few years ago when some Bundy Ranch veterans occupied a wildlife refuge in Oregon - but did no damage to it - these liberal twits were applauding the feds. Suddenly, the feds are their enemies. Go figure.
If I were trump, I'd pull the feds out of there and tell the local police and government, "It's all yours." The result from that would be some of the best campaign ads money can buy, and it would all be free. True, it would be a little hard on the good people in those cities, but that's what they get for electing those twits in the first place.
Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 12:40 AM
07/20/2020 12:40 AM
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Clyde Lewis lives in Portland and has reported extensively on the riots. It's definitely a 'shit sandwich' as Keldor said. There is widespread destruction and the locals are being terrorized by the mob. Trump should give the local politicians a choice...either take control of the situation or all federal funding is frozen. No aid or assistance whatsoever. Plus send the feds in to protect any federal property in the city.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 01:16 AM
07/20/2020 01:16 AM
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This gut has a point. These commies who hate Libertarians, now expect us Libertarians to come to their aid. Yep. They'll beat someone half to death for wearing a MAGA hat, but they expect us to protect their rights.  Nonsense. We're anti-state. We oppose the use of federal cops, dressed like military, to snatch people off the streets with a warrant or probable cause. That doesn't mean we like those damn commies. In a lot of ways, they're both the same. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 09:02 AM
07/20/2020 09:02 AM
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Portland Protesters Break Into Police Association HQ Building, Set It on Fire Washington city engulfed in over 50 days of far-left rioting and chaos while Democrat leadership does nothing
By Sputnik Sunday, July 19, 2020
Portland, a stronghold for anarchist groups and left-wing activists has been subject to protests and riots since the 25 May death of African American man George Floyd while in police custody, with businesses suffering millions of dollars in losses from destroyed property and shoppers who stayed away, according to media reports.
Portland protesters broke into the building of the local Police Association headquarters, setting it on fire late Saturday night, according to police.
PPA on fire. Riot declared. Sirens coming from the west. Crowd moving East. Hearing some kind of shots.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 19, 2020
The fire was put out a short time later, according to a police statement on Twitter.
Officers were able to put out the fire inside the PPA office and have restored order in the neighborhood there.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) July 19, 2020
Police have declared the gathering a riot and begun working to clear the downtown area.
After trying to burn down the PPA building, they’re throwing weapons back at police. #PortlandRiots #PortlandUnderSiege #AntifaTerrorist #BlackLivesMatter
— Justin Roberts (@Crawnchee) July 19, 2020
Law enforcement got serious about ending the ANTIFA riot shortly after the Portland Police Association building was burned.
— Richard (@Wildman_AZ) July 19, 2020
Portland has been dealing with ongoing anti-police brutality and anti-racism protests and riots since the 25 May death of African American George Floyd while in the custody of white police officers in Minneapolis.
On Friday, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called on US President Donald Trump to remove federal troops deployed to the city by the White House to quell ongoing protests, as the agents have reportedly used heavy-handed tactics against protesters, reporters, and legal observers, with some refusing to identify themselves and wearing no identification.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 02:33 PM
07/20/2020 02:33 PM
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Navy veteran pepper sprayed, hit with batons. I think I would call him a badass. Christopher David is not a man of steel.
But he has earned that and other nicknames — some call him "Captain Portland" or "Supersoldier" — after David stood as solidly as a rock while federal officers pepper sprayed him twice and struck him at least five times with a baton during a rally outside the Hatfield Courthouse on Saturday, July 18.
Of the attack, captured on video by the Portland Tribune, David says he "just took it."
"I knew I was never going to react. I was never going to fight back," he said. "I'm a little too old to be beaten by a bunch of young guys."
David, 53, of Portland, is hardly an anti-establishment type. He says he attended the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, after high school, later serving with the Navy Seabees while becoming a commissioned officer and aeronautical engineer.
The unmatched series of protests here have waxed and waned for more than 50 nights, but Saturday's rally was David's first, his attendance spurred by reports of unmarked vans snatching protesters off the streets without due process.
He arrived around 8 p.m. and was just planning on leaving when federal officers burst out of the bricked-up front of the courthouse around 10:45 p.m.
David said he slowly approached the officers, hoping to engage them in dialogue.
"I felt these gentlemen were violating their oath of office, and I wanted to talk to them," he explained.
Things didn't go according to plan.
As some federal officers rushed to push down makeshift barricades propped against the outer doors of the courthouse, one officer pushed David back. He stood stock still as several more officers swarmed forward, striking him with a baton and pepper spraying him. David says he lost his vision momentarily, due to the spray and clouds of tear gas engulfing the park.
He sat down on a park bench, before being pulled back from the flashpoint by a street medic, going by the name Tav, who treated David and ensured that he was taken by an ambulance to the hospital.
David says he has two fractures in his hand and, while it's currently in a splint, he is expecting to need surgery later this week.
After a flurry of attention, David is hoping life will return to normal soon. While he never did speak with the camouflaged feds, he said he hopes they hear his message:
"That oath of office is essentially swearing loyalty to the Constitution of the United States, and what they're doing is not constitutional anymore." Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 04:48 PM
07/20/2020 04:48 PM
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I call him a dumb ass. Because he sided with enemy communist agitators, he just stood there taking the beating when he should have circled, and because he tried to talk to his enemy when they were in battle mode. He is lucky they didn't beat him in the head and kill him.
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 06:40 PM
07/20/2020 06:40 PM
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I hope Trump sends enforcers to all cities that have enemy communist terrorists trying to burn down the cities and have all the Antifa/BLM traitors locked up in Gitmo and water boarded like Hajias until they snitch on George Soros and the Chi-Coms who are financing them. Matt Bracken has an even better solution to stop the rioting communists agitators. Excerpt from:"By the time the two SAV pickup trucks arrive at their firing positions on different streets and oriented ninety degrees to one another, the flash mob riot is in full swing. A hundred or more of the rampaging youths are posturing and throwing debris into traffic in order to intimidate some cars into stopping. The riflemen in the backs of the pickups are waiting for this moment and know what to expect, trusting their spotters and drivers to give them a good firing lane. The spotters in each truck issue a code word on their radios when they are in final position. The tailgates are swung down, and the leader among the riflemen initiates the firing. All-around security is provided by the driver and spotter.
Lying prone and using their bipods for support, the shooters have five to ten degrees of pan or traverse across the entire intersection. Individual rioters are clearly visible in the shooters’ magnified optical scopes. Each of the four snipers has a plan to shoot from the outside of the mob toward the middle, driving participants into a panicked mass. The left-side shooters start on the left side and work to the middle, engaging targets with rapid fire, about one aimed shot per two seconds. Since the two trucks are set at ninety degrees to one another, very complete coverage will be obtained, even among and between the stopped vehicles.
The result is a turkey shoot. One magazine of thirty aimed shots per rifle is expended in under a minute, a coded cease-fire is called on the walkie-talkies, and the trucks drive away at the speed limit. The canvas covering the truck beds contains the shooters’ spent brass. If the trucks are attacked from medium or close range, the canvas can be thrown back and the two snipers with their semi-automatic rifles or carbines will add their firepower to that of the driver and spotter.
Back at the intersection, complete panic breaks out among the rioters as a great number of bullets have landed in human flesh. Over a score have been killed outright, and many more scream in pain for medical attention they will not receive in time. The sniper ambush stops the flash mob cold in its tracks as the uninjured flee in terror, leaving their erstwhile comrades back on the ground bleeding. The commuters trapped in their vehicles may have an opportunity to escape.
This type of sniper ambush and a hundred variations on the theme will finally accomplish what the police could not: put an end to mobs of violent rioters making the cities through-streets and highways impassible killing zones. Would-be rioters will soon understand it to be suicidal to cluster in easily visible groups and engage in mob violence, as the immediate response could come at any time in the form of aimed fire from hundreds of yards away. Even one rifleman with a scoped semi-auto can break up a medium-sized riot.
Many citizens will take to carrying rifles and carbines in their vehicles, along with their pistols, so that if their cars are trapped in an ambush they will have a chance to fight their way out. If their vehicle is stopped outside the immediate area of the flash mob, they will be able to direct accurate fire at the rioters from a few hundred yards away. Inside the fatal hundred-yard radius, unlucky suburbanite drivers and passengers pulled from their cars will still be brutally violated, but the occurrences of large mob-driven street ambushes will be much less frequent once long-range retaliation becomes a frequent expectation"...///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// By Bracken orienting the two sniper teams ninety degrees to one another the terrorists are caught in a 90 degree cross fire. They get hit either way they move. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. As Tire Iron wrote:"Here is the reason why we want 90 degrees. A human can track two targets without serious psychological fear if the angle is less than 30 degrees. It is easy to see each target – and the other target still remains very close to our “focus cone”. The enemy can focus on each element without moving the head. The bigger the angle gets – the more stress and anxiety it puts on the enemy. Once the angle gets to 45 degrees – the stress than seriously mounts in the enemy. Now the enemy must move his heads to get a good focus on each element. When the angle approaches 90 degrees – the stress is near maximum. Now the enemy MUST move his head – and the other maneuvering element is in the enemy’s blind spot. Now of course 180 degrees would be even better – but then Attacking elements would be in a “Blue on Blue” situation (they would end up shooting in each other’s direction). So 90 degrees is the largest we can get the angle and still ensure we aren’t shooting in the same direction as other team mates.
I have run this drill many, many times, and when debriefing the “defender” – they always say phrases like “when the angle reached 90 degrees – I felt naked – totally exposed.” “I couldn’t keep on eye on each element.” “It was scary.” “I was hating life.” “I knew that any second I was going to shot in the back.” Mind you – the “bullets” were paintballs, but the emotion is still there. With live rounds the emotion will be exponentially greater.
THAT is what we want the enemy to feel. It will seriously rattle and break all but the most battle hardened troops"...
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/20/2020 11:05 PM
07/20/2020 11:05 PM
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If you don't want to receive incoming stay the F out of the hotzone. Trump has been far more lieniant than I would be.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 12:32 AM
07/21/2020 12:32 AM
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These so called protests are a scam to keep Trump from winning the election as is the Covid-19 lock down. When it involves rioting, arson and looting it is not a protest anymore. It is warfare. Enemy Communists Combatants destroying our cities and trying to destroy the United States should tried, convicted, and hanged for treason or worse. I still think Matt Bracken has the ideal solution to catch them in surprise 90 degree designated marksman cross fires. There wouldn't be any more looting and burning down buildings after that. They need to video all the rioters with drones so the can later ID and arrest the ones who get away. They need to bring out the Crowd Dispersal Cannon -Active Denial System: Microwave Weapons 'Heat ray' Crowd Dispersal Cannon -Active Denial System: Microwave Weapon
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 12:57 AM
07/21/2020 12:57 AM
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We need to treat George Soros and ALL of his minions as ENEMIES OF THE STATE and a TERRORIST organization and treat them as such !
Anything short is just playing Tiddlywinks in the dark bitching about playing Tiddlywinks in the dark ......
My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything. A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 01:07 AM
07/21/2020 01:07 AM
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That's a blast from the past. Is Tire Iron around anymore?
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887
I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 01:14 AM
07/21/2020 01:14 AM
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Trump Suggests Nationwide Rollout Of Federal Response To Antifa Violence Coming Comes as mass arrests of Antifa takes place in Portland
By Jamie White | INFOWARS.COM Monday, July 20, 2020
President Trump hinted Monday that he may authorize federal officials to carry out mass arrests of Antifa terrorists in blue cities across America.
During a White House briefing, Trump said he’ll likely expand the federal response to Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence from Portland to many other cities plagued with left-wing violence like New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, and others.
“We’re not going to let this happen in our country. We’re going to have more federal law enforcement, that I can tell you,” Trump told reporters.
“In Portland, they did a fantastic job, they’ve been there three days, and they really have done a fantastic job in a short period of time, no problem. They grab ’em, lot of people in jail, their leaders. These are anarchists. These are not protesters…these are people that hate our country.”
Trump on sending federal troops to cities:
“Well it depends on what your definition of ‘troops’ is. We’re sending law enforcement.”
REPORTER: So what are you planning on doing?
TRUMP: Well I’m going to do something…we’re going to have more federal law enforcement.
— JM Rieger (@RiegerReport) July 20, 2020
Trump noted that all the chaos and mayhem is originating in Democrat-run cities, where Antifa and BLM have free reign to loot and riot.
“Look at what’s going on. All run by very liberal Democrats, all run, really, by the radical left,” Trump said. “We can’t let this happen to the cities. New York was up 348%, the crime wave. So the governor has to do something about it. And if the governor is not going to do something about it, we’ll do something about it.”
“Because we’re not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these – Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats,” Trump added. “The governors, the mayors, the senators out there are afraid of these people, may be they are physically afraid of these people.”
Acting Department of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli added that the Trump administration is prepared to deploy more federal officials in other riot-stricken cities regardless of whether governors approve.
“If we get the same kind of intelligence in other places about threats to other federal facilities or officers, we would respond the same way,” he said.
Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of the DHS, says federal officials had “intelligence about planned attacks on federal facilities” in Portland, Oregon. “If we get the same kind of intelligence in other places… we would respond the same way.”
— New Day (@NewDay) July 20, 2020
Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf pushed back against Democrat leaders claiming the federal government was using “gestapo” tactics to arrest Antifa leadership and quell the weeks-long violence in Portland, Oregon.
“The local leaders there in Portland have fostered this environment that allows these individuals to again attack the courthouse and do these very violent acts, destructive acts night after night after night,” Wolf told Fox News on Monday. “The facts don’t lie and the facts are that these violent anarchists and extremists were violent well before DHS surged federal assets into Portland.”
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 01:21 AM
07/21/2020 01:21 AM
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That's a blast from the past. Is Tire Iron around anymore? He's Ty R Iron on Facebook now. He doesn't come around here much anymore. A few years ago, also in Oregon, another bunch of people occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. We weren't saying so many nice things about the feds back then. We can't have it both ways. What the feds did was wrong then, and what they're doing is wrong now. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 01:39 AM
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There's a big difference between Malhaur and what's happening now.
We are at war with fascists, and communists who have been looting and burning for months. They have the full backing of the rich elite, the media and the democrat party. Their publically stated goal is the destruction of the United States.
Fuck them and their "peaceful" protests. Time to pick a side and clean house once and for all.
Or, sit on the sidelines, do nothing and give your country away to those who want to erase and destroy it.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/21/2020 12:42 PM
07/21/2020 12:42 PM
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They've never had a problem using the "goons" against us. Kate Brown had no problem using them against the ranchers or murdering Lavoy Finicum. Nor did they have a problem using them to murder the Branch Davidians or the Weavers.
Last night antifa attempted to breach the door of a federal building and tried to set it on fire. They were repelled by the agents protecting the building.
Local businesses and property owners have already suffered millions of dollars in damages thanks to antifa. Time to take out the trash.
Paper: Feds Deploying 150 Agents to Chicago to Fight Crime Wave DHS intervening as US cities explode in violence
By Sputnik Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Department of Homeland Security will deploy about 150 agents to Chicago, Illinois, to help local law enforcement quell the increased violence in the city, the local Chicago Tribune newspaper reported on Monday citing sources familiar with the matter.
The city was informed of the plan but was not given any details as to what the agents will be doing specifically.
The plan is reportedly an expansion of Operation Legend, announced by the Justice Department in early July to assist local enforcement officials in fighting the surge in violence, starting with Kansas City.
Chicago has recently seen a spike in deadly crimes. Over the weekend, at least 63 people were injured in shootings throughout the city, 12 of them died.
Earlier on Monday, President Donald Trump said he is seeking to send more federal agents to other major US cities experiencing an uptick in violence, such as New York City. Last week, federal agents were deployed to Portland to help quell the unrest there.
The mayors of Seattle, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City and Portland have protested the move in a letter to US Attorney General William Barr and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, saying that the unilateral deployment of these forces in US cities is “unprecedented” and “violates fundamental constitutional protections and tenets of federalism.”
On 8 July, Barr announced the launch of Operation Legend, named after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro from Kansas City who was killed while he slept early in the morning.
“President Trump has made clear: the federal government stands ready and willing to assist any of our state and local law enforcement partners across the nation responding to violent crime.
Operation Legend will combine federal and local resources to combat the disturbing uptick in violence by surging federal agents and other federal assets into cities like Kansas City, a city currently experiencing its worst homicide rate in its history”, Barr said in a statement.
Kansas City has had 100 homicides so far this year, which is a 40 percent increase compared to the same period last year, the release said.
Last edited by ConSigCor; 07/21/2020 01:10 PM.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
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07/22/2020 11:07 PM
07/22/2020 11:07 PM
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Antifa Likely Permanently Blinded Federal Officers With Lasers, Officials Say But don't worry, the media says these left-wing 'protests' are 'mostly peaceful'
By Jamie White | INFOWARS.COM Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Several federal officers deployed to Portland’s courthouse this week may not be able to see again after being assaulted with lasers by Antifa and BLM rioters, according to officials.
Federal Protective Service (FPS) Deputy Director of Operations Richard Cline said at a press conference on Tuesday that over 1,000 rioters surrounded and tried to storm and set fire to the Hatfield Federal Courthouse on Monday night.
“Several hard objects, including canned food and glass bottles were thrown at our officers who were out to move them,” Cline told reporters. “Protesters advanced towards and engaged the officers, again, throwing water bottles and other hard objects, fireworks, and using lasers.”
Cline went on to detail how the rioters used green lasers against the federal agents, some of whom may have been permanently blinded.
“When officers responded to put out these fires, glass bottles were thrown and lasers – which can cause permanent blindness – were shined in their eyes,” Cline said. “We have three officers who currently have eye injuries and they may not recover sight in those eyes from those laser attacks.”
“We have purchased ‘anti-laser glasses’, if you will, these are the glasses that the officers are wearing now to prevent those eye injuries.”
The mainstream media has gone to great lengths to characterize the violent behavior of the rioters as “mostly peaceful protesters.”
But that hasn’t stopped President Trump from launching a new program Wednesday called “Operation Legend,” where federal action against the left-wing violence will be expanded from Portland to other cities with massive unrest like Chicago and Albequerque.
“The effort to shut down police in their own communities has led to a shocking explosion of shootings, killing, violence, murders,” Trump said. “This rampage of violence shocks the conscience of our nation and we will not stand by and watch it happen.”
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/22/2020 11:25 PM
07/22/2020 11:25 PM
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Being blind is worse than being dead. You cannot count on anti-laser glasses working. They only work on a specific frequency of laser light. Any protester with a laser should be shot on sight. The city, county, and state police need to do their job to stop the rioters or turn in their badges.
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/24/2020 03:24 PM
07/24/2020 03:24 PM
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Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Federal Agents in Portland ACLU claims agents 'relentlessly attacking observers, journalists'
By Voice of America Friday, July 24, 2020
A judge has issued a restraining order against federal agents deployed in Portland, Oregon, who U.S. President Donald Trump said he sent to protect federal property against anti-police and anti-racism protesters.
Responding to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, U.S. District Judge Michael Simon blocked agents from dispersing, arresting, threatening to arrest, or using force against legal observers and journalists.
“This order is a victory for the rule of law,” the interim director of the ACLU’s Oregon office, Jann Carson, said. “Federal agents from Trump’s departments of Homeland Security and Justice are terrorizing the community, threatening lives, and relentlessly attacking journalists and legal observers documenting protests. These are the actions of a tyrant, and they have no place anywhere in America.”
There has been no reaction so far from Trump the administration.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was tear-gassed early Thursday morning when federal agents tried to break up a protest the U.S. federal courthouse in Portland.
Wheeler coughed and was dazed, telling others he had never been tear-gassed before, but was otherwise unhurt.
Some demonstrators who did not want the mayor there, yelled at him, chanting “Shame on you,” believing he could be doing a better job to protect the city from federal forces.
But Wheeler has said he wants the agents to leave, calling their presence an abuse of federal authority and an incitement for violence.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced Thursday an investigation into the use of force by federal agents in Portland and Washington, where tear gas was used to clear an area across from the White House last month before Trump crossed the street to stand in front of a church.
Also on Thursday, Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari announced an investigation into allegations of improper behavior by DHS law enforcement in Portland last week.
Demonstrators have marched in Portland every day for nearly two months responding to the May 25 death of George Floyd, a Black man, while in custody of white police in Minneapolis. Although the protests have been mostly peaceful, there have been instances of violence, arson and vandalism.
Federal law enforcement agents are being dispatched as part of Operation Legend to Chicago after a surge in gang violence that has left about 100 dead in the last several weeks. Agents are also being sent to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Kansas City, Missouri.
The mayors of these three cities and 12 others have sent a letter to federal authorities calling for the immediate withdrawal of their forces and to “agree to no further unilateral deployments in U.S. cities.”
David Chipman, a senior policy adviser at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, told VOA that when he was an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, “I was proud to work with local leaders when they needed help righting wrongs.”
Chipman said Trump’s recent actions in Portland and his statements about problems in other cities “make clear he thinks federal law enforcement are his personal chess pieces for partisan power grabs.”
Federal Forces ‘On Standby’ to Enter Seattle Tatical unit ready to aid local police as city spirals out of control
By RT Friday, July 24, 2020
A tactical unit of federal agents has been placed on standby in Seattle to aid police should protests there spiral into unrest or rioting, the New York Times reported, a move that comes amid heated objections from local officials.
A Special Response Team operating under the authority of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) was reportedly dispatched to Seattle on Thursday, as a ‘precautionary’ measure.
“The CBP team will be on standby in the area, should they be required,” the Federal Protective Service said in a statement about the operation. An agency spokesman who declined to be named, told the NYT that the border agents were sent to back up other law enforcement in protecting federal buildings, but would only be called into the streets if protests escalate to unrest.
The decision mirrors similar efforts in Portland, where federal agents have squared off with protesters in recent days, amid weeks of heated demonstrations there that have frequently seen violent clashes between activists and law enforcement.
Earlier on Thursday, Washington Governor Jay Inslee insisted no federal agents would be used in the city, stressing that he did not want to see a repeat of Portland – where reports of ‘unmarked officers snatching protesters off the street’ have evoked sharp public outcry and clashes with the feds.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has voiced similar opposition to the use of federal law enforcers, however it isn’t clear if they will be able to prevent the deployment, as Oregon officials have taken up similar objections to no avail.
The federal units are part of a Department of Homeland Security task force created by US President Donald Trump in June. In an executive order, Trump mandated the protection of federal property and monuments – which have become frequent targets for anti-racism and police brutality protesters across the US – seeing officers from a slew of federal agencies deployed in various cities to back up local police departments.
Though most of those operations have been short-lived – some lasting only through the July 4 weekend, for example – Portland has seen a much longer deployment, as agents remain there to defend a government property besieged by protesters, including a federal courthouse.
Seattle has seen a wave of demonstrations since the death of George Floyd in a botched arrest attempt in late May, with protesters taking over the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood for several weeks earlier this summer after police abandoned the area.
While city officials initially put up little resistance to the occupied zone – known as CHOP for short – the ‘cop-free’ encampment was dismantled after some five separate shooting incidents and several deaths.
NOW: Antifa Militants and Black Lives Matter rioters are breaking into Amazon Go Downtown Seattle. This protest has turned into a riot. #SeattleProtest #AntifaDomesticTerrorists #seattleriots #BlackLivesMatter
— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) July 19, 2020
#HappeningNow – SDOT workers place cement barricades (Ecology Blocks) outside of the Seattle Police West Precinct in downtown Seattle.
— Omari Salisbury (@Omarisal) July 23, 2020
The protests have not abated, however, as activists continue to take to the streets and escalate the demonstrations, some seen smashing up storefronts and a police station within the last week.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/24/2020 04:24 PM
07/24/2020 04:24 PM
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I don't know how this is going to end but, if I were a betting man, I'd bet it's not going to end well for anyone.
If I were Grand Poobah, I'd pull the goons out, along with all the federal employees in those cities, and tell the mayors, "It's all yours." Yeah, it would be hard on all the residents and businesses in those cities. But really, they're the ones who voted in all those mayors and city council critters. They're just reaping what they've sown. If they want to change things, it's up to them to do it, not the rest of us.
Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/24/2020 04:43 PM
07/24/2020 04:43 PM
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The sorry damn mayors and city officials are supporting communist terriorsts and should be arrested for treason.
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/24/2020 10:22 PM
07/24/2020 10:22 PM
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Don't you understand what they are asking for is the destruction of America by rioting, arson, and looting. When the mayors and city officials commit the crime of treason by supporting communist terrorists they need to be arrested then the voters can elect some new ones. Damn the socialist/communists trying to destroy the United States.
www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/25/2020 02:11 AM
07/25/2020 02:11 AM
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Yes, I understand that. I also understand that the fed goons in Portland will end up doing more harm than good.
A long time ago, there was a war in a certain southeastern Asia country. The good guys killed a bunch of bad guys by dropping napalm on them.
Unfortunately, the bad guys weren't the only ones killed by napalm, and every photo of napalm being used became a recruiting poster for the bad guys. The result? The good guys lost the war. I don't want the same thing to happen again.
Fortunately, there is a way to cure a communist besides killing him. Just make him live under communism for a little while. It works.
Onward and upward, airforce I agree, let's drop them from the back of a c-17 so they start their experience from the top.
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887
I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Something Disturbing Is Happening in Portland
[Re: airforce]
07/25/2020 01:32 PM
07/25/2020 01:32 PM
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![[Linked Image]]( I have a theory about all those Portland protesters. About 10% of them really do believe in what they're saying. The other 90% really have nothing else to do and, what the heck, maybe they'll get laid. Onward and upward, airforce