number-6 AntifaAntifa is a black-clad, bandanna and helmet-wearing group of self-described anarchists and revolutionary communists known for violence and threats. The name Antifa is short for “anti-fascists.” They’ve become a regular presence at anti-Trump rallies across the U.S. that often turn violent.
Antifa is basically a network of many leftist groups that organize online and take a militant approach at rallies and protests. Antifa claims it has no official leaders, spokespeople or even members. Typically, a leftist Antifa activist will be a member of several groups on this list, organizing and networking alongside the other groups.
And that’s why it’s difficult, if not virtually impossible, to track Antifa’s own funding, organizing structure and its members.
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On Inauguration Day, Antifa rioted in Washington, D.C., smashing a limousine window with a hammer, shattering storefronts, vandalizing bus stops and throwing rocks at police. Six officers sustained injuries.
After President Trump’s inauguration, Antifa smashed store windows and set fires in Portland.
In February, Antifa activists rioted and set the University of California at Berkeley campus on fire, causing $100,000 in damages. They threw rocks through windows and forced the cancellation of a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos.
CNN reported: “Black-clad protesters wearing masks threw commercial-grade fireworks and rocks at police. Some even hurled Molotov cocktails that ignited fires. They also smashed windows of the student union center on the Berkeley campus where the Yiannopoulos event was to be held. At least six people were injured. … The violent protesters tore down metal barriers, set fires near the campus bookstore and damaged the construction site of a new dorm. One woman wearing a red Trump hat was pepper sprayed in the face while being interviewed by CNN affiliate KGO.”
In March, at a Trump rally in Olympia, Washington, Antifa activists shouted down a Gold Star mother whose child was killed in the line of duty.
Also in March, Antifa rioters crashed a pro-Trump march in Berkeley, California. Cops confiscated bricks and baseball bats. The Los Angeles Times reported: “Berkeley Police Officer Byron White said 10 arrests were made: one for resisting arrest, four for assault with a deadly weapon, including a dagger, and five for battery. About seven medical evaluations were made on the scene. None of the injured wanted to be taken to the hospital.”
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In April, Ann Coulter’s scheduled speech at UC Berkeley was canceled due to threats of violence.
On April 15, black-clad Antifa activists crashed a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley. CBS News reported that cops said 13 people were arrested. Authorities confiscated knives and other items being used as weapons, including flagpoles, helmets and sticks.
In May, Antifa made an appearance at a May Day rally in Portland, assaulting cops, lighting fires and spray-painting a police car. They threw rocks, bottles, ball bearings, fireworks, smoke bombs and road flares at police and firefighters, NPR reported.
In June, a group of Antifa activists wore masks and protested in Portland at a rally for President Trump. Rose City Antifa said, before the rally, that it would be “unapologetic” for its use of “physical militancy.” Police were forced to deploy stingballs and grenades with rubber pellets to keep the Antifa activists away so Trump supporters could finish their speeches.
Antifa threw bricks, rocks, marbles, tampons, urine and feces, PBS reported. They left graffiti messages stating, “STAB A NAZI, TWICE

Antifa activists in Portland laughed at an older woman who stumbled and fell to the ground:
On Aug. 12, as WND reported, a Charlottesville, Virginia, rally by neo-Nazis, Klan members and other white supremacists turned deadly when a white nationalist rammed his car into a group of counter-protesters, killing one woman and injuring at least 19 more at Emancipation Park. The mix of political extremists included radicals aligned with Antifa. The crowd gathered in response to a city plan to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee as part of a nationwide push to tear down Confederate symbols.
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg said she observed “club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park” in Charlottesville. People in the crowds threw water bottles filled with cement and urine. Others sprayed pepper spray and threw smoke bombs. Rioters began clubbing one another.
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On Aug. 27, approximately 4,000 Antifa agitators and other leftists shut down a “No to Marxism” rally and prayer vigil being held by about 400 conservative Christians in Berkeley, California. Police released mugshots of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at the violent political riots in the university town. Charges include assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault and various municipal code violations. One officer was injured while making an arrest, and several others were struck with paint and bottles.
The San Francisco Chronicle, which had reporters on the scene, referred to the Antifa crowd as anarchists:
“The masked counterprotesters, often referred to as antifa or antifascists, significantly outnumbered the people who had come for the rally, many of whom wore red clothing indicating support for President Trump. The anarchists chased away the right-wingers, and in one case four or five pummeled a man with fists and sticks before a radio host for Reveal, Al Letson, jumped in to shield the victim. Anarchists also attacked reporters who documented their actions.”
Antifa’s war cry, caught on video during the rally, was no less than the total destruction of American society.
“No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!” they chanted.
Watch video of antifa members chanting their wish for an end to America’s existence as a nation:
Clare Lopez, vice president of research and analysis for the Center for Security Policy, said the mugshots reveal that the people behind the Antifa masks were mostly professional agitators, not local college students.
“With an average age of 30, those arrested during the violent Berkeley riots of Sunday 27 August do not fit the profile of the average college undergrad,” Lopez told WND.
“In fact, they more closely fit the profile of professional off-campus thugs,” she said. “And once we understand that antifa is a motley collection of Marxist-Leninist anarchists, the direct descendants of the 1920s and 1930s communist street fighters in Europe, the better we will be prepared to realize why these hoodlums so violently targeted a ‘No To Marxism’ rally. Antifa was there to defend communism and plunge America into chaos.”
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James Simpson, author of “The Red-Green Axis,” said Antifa consists of a loosely affiliated network of communists, Marxists and anarchists who are anything but shy about their goals. He believes they should be declared a domestic terrorist organization.
“Communism is the polar opposite of free market capitalism. It cannot compete honestly. It thrives on envy and destroys everything it touches. Communists are the evolutionary endpoint to human depravity,” Simpson writes in an essay for
“Even the communists themselves do not believe the ‘racist, sexist, xenophobe’ narrative they constantly spew,” he added. “The true goal is to destroy our credibility through intimidation and shaming. The reality of this strategy is demonstrated by its history of use.”
number-7 By Any Means Necessary, or BAMNBy Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, has been in the middle of quite a bit of the worst violence in recent months.
In February, BAMN helped organize the fiery riots that resulted in the cancellation of a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California at Berkeley. In a statement to NBC News, UC Berkeley said: “The violence was instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest.”
The speech was canceled “amid violence, destruction of property and out of concern for public safety,” according to the university, and 1,500 people reportedly surrounded the venue. Rioters threw firebombs and commercial-grade fireworks at police. They slammed a metal barricade against a door of the building.
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Just two months later, in April, BAMN was at it again – this time forcing the cancellation of a UC Berkeley speech by conservative speaker and author Ann Coulter.
In August, BAMN helped organize the counter-protest to the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
In June 2016, BAMN also organized a so-called “counter-protest” to a Sacramento rally by the white nationalist group Traditionalist Workers Party, which had a permit for the gathering. The event turned violent and seven people were stabbed and nine hospitalized. The Los Angeles Times reported that the white nationalists appeared to be “vastly outnumbered by protesters from anti-fascist groups.” The Times also later reported that police said the neo-Nazis, the group permitted to hold the event, didn’t start the violence.
BAMN spokeswoman and middle-school teacher Yvette Felarca boasted that the Antifa-linked group had “successfully chased away the neo-Nazis and kept them from recruiting new members.”
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In July of this year, Felarca was arrested and charged with inciting a riot. She had been caught on video chasing and physically assaulting a member of the Traditional Worker’s Party.
“Felarca was filmed calling a man a Nazi, and punching him in the stomach repeatedly while shouting for him to ‘get the f–k off our streets,'” Berkeleyside reported.
In February, Felarca made a guest appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”:
BAMN lists the following objectives on its website:
“Defend Sanctuary Cities! Make California a Sanctuary State! No Muslim Ban! No Wall!”
“Stop Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim Scapegoating! Full Citizenship Rights Now for All Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers!”
“Take Action to Stop ICE Raids and Deportations, and Racist Attacks on Immigrants!”
“Latina/o, Black, Native American, Arab, Asian, and White, Immigrants With and Without Papers – We are ALL Californians!”
“Abolish the Electoral College”
“Universal healthcare for all in California and the nation!”
“The Resistance movement against Trump can force Trump to resign or be removed, as long as we organize and continue to fight in the streets, our schools, and workplaces,” BAMN states. “As long as Donald Trump is President, the alt-right and fascists will be emboldened and continue to organize and grow. Taking matters into our own hands, mobilizing our own community defense, we have the power to stop the fascist attacks now. The fascists are trying to grow, but they can be defeated. Join BAMN to organize, fight, and win.”