Wouldn't it Be Funny...
12/02/2018 03:52 PM
12/02/2018 03:52 PM
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...if the Revolution started in France? Rioters have stolen a police assault rifle, and are torching cars on the Champs-Elysee. And yes, it's over taxes. The centre of Paris was on lockdown tonight after masked protesters stole an assault rifle from police, clashed with riot squads and set fire to cars and Christmas trees on the Champs-Elysees in furious demonstrations against the French government.
Protesters said today's actions were 'the start of a revolution' that would eclipse the mass strikes and occupation of universities and factories in1968 when the country was on the cusp of civil war.
Fires and clouds of tear gas covered the French capital from early morning until late in the evening, in some of the worst violence ever seen in the French capital as more than 5,000 demonstrators brought chaos to Paris for the second week running.
As so-called Yellow Vest fuel price demonstrators marched along the opulent Avenue Foch near the Arc de Triomphe, home to embassies and luxury residences, they were joined by criminal groups included looters.
French President Emmanuel Macron has promised the protesters will be 'held responsible for their acts'.
Macron said today's demonstrations which have left dozens injured and hundreds arrested 'have nothing to do with the peaceful expression of a legitimate anger.' He said 'no cause justifies attacks on police or pillaging stores and burning buildings'.
Macron said he is holding an emergency government meeting Sunday on the protests. He spoke from the G20 summit being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
French police confirmed there had been at least 224 arrests today during the protests for a series of offences, ranging from violent disorder to theft. There were 110 serious injuries, including more than 20 police officers.... Photos and video at the link. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/03/2018 01:38 AM
12/03/2018 01:38 AM
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If the French overthrow their globalist government I wonder how long until the Brits see their Brexit for the farce it is and decide to follow suit with the French? Or will they play the part of the Scarlet Pimpernel and save the elites from Le Rasoir national.
Well, this is it.
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/03/2018 09:18 PM
12/03/2018 09:18 PM
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Paris Tax Revolts: The World Begins To Realize The Truth About Government
Mac Slavo December 3rd, 2018 SHTFplan.com
The world appears to be slowly awakening to the disaster that governments have caused and funded by theft over the course of human history. The French revolts, which began over an increase in the petrol tax, left 133 people injured and over 400 arrested after the people rose up finally realizing that all taxation is theft.
As governments across the globe increasingly enslave the tax cattle, more and more are waking up to the violence and horrific atrocities committed in the name of government with funds stolen from innocent people. Paris was only the latest example of people beginning to realize they are enslaved to the political elites and are finally demanding their freedom and refusing to be stolen from any longer.
French President Emmanuel Macron was chairing an urgent security meeting today following the violence by anti-government protesters in the streets of the French capital, according to a report by The Evening Standard. The protest against rising taxes and the high cost of living forced by government regulations turned into a riot in the French capital, as activists wearing yellow jackets torched cars, smashed windows, looted shops, and tagged the Arc de Triomphe with multi-colored graffiti. The violence is certainly unacceptable, however, people seem to be at the beginning stages of the realization that government is not a solution, and is actually a problem.
Macron has already vowed that those responsible for the violence will pay for their actions in the streets of Paris. A government spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, said that Saturday’s violence was due to people who hijacked the protest, people who came “to loot, break and hit police forces.” When he was asked why thousands of French police could not prevent the damage, especially to the nation’s Arc de Triomphe monument, Griveaux said: “Yesterday we made a choice … to protect people before material goods.”
But the protesters say they have had enough of their own stolen funds being used to further their enslavement by the government. “It’s difficult to reach the end of the month. People work and pay a lot of taxes and we are fed up,” said Rabah Mendez, a protester who came to march peacefully in Paris.
The media also needs to take a long hard look at just how they are portraying these “riots.” This is about people finally beginning to realize that they are enslaved by the government. It sure would be nice if the media stopped painting this revolt simply as a handful of people “upset at the cost of living.” Which is still, obviously, caused by government interference in the market. The oppressed and enslaved masses are getting upset at the political masters and it needs to be stated as such.
“We are here to protest against the government because of the rise in taxes [in general], not just petrol taxes, which is the straw that broke the camel’s back. We’ve had enough. We have low salaries and pay too much tax and the combination is creating more and more poverty.” said protestor Idir Ghanes, according to the Guardian. “On the other side, there are government ministers and the president with their fabulous salaries.” All those fabulous salaries are funded by stealing the money from those who actually work.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/03/2018 10:02 PM
12/03/2018 10:02 PM
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Video made by reporters embedded with the "rioters" in Paris. It's looking way more like a revolution than a demonstration. Nearly 14 minutes of interviews and violence. I wonder how much more tear gas the gendarmes have in stock. This is pretty intense. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/04/2018 12:50 PM
12/04/2018 12:50 PM
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France Suspends Climate Change Tax Macron blinks amid nationwide protests
By RT Tuesday, December 04, 2018
French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has announced a six-month suspension of the fuel tax hike which triggered massive unrest across the country, saying the measure is aimed at stopping the violence and restoring public order.
The French government will suspend the fuel tax rise for six months to calm down the Yellow Vest protests, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said in a televised speech on Tuesday. He stressed that no tax should endanger public unity and “the violence must stop.”
Philippe said the protests represented “the anger of the France that works hard and struggles to make ends meet.” Despite the concessions, he slammed rioters who assaulted police, saying they will be found and put on trial.
“This anger, you’d have to be deaf or blind not to see it or hear it,” Philippe said in an address. “The French who have donned yellow vests want taxes to drop, and work to pay. That’s also what we want,” the Prime Minister maintained.
The fuel taxes will not rise until they are debated by all stakeholders and the French people. He also promised to increase the minimum wage by 3 percent next year and direct the government to focus on improving living standards.
In a series of tweets published on Tuesday, Philippe assured the public that gas and electricity prices will not go up this winter. He also admitted that more transparency on taxes is needed. “Our taxes are the highest in Europe, our tax system is terribly complex,” he added.
Previously, Philippe’s office has said the prime minister would announce some “measures” favoring the protesters. Culture Minister Franck Riester told reporters Philippe may make “a strong conciliatory gesture in the coming days,” but did not provide any details.
Je veux ouvrir un large débat sur les impôts et les dépenses publiques. Il faut plus de transparence sur les impôts en France. Nos impôts sont les plus élevés d’Europe, notre système fiscal est terriblement complexe.
— Edouard Philippe (@EPhilippePM) December 4, 2018
Le Gouvernement n’accepte pas les violences qui ont eu lieu samedi dernier contre les forces de l’ordre, contre les monuments nationaux, les bâtiments publics et contre les commerces.
— Edouard Philippe (@EPhilippePM) December 4, 2018
Earlier on Monday, it emerged that protesters representing the movement have pulled out of the planned meeting with the Prime Minister. Two of the protest leaders, Jacline Mouraud and Benjamin Cauchy, told AFP they had received threats from hardline protesters who warned them against entering into dialogue with the government.
The “Yellow Vests” have been protesting about a controversial fuel tax since mid-November. Massive rallies hit Paris and France’s major cities, with protesters demanding to drop the tax rise.
President Emmanuel Macron repeatedly said he will not back down on taxes, but on Monday the government signaled that it is ready to make some concessions. Also that day, he held an urgent security meeting and canceled a planned visit to Serbia to tackle the crisis.
The protests quickly spread across France, sometimes snowballing into major clashes between police and rioters. In late November, the Yellow Vest rallies in Paris quickly descended into chaos turning city streets into a ‘warzone’. Numerous cars and trash bins were torched, and windows were smashed.
The French government mulled a state of emergency on the back of Paris riots, but Deputy Interior Minister Laurent Nunez said that was “not on the table for now.”
Experts suggested the protests are targeting government policies in general rather than fuel taxes as such. Jean Bricmont, a French writer and political commentator, told RT there is not much that French authorities could do to defuse tensions as Paris “has to obey the orders from the European Commission.”
Bricmont suggested that Macron “doesn’t realize the depth of the crisis” and has nothing to offer to resolve it. Two-thirds of the French support the upheaval, according to a new poll by OpinionWay. The survey asked over 1000 people and 66 percent answered that they stand for the protesters.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/05/2018 03:45 PM
12/05/2018 03:45 PM
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Funny how the French, who most accuse of being a bunch of pansies, have the guts to do what WE should have been doing long ago. Yet most of the Cuckservitives sit around with thumbs-firmly-up-butt's complaining about all those who "don't Pay Their Fair Share". Now they may not have the same .Gov as we (or do they), but at least they can say enough is enough. When the Republitard Speaker of the House call's the country a Democracy on air and no one blinks - I'd say it's over. ![[Linked Image]](https://farm6.static.flickr.com/5104/5625518007_6c9f47c98c_b.jpg)
"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." ~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/05/2018 05:29 PM
12/05/2018 05:29 PM
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The Reign of Terror was a horrible, ghastly thing. And maybe it's about time we had one here.  Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/05/2018 05:45 PM
12/05/2018 05:45 PM
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Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/06/2018 12:40 PM
12/06/2018 12:40 PM
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With the tear gas on the Champs-Elysee only now fading away, Occasional Cortex thinks the Green New Deal will win in 2020. Maybe she should ask Macron how well it worked for him. "This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil rights movement of our generation," declaimed Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) at a "Solving Our Climate Crisis" townhall this week. She was referring to the idea of a Green New Deal, which Mother Jones describes as "a complete realignment of the U.S. economy for a carbon-free future." Not wanting for ambition, Ocasio-Cortez added this goal: "We can use the transition to 100 percent renewable energy as the vehicle to establish economic, racial and social justice in America."
Ocasio-Cortez and her allies have yet to propose any Green New Deal bills. (The first step, she says, is to create a House Select Committee to devise the relevant legislation.) Until then, we'll have to rely on the leftist group Data for Progress' vision of what a Green New Deal would look like. By their lights, the feds should aim for 100 percent renewable electricity by 2035 by shuttering all natural gas and coal-fired generation plants. All fossil fuel emissions should be ended by 2050. All new passenger automobiles for sale in 2030 should be zero emissions vehicles; all rail, vehicles, and aviation should be totally fossil-fuel free by 2050. Other parts of the Green New Deal include reforesting 40 million acres of public and private land by 2035, greatly expanding mass transit systems, upgrading local water supply and management infrastructure, expanding federal regulation of the waters of the U.S., and requiring that all materials be recyclable by 2040.
The centerpiece of the New Green Deal would be the creation of 10 million new green jobs in its first ten years. "A Green New Deal requires a massive workforce for the construction, operations, and administration of projects, and a federal job guarantee program can ensure there are enough workers to meet that need," says the Data for Progress proposal. "A job guarantee is a legal right that obligates the federal government to provide a job for anyone who asks for one and to pay them a livable wage."
Pointing to problems that may need to be addressed is all well and good, but when it comes to how to pay for the proposed vast transformation of the U.S. economy, the Data for Progress folks basically punt. The most that the Data for Progress report does is hand-wave toward repealing the recent tax cuts and rolling back military spending. But guaranteeing 10 million green jobs alone would require roughly to $500 billion annually, assuming full-time employment at $15 per hour.
The Data for Progress proposal cites some polls that supposedly show that Americans back a Green New Deal, including 64 percent support for a renewable electricity mandate, 71 percent for EPA regulation of carbon dioxide emissions, 74 percent for vehicle fuel efficiency standards, and 55 percent for a green job guarantee. But would Americans really support higher fuel and electric bills along with higher taxes to support this ambitious program? An October 2017 poll from the University of Chicago strongly suggests not. While 61 percent of Americans in that survey think that climate change is a problem, the pollsters report, "questions on how much they would personally be willing to pay to confront climate change (in the form of a monthly fee on their electric bill) reveal great disparity. While half are unwilling to pay even one dollar (emphasis added), 18 percent are willing to pay at least $100 per month."
"The Green New Deal is one of the most interesting—and strategic—left-wing policy interventions from the Democratic Party in years," writes Robinson Meyer at The Atlantic. Meyer thinks that the green jobs guarantee will be so seductive a lure that voters will hardly notice that their taxes have increased along with the costs for heating and cooling their houses and fueling their cars. Perhaps, but given the French workers' fierce reaction to a relatively minor 12 cent per gallon increase in their gasoline taxes, this proposed "left-wing policy intervention" may be less "interesting" to U.S. voters than progressives like Ocasio-Cortez suppose. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/09/2018 07:44 PM
12/09/2018 07:44 PM
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This is a good idea. Blame it all on the Russians. Because it certainly can't be that European socialism is failing.  France opened a probe into possible Russian interference behind the country’s Yellow Vest protests, after reports that social-media accounts linked to Moscow have increasingly targeted the movement. According to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, about 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views have begun focusing on France, boosting their use of the hashtag #giletsjaunes, the French name for the Yellow Vest movement. French security services are looking at the situation, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday in a radio interview with RTL. Russia has been criticized for using social media to influence elections in the U.S. and elsewhere. Attempts to use fake news reports and cyberattacks to undercut the 2017 campaign of French President Emmanuel Macron failed, but Russian-linked sites have pushed questionable reports of a mutiny among police, and of officers’ support for the protests. “An investigation is now underway,” Le Drian said. “I will not make comments before the investigation has brought conclusions.” The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, according to Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst. “That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France. The Alliance for Securing Democracy is a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., which monitors pro-Kremlin activity. The assertion of police dissatisfaction -- which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts -- resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says. Russian State Media Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization. Sputnik and RT have reported in recent days that most French police no longer support Macron and are siding with the protesters. Their sources: representatives of two small police unions that together won less than 4 percent of votes in nationwide union elections this month. Sputnik and RT also have shown a video – widely shared on French social media -- of police in the southwestern town of Pau removing their helmets in what was described as a sign of solidarity with protesters. Local police and journalists on the scene said the description was untrue. They said some officers had briefly removed their helmets to talk with protesters before putting them back on. In response to questions from Bloomberg News, Sputnik later corrected its article about police in Pau showing solidarity with protesters, to say the report "hasn’t been backed by evidence so far." RT said its article about police siding with protesters, based on comments by the head of a minor police union, was justified because he had been quoted by other news outlets. Read here for more on why people in yellow vests are blocking roadsOnward and upward, airforce
Last edited by airforce; 12/09/2018 07:45 PM.
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/10/2018 05:54 PM
12/10/2018 05:54 PM
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Video: Watch Foreign Troops / Armored Vehicles Invade ParisInfowars Europe editor Dan Lyman joins Alex Jones to cover the recent news out of France. Exclusive footage shows EU military roaming the streets of Paris as the Yellow Vest protests continue to rage on. https://www.newswars.com/video-watch-foreign-troops-armored-vehicles-invade-paris/
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/10/2018 07:04 PM
12/10/2018 07:04 PM
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This could easily spread to other countries in Europe. There's already talk of Yellow Vests in the Netherlands and Belgium. I'd imagine there are a lot of heads of states having sleepless nights right now.
Onward and upward, airforce
Last edited by airforce; 12/11/2018 01:13 PM.
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/11/2018 02:52 AM
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Last edited by ConSigCor; 12/11/2018 11:35 AM.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/11/2018 01:59 PM
12/11/2018 01:59 PM
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There's a debate among the Left, right here in the U.S., over how to enact all their environmental programs without inciting riots here. How do you fund a Green New deal without raising taxes and energy prices? You don't. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/11/2018 08:11 PM
12/11/2018 08:11 PM
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Breaking: Police Hunt Gunman Who Killed 4, Critically Wounded 11 At French Christmas Market
Attack being treated as act of terrorism, according to French media . By Infowars.com Tuesday, December 11, 2018
French police are currently searching for a lone gunman who reportedly opened fire on a Christmas market in the city of Strasburg on Tuesday, killing 4 and critically wounding 11.
Authorities believe the attack to be a terrorist act, according to The Telegraph.
Police reportedly know the identity of the shooter and believe him to be a 29 year-old male who may be radicalized, according to The Daily Mail.
“Serious public security event under way in Strasbourg. Residents are asked to stay at home,” the French interior ministry tweeted.
🔴 #Strasbourg @Prefet67 a mis en place une cellule d’information du public, prioritairement réservée aux appels des personnes concernées par la situation en cours. ☎️ 0 811 00 06 67 Il est demandé aux habitants de rester chez eux et de suivre les consignes des autorités. pic.twitter.com/NQ15xcJMaV
— Ministère de l’Intérieur – Alerte (@Beauvau_Alerte) December 11, 2018
Currently, The Drudge Report has a “flashback” article from November showing ISIS threatening to terrorize European Christmas Markets.
More on this as it develops…
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/12/2018 05:47 PM
12/12/2018 05:47 PM
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The shooter may have crossed into Germany. Cherif Chekatt is reported to have shouted "Allahu akbar" before opening fire. Obviously,his motives are unclear.  ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/b3Ftt3f.jpg) ...Toufik Elkiri, 33, a taxi driver whose colleague had been held hostage by the gunman, said: “I’m a practicing Muslim and have never seen him at any of the mosques around here. He smoked too much pot. Friends saw him drinking beer the other day. But there’s nothing religious or radicalised about him.” ... Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/13/2018 12:18 PM
12/13/2018 12:18 PM
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Will the green Vests uprising stop the central planners here in the U.S.? It could be. You know you've got a problem when your tax schemes are even being rejected by the French. While there's always a danger in reducing the causes of political unrest to a single issue, the plan to impose yet another regressive $9 billion annual carbon tax proved to be a catalyst for the "yellow vest" protests that are roiling Paris.
The nonviolent version of the French carbon-tax revolt is spreading globally, too. Last November, Washington state voters rejected a very well-funded effort to pass the first ballot-approved carbon tax ever. The province of Ontario is suing the Canadian government to block a federal carbon tax there. According The Wall Street Journal, "the issue could topple the Alberta government and perhaps Prime Minister Justin Trudeau." The Journal adds, "German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Energiewende—a transition to renewables that has increased dirty coal emissions and caused household energy costs to soar—has become a political liability."
The resistance comes from middle- to low-income workers. They're especially sensitive to changes in the cost and availability of energy for the simple reason that it affects so many aspects of their lives—from getting to work, especially for those who live in rural areas, to the price of most consumer goods. It's clear that many ordinary people aren't willing to pay higher costs just to fulfill the grand visions of central planners.
In response to ongoing protests, French President Emmanuel Macron just announced he'll cancel the planned increases in fuel taxes that were supposedly going to put the country on target to hit its Paris climate accord objectives. Nevertheless, other proponents for massive tax increases are doubling down and calling for even more central planning with the hope of drastically remaking modern economies in a manner that they believe will be friendlier to the environment.
Billionaire Tom Steyer claims that the real issue highlighted by the French protestors is inequality, and that the answer isn't to stop trying to tax people into behaving in an approved manner but to ensure "unionized, living wage jobs."
I'm guessing Mr. Steyer isn't terribly familiar with France, where extreme regulatory burdens of the type he prefers already exist and make employees extremely costly. The predictable result is a ghastly 9-plus percent unemployment rate (21.5 percent for youth) that has barely budged in decades.
But Steyer, a frequent advocate of raising the cost of energy in the United States, surely sees how the unrest in France and elsewhere threatens the political viability of his agenda, which boils down to engaging in regular takedowns of natural gas and strong pushes for us to "invest in"—by which he means direct even more government spending toward—wind and solar power.
Never mind that that the natural-gas boom, by displacing reliance on dirtier coal, is part of the reason why the United States is a consistent leader in year-to-year reductions in carbon emissions. And the growth of liquefied natural gas as a U.S. export is poised to help more of the world do the same.
Others have even bigger dreams. An old hobbyhorse of the left, the so-called Green New Deal, is also getting renewed attention. As with many of the terrible ideas floating around Washington, D.C., these days, this one has found a champion in the recently elected socialist representative from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Like the original New Deal under President Roosevelt, it promises massive new government spending and across-the-board government interventions.
FDR's plan included compulsory unionism, attempts to establish monopolies, massive public-works projects, and wage and price controls. But his central planners lacked the knowledge necessary to control the market, as any one person or group of individuals necessarily does. Many economists now blame FDR's interventions for prolonging the downturn. A Green New Deal would almost certainly fail for the same reasons that FDR's New Deal failed and precipitate economic disaster.
Environmentalists are also using the courts to thwart energy exploration and development. Lawsuits have once again stalled the long-delayed Keystone XL project, and now the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The latter is poised to address the mid-Atlantic's growing need for power by bringing natural gas into Virginia and North Carolina from West Virginia, and has seen its construction halted on account of legal challenges.
However, using every means necessary to obstruct development of energy sources deemed insufficiently green looks increasingly like an electoral loser. Voters and taxpayers seem to have little taste for climate-change policies that raise their cost of living and hurt the economy. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/13/2018 07:23 PM
12/13/2018 07:23 PM
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Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/14/2018 08:32 PM
12/14/2018 08:32 PM
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Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
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12/16/2018 08:43 PM
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Thousands Rally Against UN Migration Pact Outside EU HeadquartersAnti-globalist rally dubbed ‘March against Marrakech’ in reference to city where pact was signed this month By RT Sunday, December 16, 2018 Police have deployed water cannon during a rally against the controversial UN migration pact in Brussels. Officers were seen scuffling with protesters, who threw firecrackers before facing off with law-enforcement. The rally was dubbed the ‘March against Marrakech’ in reference to the city where the pact was signed earlier in December. It was organized by the right-wing Vlaams Belang party which has long been a vocal opponent of the agreement. While having initially kicked off peacefully, the demonstration started to heat up with some of the participants burning firecrackers and hurling bottles as they marched down the street. Part of the crowd who rallied on Sunday, also vented their anger by rooting out and throwing around traffic signs and what appeared to be parts of some fences. ![[Linked Image]](https://www.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/GettyImages-1074108988.jpg) Riot police marched out in full riot gear to quell the unease. They later moved in with water cannon against some of the protesters. ![[Linked Image]](https://www.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/GettyImages-1074097050.jpg) At least two of them were seen being sprayed with water cannon right in their faces. It is not known whether any serious injuries have been caused by the hit. One of the videos from the unrest shows how a chain of riot police sprint towards a small group of people (presumably demonstrators). Just moments later at least two of them are being encircled by the riot officers and beaten with batons. A male also gets a direct pepper spray hit in the face from the closest range. After walking just a few meters – apparently completely disoriented – he then collapses on the pavement, with police running past him. Police said that at least 5,000 have gathered in the Belgian capital. A separate counter-demonstration of around 1,000 people, organised by left-wing groups and non-governmental organisations, also took place in the city centre. The UN-backed pact promoting an international approach to safe and orderly migration was formally approved in Marrakech, Morocco earlier in December. The accord split global powers, with Austria, Hungary, the US, Israel and several other countries rejecting the pact. Its critics claim that the deal is inadequate for managing global migration flows. The Belgian government suffered a blow after the center-right New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) quit the ruling coalition because of its disapproval of the accord. Prime Minister Charles Michel announced that his government was set to continue as a minority.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Wouldn't it Be Funny...
[Re: airforce]
01/06/2019 07:35 PM
01/06/2019 07:35 PM
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Did you think those "yellow vest" protests in France were over? Think again. Apparently they were just taking a break for the holidays. Can those protests move here? I don't know, but Amazon sells everything you need. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/bEHaQY2.png) Onward and upward, airforce