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FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" #167343
07/04/2018 04:06 PM
07/04/2018 04:06 PM
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Do you wonder why Trump is more popular than the FBI? Perhaps this is why.

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The FBI once taught its agents that they can "bend or suspend the law" as they wiretap suspects. But the bureau says it didn't really mean it, and has now removed the document from its counterterrorism training curriculum, calling it an "imprecise" instruction. Which is a good thing, national security attorneys say, because the FBI's contention that it can twist the law in pursuit of suspected terrorists is just wrong.

"Dismissing this statement as 'imprecise' is a rather unsatisfying response given the very precise lines Congress and the courts have repeatedly drawn between what is and is not permissible, even in counterterrorism cases, over the past decade," Steve Vladeck, a national-security law professor at American University, says. "It might technically be true that the FBI has certain authorities when conducting counterterrorism investigations that the Constitution otherwise forbids, but that's good only so far as it goes."

The reference to law-bending was noted in a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller from Sen. Richard Durbin that Danger Room obtained. When Danger Room asked for the original document, the FBI initially declined. On Wednesday, a Bureau spokesperson relented, but refused to say who prepared the document; how long it was in circulation; and how many FBI agents, analysts and officials received its instruction.

The undated piece of instructional material (.pdf) notes that "under certain circumstances, the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others." Those circumstances include "the ability to gather information on individuals which would normally be protected under the U.S. Constitution through the use of FISA [the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act], Title 3 monitoring [general law enforcement surveillance], NSL [National Security Letter] reports, etc."

Some surveillance experts were confused by that explanation. Surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or so-called "Title-3" law-enforcement surveillance requires the approval of judges. National Security Letters – administrative subpoenas for records issued by FBI officials, not judges – are troubling to civil libertarians, as the practice is rife for abuse, but the issuance of the letters themselves is legal. In other words, there shouldn't be any suspension of the law.

"This certainly does not read as if a lawyer wrote it," says Robert Chesney, a national-security expert at the University of Texas' law school. "Congress has given the FBI the authority to wiretap, collect business records, and gather other forms of information for intelligence purposes, subject to certain safeguards. It is a severe misstatement to refer to the exercise of these lawful authorities as 'bending' or 'suspending' the law; that mischaracterization runs the risk of both delegitimizing these lawful tools and, simultaneously, conveying to agents the mistaken impression that there might be some more general power to disobey the law during intelligence investigations." (...)

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Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167345
07/04/2018 04:14 PM
07/04/2018 04:14 PM
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Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167351
07/05/2018 01:00 PM
07/05/2018 01:00 PM
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It looks like the FBI also has a problem understanding who can issue a warrant.

An FBI agent investigating possible fraud obtained warrants from two Alameda County judges in 2016 to search a cell phone and use a tracking device, and said he found incriminating evidence.

The only problem, a federal judge said Tuesday, was that California law prohibits state and local courts from issuing warrants to federal officers — a fact that was apparently unknown to the agent, the FBI, and possibly even to the judges who approved the warrants.

The law authorizes state courts to issue search warrants to “peace officers,” who include police, sheriffs’ deputies and other state and local law enforcement officials, but not federal agents, said U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria of San Francisco.

While some states give federal agents the same court access as local police, “California chose to limit federal authority to enforce state criminal laws,” Chhabria said. He ordered his ruling published in legal casebooks and distributed to the FBI, prosecutors’ offices and other agencies, “to put the relevant actors in the criminal justice system on notice.”

A judge’s ruling that a search was illegal may not prevent prosecutors from using evidence uncovered in the search as long as the officers acted in “good faith,” the standard set by the U.S. Supreme Court. But Chhabria said the searches in this case were rife with irregularities, including their reliance on evidence from two other searches that may have been illegal as well as information from a questionable informant. Finding “systematic and reckless misconduct,” he barred any use of the evidence.

John Jordan, a lawyer for defendant Donnell Artis, said the ruling should have “a big impact on the case,” to be determined at a hearing scheduled for July 17.

The U.S. attorney’s office in San Francisco was not immediately available for comment....

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Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167362
07/06/2018 04:54 PM
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During the first Klinton term, fully 75% of the old school J. Edgar Hoover trained FBI agents RETIRED! I know this as I was helping teach FBI snipers/swat back then.

What replaced them were for the majority minority and affirmative action hires. These are the SENIOR agents running the bureau now that Trump is having so much trouble with. They are also heavily in the BATF senior leadership. During Klinton the IRS Union gained a large leverage also.

Until the 'Q Group' gets rid of these folks, the swamp will remain active!

Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167396
07/09/2018 12:40 PM
07/09/2018 12:40 PM
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Maintaining our Constitution requires splitting up the FBI.

There has long been a bipartisan consensus that the Federal Bureau of Investigation ought to be insulated from political pressure, and it has been reaffirmed in the wake of President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey. Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike insisted that Comey’s successor, Christopher Wray, be independent of the White House, and he has by all accounts endeavored to do just that. But should we really want a truly independent FBI, and is an independent FBI in keeping with America’s constitutional order?

In keeping with the conventional wisdom, my inclination has been to answer yes to both questions. So I was struck by a recent working paper by Justin Walker, a law professor at the University of Louisville’s Brandeis School of Law (and a newly-minted contributor to National Review), which argues that just as the military is subject to civilian control, on the grounds that an independent military would represent a grave threat to civil liberties, the FBI, a powerful agency charged with a number of national-security functions, should answer to the president. While we might hope that an independent FBI will be led by public-spirited officials, Walker reminds us that this hasn’t always been the case. He recounts the FBI’s long history of abusing its power, which reached its nadir under FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, concluding that an independent FBI “threatens civil liberties in ways similar to how an independent military threatens civil liberties,” which is why “it should be controlled by the President, like the military whose purpose it shares.”

But don’t we need an independent FBI to investigate presidential wrongdoing? Walker disagrees:

First, Congress can investigate suspected criminality by the President or his administration. It has the means and the constitutional responsibility to do so. And second, if one believes that as a general matter federal crime should be investigated by an agency independent of the President, the solution is to split the FBI, reserving its national-security functions for one agency and its criminal investigative functions for another. This is the model that many western democracies have adopted.

Though Walker acknowledges that Congress does not have the resources to conduct serious criminal investigations of the executive branch, he offers a straightforward solution: They ought to build this investigative capacity, which they have the constitutional authority to do. And if Congress fails to do so, voters have the right to elect members who will take their responsibilities more seriously. To those who find this solution overly ambitious, Walker offers an alternative: splitting the FBI between an agency focused on criminal investigations, which would be shielded from political interference, and another devoted to protecting U.S. national security against foreign threats. Note, however, that Walker does not recommend splitting the agency. His preferred alternative, it seems, is for Congress to take the lead in investigating the executive branch.

This, however, raises a separate concern, which Daryl J. Levinson and Richard Pildes, both of NYU Law School, addressed in their article “Separation of Parties, Not Powers”: the Framers assumed that the legislative branch would be eager to check the powers of the executive branch, but what they failed to anticipate is that partisan loyalties might outweigh institutional loyalties. That is, partisans in Congress might not be especially interested in investigating a partisan ally in the White House. Relations between the branches tend to be cooperative under unified government and contentious under divided government, which is why Walker’s preferred alternative, in which Congress steps up to the plate to investigate presidential wrongdoing, might only obtain when the partisan stars are (mis)aligned. If Walker really is right that an independent FBI represents a serious civil-liberties threat, splitting the FBI seems like the sounder solution.

Onward and upward,

Last edited by airforce; 07/09/2018 12:46 PM.
Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167462
07/13/2018 10:48 AM
07/13/2018 10:48 AM
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This is a good example of the kind of people we have working at the FBI. If you listened to this guy's testimony yesterday it's self evident just how arrogant and evil some of these people are.

‘The Evil Face of the Deep State’: The Disturbing Faces of Peter Strzok

‘Would you trust Peter Strzok around your children?’ - July 12, 2018

[Linked Image]

Many on social media are pointing out FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s weird facial expressions during his congressional testimony Thursday.

The embattled Strzok appeared to make smug and contemptuous facial gestures, as he was grilled before House Judiciary and Oversight Committees over numerous anti-Trump text messages sent during his time with FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Would you trust Peter Strozk around your children?

— Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) July 12, 2018

Here’s the face of a wild animal backed in the corner.

I present to you the face of #PeterStrozk

Scary huh?@realDonaldTrump

— ⚖ The Justice Team ⚖ (@robyns323) July 12, 2018

This face says it all: “F- Congress, F- America, F- the President, and F-you!” #Strzok #DemocratsAreDangerous

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 12, 2018

The self-righteous contempt on Peter Strzok’s face is unmistakable

— Jack Posobiec🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 12, 2018

The Devil is in that face. #Strzok

— Steve 🔥Mudflap 🔥McGrew 💥SPACE FORCE 🚀 #GGGG (@stevemcgrew) July 12, 2018

Peter Strzok epitomizes the evil face of the FBI Deep State.

— Adorable Deplorable 🇺🇸 (@OliMauritania) July 12, 2018

Take on look at Peter Strzok. If you can't tell what he's about, you are going to be victimized by predatory people. His is the face of pure evil.

— Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) July 12, 2018

Strzok, who has also been criticized by President Trump, also led the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server.

Report: “ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED CLINTON EMAIL PROBE” Now it all starts to make sense!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2017

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167465
07/13/2018 01:05 PM
07/13/2018 01:05 PM
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It was great theater. I don't know that it accomplished much else, but it was entertaining.

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Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167467
07/13/2018 01:13 PM
07/13/2018 01:13 PM
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The arrogance of these people is sickening. They seem to think they are above congress, the President and the law. If I was in charge their funding would be cut to ZERO and every one of their upper echelon people would be terminated immediately And, if they objected they would receive a free ticket to Gitmo. It's about time to bring out the long knives..

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167470
07/13/2018 01:32 PM
07/13/2018 01:32 PM
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Part II is about to begin. At least Lisa Page is better looking.

Close up the FBI, and let these idiots find a job in the private sector.

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Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167488
07/15/2018 08:55 AM
07/15/2018 08:55 AM
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I watched a few hours of that hearing and that SOB is on evil, corrupt, arrogant dude. Like Rush Limbaugh was saying, he knows he can't be touched, he treated those congress people like they were nothing but some annoying insects. These people are nothing but communist infiltrators, they've infiltrated every part of our justice system. There is no justice. Where is the justice for Lavoy Finnicum? They murdered him and Comey and Strozk and all of their ilk, were probably basking in their own glory that day, over a hillbilly patriot being taken out by them, the ultimate authority.

I don't know how much longer this injustice, subjugation and takeover of our once great country will be tolerated. Is there even enough Americans left who care anymore?

Only the dead have seen the end of war-Plato
Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167495
07/15/2018 12:17 PM
07/15/2018 12:17 PM
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From the folks that brought you 'Lon Whoreiuci', Janet Zippo Reno,....................Y'all get the idea!

Like Moslem terrorists, they only understand one thing..............pure POWER that will kill THEM!

Watching his so called testimony, I just wanted to walk up and smack that smirk clean off his face, them stomp a mud hole in his ass and walk it dry!

Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167496
07/15/2018 01:23 PM
07/15/2018 01:23 PM
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Stzrok and Rosenstein obstruct. But the problem is not them, it's the beast we have created. Firing Stzrok and Rosenstein won't solve the problem - you have to kill off the departments that employ them.

Strzok, citing an FBI policy rule, refused to answer a question put to him by Rep. Gowdy. Rodenstein already risks a contempt citation for refusing to provide Congress with requested documents.

In terms of line of command, Trump is the boss of Strzok and Rosenstein, who work for the Department of Justice. Trump could instruct their immediate boss (Sessions) to order them to comply with the Congressional requests. Trump’s enforcement sanction is to fire anyone who refuses to obey his order. Trump isn’t doing this, at least not yet, for political and other reasons. He doesn’t want to be accused of obstructing justice. He’s leaving the matter to Congress.

Anyway, Congress, not the President, is the more basic boss over the departments that it has created and funds through taxes. Neither Strzok nor Rosenstein has a leg to stand on in obstructing the Congressional investigation. They cannot cite FBI procedures as grounds for refusing to respond to Congress’s request for operational information from them or their offices, because Congress is their creator, paymaster and boss. Congress has powers to enforce its subpoenas, including criminal penalties.

The obstruction of Strzok and Rosenstein is an example of deep state obstruction via the bureaucratic control over access to critical information that surrounds decisions that the deep state personnel make. It’s their quasi-monopoly over this information that gives them power. It’s costly for Congress to be micro-managing their decisions, which is why they have independent monopoly power so much of the time and in so many decisions. But when push comes to shove, as it is in this instance, Congress has all the power it needs to open up the files, disk drives, e-mails and decisions of the FBI or even the CIA, if it has a mind to.

Do Americans want their republic to be in the hands of the Strzoks, Rosensteins, Comeys, Brennans and Clappers? Egad! Is this the U.S. government?! Look at these men! They’re self-righteous. They consider themselves as masters, patriots, and protectors of us all; but they are merely mortals with swollen heads, limited visions and personal peculiarities that in no way justify their powers. The government is in their hands because the people have handed it to them by supporting the creation of their departments by their duly-elected Congresses. They did not just happen or achieve their positions by their own ambitions. It was the people’s demand for more government interference and power over the lives of themselves that has brought about the deep state rule over Americans. Replacing Strzok and his ilk by new faces will not change anything fundamental. Their departments have to be decimated and dismantled.

Onward and upward,

Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167529
07/18/2018 08:02 PM
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Congressmen: Lisa Page Admits Texts With Strzok ‘Mean Exactly What They Say’

Obvious political bias in messages between FBI anti-Trump lovers - July 18, 2018

Anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified the biased text messages between her and FBI agent Peter Strzok “mean exactly what they say,” according to Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas).

“In many cases she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say as opposed to Agent Strzok, who thinks we’ve all misinterpreted his own words on any message that might be negative,” Ratcliffe, who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said on Monday.

Rep. John Ratcliffe reveals Lisa Page admitted her text messages with Peter Strzok “mean exactly what they say,” contrary to Strzok’s testimony

— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) July 17, 2018

Ratcliffe also revealed the revelations on “Sunday Morning Futures,” saying there were “significant differences” between Page’s testimony and Strzok’s.

“I can tell you there are significant differences in her testimony from Agent Strzok as it relates to these text messages, what she thought some of them meant, and she gave us new information that he either wouldn’t or couldn’t that confirm some of the concerns that we have about these investigations and the people involved in running them,” he told host Maria Bartiromo.

When I questioned Lisa Page on Friday about the anti-Trump text messages that were sent between herself and Peter Strzok, there were significant differences in her testimony and Strzok’s as it relates to what she thought some of these text messages meant.

— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) July 16, 2018

Page will also be a good witness going forward due to her candor and credibility, according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

“She has given us more insights to who was involved in what,” Gohmert told Fox News Tuesday.

“She’s a more contrite person. But make no mistake … she’s a Democrat. She wanted Hillary to win and she did not want Trump to win, and that’s been obvious.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: FBI Taught Agents They Could "Suspend the Law" [Re: airforce] #167550
07/21/2018 12:56 PM
07/21/2018 12:56 PM
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Report: Lisa Page Confirms Trump Is Right, Mueller Probe A Witch Hunt

No basis for special counsel, she says under oath

Jamie White | - July 20, 2018

FBI lawyer Lisa Page has confirmed that there was no basis for the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to The Hill’s John Solomon.

The bombshell is based on a text FBI agent Peter Strzok sent to Page last year that read, “There’s no big there there,” suggesting the Russia investigation was baseless.

Investigators wanted to know what that text meant, but were refused an explanation by Stzrok in both closed and public testimony.

However, Page reportedly gave candid testimony during closed-door congressional hearings last week over the nature of the anti-Trump text messages with Strzok, who played key roles in both the Clinton email investigation and the “Russia collusion” probe.

“Strzok declined to say – but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses,” Solomon wrote Thursday.

“The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was ‘there.’”

Additionally, Page also admitted the bulk of the anti-Trump texts between her and Strzok “mean exactly what they say,” contradicting Strzok’s denial of anti-Trump bias in the Russia probe.

Her testimony further confirms President Trump’s suspicion that the Mueller probe is a political “witch hunt,” meant to cover for crimes committed by Democrats and the Deep State to sabotage a presidential election and overthrow a duly elected president.

“How can the Rigged Witch Hunt proceed when it was started, influenced and worked on, for an extended period of time, by former FBI Agent/Lover Peter Strzok? Read his hate filled and totally biased Emails and the answer is clear!” Trump tweeted earlier this month.

How can the Rigged Witch Hunt proceed when it was started, influenced and worked on, for an extended period of time, by former FBI Agent/Lover Peter Strzok? Read his hate filled and totally biased Emails and the answer is clear!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2018


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2018

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861

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