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Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172743
04/01/2020 04:57 PM
04/01/2020 04:57 PM
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I was just in Walmart this morning, and saw three or four shoppers wearing face masks. I picked up my prescriptions, and asked the pharmacist where people were getting them.."I don't know," he said. "They're all supposed to be going to medical and emergency personnel."

"Well then, how are they getting them?" I asked.

"I think people are selling them out the back door," he said.

Sounds about right to me. And since I saw at least three different kinds of masks, I suspect more than one person is selling them.

Meanwhile, more companies are trying to make and sell them - but it takes the CDC and the FDA an average of 95 days to approve a new manufacturer, before they can sell any. mad

Yes, it's madness.

Onward and upward,

Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172747
04/01/2020 06:20 PM
04/01/2020 06:20 PM
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I don't have any n95 masks so I'll just wear my bio-warfare gas mask in wally world. It is re-usable until the filter plugs up or the rubber cracks. It will also protect my eyes and I know it will be more effective.

Corona virus is a bio-warfare weapon the Chi-Coms have used against us and the US might nuke the Chi-Coms any day now. Prepare while you still can.

If doctors say one of your people needs help breathing so they need to be put a respirator be sure their affairs are in order first. A respirator is a last resort. They will be drugged into unconsciousness and drugged into paralysis and there is a 50 percent chance they will never wake up and die on the respirator.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172767
04/04/2020 02:37 AM
04/04/2020 02:37 AM
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Corona virus is a bio-warfare weapon the Chi-Coms have used against us and the US might nuke the Chi-Coms any day now. Prepare while you still can.

I completely agree w/ TR on this. No moral or sane person should ever want war, especially w/ China. However I agree that this was a biological attack, an act of war. I'm not promoting that we go to war w/ China, but I think it is time Congress had that discussion. The problem is the Dem led House would vote to side with China in a formal Declaration of War against Trump! LOL!

This was no accident.
It did not come from a fish market.
China has been harvesting viruses from bats for years.
There was a Bio-Safety Level 4 lab right by this fish market.
China was studying coronavirus at that lab.
China's reported figures of infected and dead are false.
There were so many dead they brought in shipping containers converted into incinerators to cremate the remains, resulting in a huge orange glow of heat over Wuhan province when viewed by Infrared satellite cameras.

And to reiterate what someone else here posted a week ago or so....
Economy was strong.
Trump was acquitted -
Impeachment failed.
Trump was likely to win reelection due to strong economy.
Then this shit happens, and I am supposed to believe it is coincidence? No way man. This is no time for normalcy bias. Dems are too pro-China. This was an act of war, a biological attack. All these people in leftist mainstream media touting China's response to this crisis as some model that needs to be followed are crazy or traitors or both.

I can't prove it, but I believe this was a bioweapons attack by globalists and China.
It doesn't matter what I or any of us believe tho. It only matters what we can "prove".
Imagine a strongly worded list of grievances modeled after those in the Declaration of Independence.
Imagine that each grievance listed had a [#] at the end, like a bibliography with well sourced hyperlinks to the evidence.
Imagine that the whole world read it, and that it resolved nations to end the communist Chinese government.

But what would the repercussions be? Nuclear war like TR said, and China is ahead of us in hypersonic missiles which we can't shoot down. I have probably stated this before in other posts. In the mid 2000's I read Chinese white papers written by PLA generals that were translated to English regarding their attack plans for retaking Taiwan. They would begin with limited targeted tactical nuclear strikes on all West Coast bases, Hawaii, Diego Garcia, Okinawa, Guam, and all carriers in the Pacific, prior to launching an amphibious and air assault to invade Taiwan. The goal being to cripple our ability to resupply and send reinforcements to Taiwan within the first 30 days. If they hold it for 30 days, we will never dislodge them from it, and would be forced to accept that they now own it permanently.

I merely mention this as it is instructive in their thinking and planning. Today China has a real blue water navy as well. If they take out our carriers, which nowadays are more vulnerable to newer missiles, then they can go toe to toe with us. Furthermore they vastly outproduce us in ship building. In a semi-conventional naval war with a limited tactical nuclear exchange, they win by playing the long game in a war of attrition. This increases the likelihood that we just say "fuck it" and do not retaliate proportionally with a limited tactical nuclear exchange, but instead just go full tard strategic on their asses. Nuclear winter. Game over. Both lose.

That's my analysis, but I'm just a regular dude. I think these links from Southfront are more instructive.
YouTube version of above:
China's Maritime Strategic Realignment

/pray "Honestly, um, there are things more important than your life, and freedom is one of them."
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172769
04/04/2020 06:35 PM
04/04/2020 06:35 PM
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Urgent notes – China poised to attack America during peak financial / social chaos, prepare for global warfare and economic decimation

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172772
04/05/2020 09:48 AM
04/05/2020 09:48 AM
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Posted by Matt Bracken | Apr 4, 2020

By accident or on purpose, Pandemic World War One has already begun, even if we don’t fully realize it yet. A few examples to make the point: the American super-carrier Roosevelt is in Guam, with over 100 of its crew infected after a scheduled port visit in Vietnam, and half of its 5,000 member crew under quarantine. Parris Island, the USMC’s east coast boot camp, has many troops infected, with no new recruits inbound, and graduating Marines quarantined on base indefinitely. Our thousand-bed USNS hospital ships Mercy and Comfort are deployed to Los Angeles and New York. U.S. military medical personnel are being sent to American Coronavirus hot spots to augment their civilian medical staffs.

If Pandemic World War One was launched intentionally, then naval vessels and isolated ChiCom special forces bases will become significant force multipliers, because they can be kept scrupulously free of Coronavirus, held back for later use when Western military forces are infected, depleted, and not battle ready. Even if the Covid-19 pandemic was not released on purpose, getting a head start on quarantining key military assets for later use becomes a critical factor, and such total isolation is far more easily achieved within China’s totalitarian dictatorship.

But intentionally begun or not, now that PWW1 is underway, Communist China plans to win it. By March of 2020 they had totally sealed their borders to inward travel without strictly scrutinized visas with a high rejection rate, followed by a very harsh 2+ week quarantine under CCP control at the traveler’s expense. Now China has little to worry about from a new phase of the pandemic that they could launch against the West.

In this emerging global environment, an even deadlier Covid-20 would become a nearly ideal weapon of mass destruction, because unlike nuclear-tipped ICBMs, its Chinese origins would be deniable and unprovable. The Chinese Communist Party would claim that Covid-20 was a natural mutation that sprang up in the West. They would be able sit back and watch while America and Europe were destroyed as economic and military powers, and Africa and many other Third World cities and nations were laid prostate and thus open for rapid Chinese colonization.

For example: Guayaquil, Ecuador is one of a handful of major seaports on the west coast of South America, and it has the best location and by far the largest natural harbor. Guayaquil touts itself as the main port city and gateway to the Pacific Rim, including China. Now Coronavirus is breaking out in Guayaquil at about the same pace it did in Milan a month ago, but Ecuador does not have a slim fraction of Italy’s medical capacity to deal with it. In a month, Guayaquil might be a medical catastrophe, and America will be in no position to send help.

If Pandemic World War One goes in China’s favor, their plans will include sending “rescue and relief” ships to Ecuador which would become the basis and beachhead of Chinese control and colonization. A similar pattern would emerge across Africa, where Chinese infrastructure projects are already omnipresent. In the thrall of an accelerated pandemic, America and Europe would be too weak to oppose these Chinese “rescue missions.” The president of the Philippines has already announced he is eager to be “rescued” by China. And it’s worth mentioning that Chinese firms already control the container ports on both ends of the Panama Canal, as well as a gigantic new container port in Freeport, in the Bahamas. In fact, such Communist Chinese beachheads already exist around the world.

Now factor into the equation that China has thirty million more men than women as a result of their former one-child policy. During times of economic hardship this surplus of unmarried adult men will present a grave danger to the CCP. The obvious solution is to send as many of them as possible abroad on foreign “rescue missions” or other military adventures that will quickly become invasion and colonization efforts. Their sheer numbers are impressive. If China sent just ten of its excess thirty million men abroad on colonization missions, they could attack 200 targets around the world with 50,000 troops each.

Roll-on/roll-off ships loaded with armored personnel carriers would provide them with all of the offensive punch required to assure victory in most cases. Advanced vehicle-borne and shoulder-launched anti-armor and anti-aircraft missiles would easily defend these invasion forces against almost any plausible Third World counterattacks. Very few nations have any meaningful way to defend against such a simple “locust swarm” invasion strategy. For example, New Zealand has completely scrapped its last remaining jet fighters as too expensive and unneeded.

Switzerland, America and New Zealand – the Kiwi is Low-Hanging Fruit by Matt Bracken, March 15, 2015

Logistically supporting and sustaining these invasion forces from mainland China would not be critical to their success, because these men would have been intentionally sent on one-way colonization missions. The commanders of these troops would be told to find wives, land and treasure in their target countries. No matter if a particular force succeeded at invasion and colonization, or if they were defeated and destroyed, they would never again present a problem for the CCP to deal with back in China. They would be leaving China with no return ticket. Even if their troop ships were sunk at sea, their permanent disappearance from China would be counted as a net gain to the Chinese Communist Party’s survival.

But China is only strong today because the West allowed it grow economically many fold over the past forty years, due to our short-sighted stupidity and our lust for ever-cheaper consumer goods, and even for cheaper medical supplies. In the new environment of a global pandemic originating from China, that paradigm is over. Now China has no choice except to make both regional and global military advances while it is able. If it does not, it will soon be in a strategic position similar to Japan in 1941 after harsh Western economic embargoes were imposed, particularly those which cut off Japanese access to American petroleum and iron.

The CCP has 1.4 billion Chinese mouths to feed, and they can’t begin feed them from within their own boundaries. China today is a hot-house flower farm after the greenhouse glass has been smashed and hail is coming down instead of sunshine. When the rest of the world radically reduces their imports, China will soon be unable to feed itself. I believe that the CCP leadership realizes that they stand today poised on the creaking hinge of history, and that they must make bold strategic moves while they still hold temporary advantages which they may lose in the coming years.

If the CCP waits for America to recover economically and militarily, they will lose the Pandemic World War. As its export clients look elsewhere, China will rapidly shrink in power. In contrast, America is inherently a great continental power that can feed itself and provide its own energy. America can manufacture anything it needs, including advanced military technology. At least when seen from the Chinese perspective, America stands to make a rapid economic recovery once the pandemic has run its course.

I believe that Pandemic World War One will transition into a war of economic embargo against China. Understanding this, the CCP has no alternative other than to make bold strategic moves while they are able. A Western boycott against China will result in their economic collapse, famine, massive nationwide riots, and ultimately a grass-roots revolution against the discredited Chinese Communist Party.

But until then, China will be a cornered dragon: wounded, trapped, desperate, and capable of almost unimaginably evil acts, including the release of new and even deadlier viruses into the West, in order to win Pandemic World War One.

See also: Will China Win the Pandemic World War? by Matt Bracken, February 26, 2020

China is Preparing to Start a War with America, by William Gensert for American Thinker, April 2, 2020

April 5 Update: Chinese relief aid cargo plane arrives in Manila.

“First we infect you, then we come to your rescue.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172775
04/05/2020 02:44 PM
04/05/2020 02:44 PM
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Yes, the Chi-Coms have screwed themselves with their corona virus bio-weapon. All countries should have a total trade embargo with the Chi-Com Faggots who murdered their girl babies and now have thirty million more men than women. All nations should have zero trade with the Chi-Coms and all Chi-Coms should be deported and never allowed back in the US again so they cannot infect the world again with a bio-weapon. Anyone who goes to China should never be allowed back into the US again.

All traitors in the US who helped the Chi-Coms obtain their bio-weapon should be tried then publicly executed to set an example. It should be televised and promoted like the Nuremberg trials.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172784
04/06/2020 12:11 PM
04/06/2020 12:11 PM
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80% of the coronavirus rapid test kits from China are faulty. This throws a little more cold water on the claim that China has the virus under control.

Some 80% of coronavirus rapid tests China donated to the Czech Republic as part of the communist country’s global goodwill effort are faulty, according to news reports.

A medical official from the Moravian-Silesian region that borders Slovakia and Poland said the test “error rate was quite high.”

According to the Czech radio site iROZHLAS, regional hygienist Pavla Svrcinova said that the tests give false positive and false negative results. She suggested that the tests only be used on people who are ending their virus-related seclusion and who have never been tested.


The error rate in the 150,000 test kits that the #CzechRepublic bought from #China is 80%.

The Czechs went back to the older tests, which they are doing at a rate of 900 tests per day

Typical #Chinese quality.

Thanks, but no thanks China.#CCPVirus
— Indo-Pacific News (@IndoPac_Info) March 24, 2020

A government official, however, dismissed the concerns and said the “wrong methodology” was being used for the tests. “I don't think it's a scandalous revelation that it's not working,” he said.

Another outlet, the Taiwan News, reported that China had “give the impression that the communist regime was donating 150,000 portable, rapid COVID-19 test kits” when in fact they charged some $500,000.

China has been under fire worldwide for hiding and then lying about the coronavirus that started in Wuhan.

They have tried to answer the attacks with donations, offers of help to impacted countries, and a false claim that the United States planted the virus.

Onward and upward,

Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172785
04/06/2020 02:55 PM
04/06/2020 02:55 PM
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Hell yes, the damn Chi-Coms do not have and do not want the virus under control. The Czechs are stupid to trust the damn Chi-Coms. Let's stay focused on militia combat readiness on this forum.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck. To hell with the sorry damn tests. You don't need a damn test and it may be too late if you have to wait for the test results. The whole Chi-Com Corona Virus testing method and principle is flawed. It has many false negatives and false positives.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the NWO want us all sickened and begging for a vaccine that won't work because the virus mutates but the vaccine will weaken you, shorten your life span, and make you unfit to fight in the coming war with the Chi-Coms.

As soon as you have shortness of breath nip it in the bud. Go to a doctor that has some balls and insist on prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin following the doctor's protocol below and pray to God you can get some zinc supplement.

If you wait until you are so sick you need hospitalization and live you likely will have a damaged heart with reduced cardiac out put, damaged lungs with a 50% or more reduction in lung capacity (you won't be able to hike with a battle load), damaged kidneys with reduced kidney function, and damaged testicles with reduced testosterone and sterility.

The Chi-Coms would love to turn us in to girly men, defeat us, and screw our good looking women instead of their ugly gook women. For many years now the Chi-Coms militants have been showing their men (who aren't faggots already) that complain about the lack of women Playboy and Penthouse magazines saying lets get ready to fight the Americans and we will get you some good looking women.

..."My out-patient treatment regimen is as follows:
1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days
The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (sites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.
Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen.
Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea..."

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172801
04/08/2020 05:39 PM
04/08/2020 05:39 PM
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Charlotte Figi, who helped educate America on the benefits of medical marijuana in fighting chronic seizures, has died of coronavirus complications at the age of 13. frown

A young girl whose lifelong battle with seizures helped changed many minds about the value of medical marijuana died Tuesday from the coronavirus at the age of 13.

News of Charlotte Figi's death was posted on her mother Paige's Facebook page by a family friend. In late March, five members of the Figi family, including Charlotte, got sick and were self-quarantining in Colorado. The Colorado Sun reports that the family had not been able to get tested to determine whether they had been infected with COVID-19. But an organization that Paige belonged to confirmed today that Charlotte's death was due to the coronavirus:

This is Nichole writing to update you for Paige, Greg and Matt. Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever. Thank you so much for all of your love. Please respect their privacy at this time.

Posted by Paige Figi on Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Read the whole thing at the link.

Onward and upward,

Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172817
04/10/2020 04:42 PM
04/10/2020 04:42 PM
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Bureaucrat: Stay Home and Starve

Kurt Nimmo
April 8th, 2020
Kurt Nimmo Blog

How many Americans will be frightened by the necessity to buy food and feed their families?

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House “coronavirus response coordinator,” said on Saturday all plebs must stay out of grocery stores. She didn’t offer an alternative. Instead, she repeated the hand washing and 6-foot “social distancing” mantra.

“This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe and that means everybody doing the 6-feet distancing, washing their hands,” said the life-long bureaucrat.

I am reminded of President George H.W. Bush confronting a grocery store scanner on display at the National Grocers Association convention in D.C. in 1992. Bush probably hadn’t seen the inside a grocery store in decades and this new technology struck him as remarkable. He was bedazzled by that red scanner light, part of a mundane reality for millions of Americans.

I seriously doubt Ms. Birx does her own shopping. As a top-level flunky of the state and its preferred transnational corporate crony clients, Brix likely dispatches servants to do the shopping and cooking. She has more important tasks at hand, such as frightening the public into subservience with scary worst-case speculation minus hard data, pushing house arrest, and repeating ad nauseam the hand-wash-social-distance mantra.

Lineup outside Walmart when I had to grab groceries a little bit ago, still can’t believe this is the world we’re living in right now 😦 #COVID19

— Chelsey⚡️ (@chelseyynicol) April 5, 2020

Like Bush, this woman is seriously out of touch. How many Americans will now be frightened out of their wits by the necessity to buy food and feed their families? Does she believe all Americans have the ability and money to employ others (maybe adorned in hazmat suits) to buy food and deliver it—that is if the delivery services have not gone on strike for fear of the virus, an unknown quantity we are told blows in the wind, lays in wait on all surfaces and effuses invisibly from toilet bowls.

Birx’s insane suggestion—with the full weight of the state behind it—is naturally ignored by millions of Americans that have no choice but to queue up inside grocery stores and pharmacies, daring a virus they are propagandized into believing is everywhere, lethal as the Black Death.

The Centers for Disease Control, where Ms. Birx formerly worked, has told the nation all Americans must wear face masks, never mind you would be hard-pressed to actually find a medical mask (and if you did, be scorned for denying an N95 mask to “frontline” doctors and nurses). Instead, the CDC wants you to DIY masks out of cloth, or buy one online.

My doctor mom & sis share how to make DIY #facemasks. While NOT a medical mask, it's intended as a precautionary tool for the public when going out for essential tasks or isolating from others. Continue to stay in & social distance as your primary methods of containment. #covid19

— Janet Li 😷 #masks4all (@janetnotjackson) March 23, 2020

According to Dr. Dena Grayson—praised by the globalist Aspen Institute for her work with big pharma—the DIY homemade mask craze may help spread the virus.

⚠️Please use CAUTION with DIY #masks. Simple cloth is NOT very effective. And people not used to wearing a #mask risk touching their face MORE, increasing the risk of being infected.😷#coronavirus #COVID19

— Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) April 4, 2020

Like her counterpart Birx, Ms. Grayson—who is married to former Florida Democrat “representative” Alan Grayson—does not offer an alternative. Maybe she is simply too busy playing politics like everyone else in the swamp (she is, after all, a failed Democrat candidate).

Wow. What a difference between the #fact-based press conferences by @NYGovCuomo versus the propaganda-laden circus shows by @realDonaldTrump.#coronavirus #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic

— Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) April 5, 2020

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172818
04/10/2020 05:02 PM
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Trump: America Will Reopen “Sooner Than You Think”

Mac Slavo
April 8th, 2020

President Donald Trump is going back and forth, unable to decide if we should be “allowed” to work and return to our lives or not. Over the weekend, he said that it’s time for America to reopen once again and that it would be “sooner than you think.”

Politicians have made the solution to the coronavirus pandemic far worse by destroying people’s lives in order to slow the spread of what will be a seasonal sickness we will all get at some point. “We have to get back to work. We have to open our country again,” the president said repeatedly and emphatically at a coronavirus press conference at the White House.

But how soon could that be? People are already saying the government’s $1200 stimulus checks won’t be enough to save them from financial destruction.

My sense is that the president is about to lose his patience with all of his medical experts, who want to keep America under lock and key until the very last individual virus has been cornered in some out of the way place and put out of our misery. But he knows America can’t wait that long if there is going to be a country and an economy left to save. Trump understands this stay-at-home policy his health experts are foisting on him is doing more harm to America than the virus ever could. The cure is rapidly becoming worse than the disease. –Brian Fischer, One News Now

Things have spiraled out of control to the point that the Chinese are likely laughing at our willingness to accept tyranny and the complete decimation of the economy. The mainstream media continues to panic people while Bill Gates demands you give up your livelihood and lose everything you’ve worked for during a sustained months-long draconian lockdown that physicians say is not working.

AAPS: State Lockdowns Aren’t Having an Impact in COVID-19 Deaths

We are not saving lives, we are trading off lives. Suicides have already skyrocketed and they will grow exponentially if people cannot begin to legally feed their families again. This has gotten out of hand and if we want to remain a first world country without the looting, rioting, and violence, we will all be back to work by Monday. If not, we’ll devolve into something that looks like Venezuela with a totalitarian police state barking orders we are all expected to obey while being banned from making money to pay for food or rent.

Police surrounded a church in Baltimore which was meeting with just 10 people in perfect conformity with the edict of the governor. There were more cops than parishioners at the church. Violations of so-called “voluntary” house arrests are now carrying penalties of up to five years in jail and a $5000 fine. I heard this morning of a woman in Mississippi who was pulled over by the state police and ordered to return home immediately. This is not shelter-in-place, this is incarceration-in-place. –Brian Fischer, One News Now

We could all get back to work, and very soon if people would just realize how bad things will get if we don’t. The aftermath of this pandemic solution will be far more deadly than the virus ever was and could create a Great Depression that would make the last one look like a cakewalk. And the virus didn’t cause that, the government’s overreaction would be the cause of an economic depression.

Dr. Ron Paul On Coronavirus Panic: The Real Danger “Is The Government’s Overreaction”

Let everyone who does not have coronavirus symptoms go back to work and school. There is no concrete, scientific evidence that asymptomatic people can infect others – all the “evidence” is circumstantial. Urge folks, of course, to be smart and sensible: wash their hands regularly and maintain social distancing if possible. (However, I do note that when the coronavirus task force gives briefings on the lethal dangers of the virus, they all cluster around whoever is at the microphone as if they’re afraid their faces won’t be on TV. Not much social distancing there.)

Second, urge people to self-quarantine the moment they begin to experience symptoms, by staying home from school and work. This is exactly the same advice we always give with regard to contagious diseases. Coronavirus carriers are the most contagious in the first five days. –Brian Fischer, One News Now

This should have been the logical solution from the get-go, but instead, people glued themselves to their TV, panicked while watching fear-based mainstream media as it shoved the official narrative down their throats. They willingly allowed the government to remove their livelihoods and destroy what took a lifetime to build. Not many so much as even questioned the statistics, or tyranny and few are speaking up.

According to Fischer’s article, Singapore, with a population of 5.6 million, has, as of this morning, a total of six deaths linked to coronavirus. Six. And Singapore is running pretty much wide-open. Schools, businesses, and restaurants are open. If Singapore can keep its country open, we can certainly reopen ours.

The way it is, it’ll be a rough year for lower-income workers and small businesses. But the longer we drag this out prohibiting people from working, the more likely it is we all be in a Great Depression together. And that will be far worse than this pandemic. One of the largest problems we have right now is that too many people believe they should get to live in a hermetically sealed world in which they are shielded from anything bad (feelings, viruses, mean words, etc.). Such a world does not exist and will never exist especially under the harshest of tyrannical dictatorships. Life itself is inherently risky, and we can’t insulate ourselves from all of its risks. In fact, life is so risky, that we all have a 1oo% chance of not making it out alive.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172819
04/10/2020 05:28 PM
04/10/2020 05:28 PM
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It's nice to see people finally offering free market solutions to this pandemic. I wish it had started way sooner, but I suppose you can't have everything. Until we get rid of the CDC and the FDA, anyway.

Onward and upward,

Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172820
04/10/2020 11:26 PM
04/10/2020 11:26 PM
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Hope everyone is doing well, crazy times right now

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Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172822
04/11/2020 02:03 AM
04/11/2020 02:03 AM
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As the chicoms say..."May you live in interesting times".

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172924
04/22/2020 01:51 PM
04/22/2020 01:51 PM
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That's good but what does this have to do with our topic in this thread "Coronavirus Pandemic?"

Alex Jones just now said on his radio show that for each uninsured admitted to the hospital patient diagnosed with corona virus the feds pay the hospital the hospital $40,000 and the Doctors in the hospitals are watching pron, partying, and having sex with the nurses in the empty hospital rooms.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172925
04/22/2020 03:20 PM
04/22/2020 03:20 PM
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You're right, I meant to put that in the topic about oil prices dropping.

Onward and upward,

Re: Coronavirus Pandemic [Re: ConSigCor] #172937
04/24/2020 09:13 AM
04/24/2020 09:13 AM
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The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This Coronavirus Pandemic

The bottom line is that this virus is not going to be stopped, and the economic collapse that has now begun is not going to be stopped either

By Michael Snyder | End of The American Dream Thursday, April 23, 2020

When it comes to COVID-19, most Americans seem to be gravitating toward one of two extremes.

Some are treating this pandemic like it is the end of the world, while many others are dismissing it as a “nothingburger”. But the truth is somewhere in between.

Nobody can deny that lots of people are getting sick and lots of people are dying. In fact, the U.S. death toll has doubled in a little over a week and it has now shot past the 47,000 mark.

And as this pandemic progresses, a lot more people are going to get sick and a lot more people are going to die, and this is going to be true whether the lockdowns continue or not.

The lockdowns were never going to stop COVID-19, and anyone that believed that was just being delusional.

Full interview with financial historian Jason Burack

The only time a lockdown should be instituted is if a pandemic has gotten so bad in an area that hospitals are being absolutely overwhelmed, because if people can’t get treatment that is a factor that could potentially increase the overall death toll substantially.

In most of the United States that is not happening right now, and so in most of the nation the lockdowns should be immediately ended.

But won’t a lot more people start getting sick if that happens?

Of course, and this is something that the “nothingburger” crowd doesn’t understand. Lifting the lockdowns is going to cause the virus to cycle through our population at a much faster rate, and the numbers will get pretty ugly. But as long as the medical system can handle it, lockdowns are not necessary.

What “the end of the world” crowd does not understand is that when you are dealing with a virus that spreads as easily as this one, it is inevitable that most of the population will eventually become infected. You can “flatten the curve” and delay the inevitable with lockdowns, but that also prolongs the pandemic. In the end, roughly the same number of people will get sick and roughly the same number of people will die no matter how the pandemic is “managed”.

This week, the “nothingburger” crowd has made a really big deal out of the fact that a study conducted in L.A. county discovered that about 4 percent of all residents had already developed COVID-19 antibodies, and they were trying to use that study to prove that this pandemic is not much of a threat at all.

Actually, it shows just the opposite.

This pandemic is not going to be over until herd immunity is achieved, and according to Johns Hopkins that does not happen until 70 to 90 percent of a population has developed immunity…

When most of a population is immune to an infectious disease, this provides indirect protection—or herd immunity (also called herd protection)—to those who are not immune to the disease.

For example, if 80% of a population is immune to a virus, four out of every five people who encounter someone with the disease won’t get sick (and won’t spread the disease any further). In this way, the spread of infectious diseases is kept under control. Depending how contagious an infection is, usually 70% to 90% of a population needs immunity to achieve herd immunity.

So let’s do some really quick math.

Let’s assume that the study conducted in L.A. County is representative of the nation as a whole and that approximately 4 percent of all Americans have now developed antibodies.

And let’s also assume that herd immunity for COVID-19 will be achieved when 80 percent of the total population has developed antibodies.

If 47,000 Americans have died at the current 4 percent level of exposure, that means that we could potentially be looking at an overall death toll of 940,000 once we hit an 80 percent exposure level.

Does anyone in the “nothingburger” crowd want to try to claim that 940,000 dead Americans is not a big deal?

I keep hearing people say that this virus “is just like the flu”, and that is absolutely absurd. As Mike Adams of Natural News has pointed out, COVID-19 has killed more Americans in the last 17 days than the flu did in the last year…

In the last 17 days, the Wuhan coronavirus has killed more Americans (35,087) than the regular flu kills in an entire year (34,157 for the last year). It obliterates any last shred of the argument — still heard across the independent media — that the coronavirus is “no worse than the flu.”

The coronavirus remains the No. 1 cause of death in America on a day-to-day basis, clocking in at 2,804 deaths just today. Total deaths in the USA will exceed 46,000 tomorrow, confirming our earlier projection that estimated 46,000 to 93,000 deaths from coronavirus in the USA by the end of July. It’s not even the end of April, and we’re already beyond 45,000. (At the time we made the projection, it was dismissed as “crazy” by the very same people who still claim the coronavirus is “no worse than the flu.” Those are the people who can’t do math.)

And actually the number of Americans dying from the coronavirus is being seriously undercounted.

In New York City, if someone dies at home they are typically not tested to see if they have the coronavirus. So even though the number of city residents dying at home is now nearly ten times higher than normal, the vast majority of those cases are never showing up in the official numbers.

But the “end of the world” crowd seems to think that if we just keep everyone at home long enough that we can significantly reduce the final death toll from this pandemic, and that just isn’t accurate either.

Right now, the virus continues to spread even though most of the U.S. has now been locked down for weeks. In fact, there were nearly 30,000 more confirmed cases during the 24 hour period that just ended. Whether it does it relatively quickly or relatively slowly, this virus will continue to rip through our population until we eventually get to the point of herd immunity.

“Experts” such as Bill Gates are suggesting that the lockdowns are “buying us time” until our scientists can develop a “vaccine”, but the truth is that is really not much more than a pipe dream.

As I pointed out yesterday, there has never been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus in all of human history, and now that scientists have discovered approximately 30 different strains of the virus that will just make the task of trying to develop a vaccine even more complicated.

Sadly, the reality of the matter is that this virus is going to be with us for a very long time to come. Eventually herd immunity will hopefully be achieved, but until then a lot of people are going to get sick and a lot of people are going to die.

And fear of this virus is going to be with us for a long time to come as well, and that is going to paralyze our economy whether there are lockdowns or not.

The bottom line is that this virus is not going to be stopped, and the economic collapse that has now begun is not going to be stopped either.

But this isn’t the end of the world, and most of us will get through this. Of course even bigger challenges lie beyond the end of this pandemic, but that is a topic for another article.

As of this moment, COVID-19 has killed more than 184,000 people around the globe, and by the end of this pandemic the overall death toll is likely to be much, much higher than that.

There is no way that you can possibly call that a “nothingburger”, and sticking your head in the sand is not going to help anything. But on the other hand, trying to lock down the entire planet is not going to solve this crisis either. It will simply delay the inevitable, because this virus is just going to continue to spread no matter what actions our politicians take.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
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