Here is a copy of an email I just sent to the White House. I'm under no illusions that President Trump will read it, but hopefully someone will.

Dear sir:

A lot has been said about the four page memo released this morning, and a lot more will be said. The fact is (and to paraphrase you, sir), this is not an example of the FISA courts being implemented incorrectly. IT IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE FISA COURTS BEING IMPLEMENTED PERFECTLY.

Certainly, some people should be fired, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions. If you want to drain the swamp (or flush the toilet), I have no objections. But the real fix is to RESCIND SECTION 702 AND ABOLISH THE FISA COURTS ENTIRELY.

I must remind you sir, the only legitimate function of our government is not to ensure the safety of the citizens, but to PRESERVE LIBERTY. And the FISA courts do neither.

You have the power to do so, at least temporarily, by executive order. I urge you to do so immediately, and to use your leadership to get Congress to repeal Section 702.

Thank you.
Personally, I think this scandal pales to the one a couple years ago, with Lois Lerner (remember her?) and the IRS. Remember what came of that one? Nothing. But if this one finally gets people to look at the inherent dangers to liberty of Section 702, perhaps something good will come of this.

Onward and upward,