I have taken numerous classes by Sam Culper and I subscribe to Forward Observers Strategic Intelligence and Low Intensity Conflict intel reports to my email. (I highly recommend them.) In last Friday's Low Intensity Conflict, FO reported the following:
Anarchists allegedly disrupt rail lines in Nebraska
Puget Sound Anarchists recently reported a case of attempted disruption of freight rail lines in Nebraska. According to the anonymous communique, anarchists “attached wire and jumper cables to the main Union Pacific rail line running through the state of Nebraska to disrupt rail signals and delay trains that mainly carry coal from the mountainous west to population centers in the east.” [Source: https://pugetsoundanarchists.org/railline-distruptions/]
(Analyst Comment: We've seen similar attempts to disrupt rail lines in the Pacific Northwest earlier this year as activists attempted to disrupt the flow of supplies to the Dakota Access Pipeline. This certainly indicates a level of awareness likely obtained through the sharing of intelligence.)
I tried for an hour to get a hold of a relevant LEO in both Pierce County Sheriffs Dept. and Wa. State Patrol. I got transferred multiple times, voice mails that were full, transferred to 911 who blew me off and said someone would call me but didn't. I just wanted to give them the link above was all. Ironically, posting here is probably the best way I can get them this information, LOL! I sent it to KIRO 7 news, and when I saw additional links to relevant articles coming out today I sent them to Sam at FO.