Re: More on impending CW2
08/12/2017 01:54 PM
08/12/2017 01:54 PM
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Charlottesville is up the road a ways from me. The people in this entire area are pissed off. We aren't demanding the removal of MLK statues and the blm crowd needs to leave ours alone. If they don't stop desecrating the graves and statues of our ancestors, they're going to get their heads beat in.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/12/2017 02:43 PM
08/12/2017 02:43 PM
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Posts: 675 Somewhere in these blue ridged...
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Somewhere in these blue ridged...
I'm spitting distance from cville.
I don't agree with taking Lee's statue down from anywhere. I think most Virginians respect Lee, learn from a young age his moral struggle in joining the confederacy, his undying loyalty to Virginia, his grace at surrender, his post-civil war career as the President of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University).
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Re: More on impending CW2
08/13/2017 04:31 AM
08/13/2017 04:31 AM
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City 'horsewhipped' for picking sides in Robert E. Lee dispute
Officials block protesters of statue removal but grant permission to supporters
Bob Unruh 2017-08-11_2056
A Virginia man is suing his city for blocking his protest in a park where a statute of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was removed while granting activists who support the decision permission to rally nearby.
Jason Kessler, defended by the Rutherford Institute, filed the suit against the city of Charlottesville in federal court arguing the First Amendment doesn’t allow the city to block one protester based on his viewpoint and then allow another with an opposing viewpoint.
The case alleges violations of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
“Tolerance is a double-edged sword It has to go both ways. This governmental exercise in intolerance and censorship of speech that may be distasteful to the majority of the populace is exactly what the First Amendment was intended to prevent,” said John W. Whitehead, president of Rutherford.
“Ironically, it was these very same tactics that local governments attempted to use to silence First Amendment activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers and shut down their protest activities. You either believe in free speech for everyone – no matter their viewpoints – or you don’t,” he said.
Along with the removal of the Lee statue, Charlottesville changed the name of the public land from Lee Park to Emancipation Park.
City officials revoked Kessler’s permit only five days before his long-planned demonstration in the park.
The city demanded that the event be moved to another location more than a mile away.
However, Rutherford said two other groups that oppose Kessler’s message, which have called on thousands of protesters to attend, have been granted permits by the city for downtown parks only blocks away from Emancipation Park on Aug. 12.
In June, Kessler was granted permission to hold his “Unite the Right” rally. But on Aug. 7, he was informed that he could not hold it unless he moved it to a park a mile away.
The complaint says the city claimed that “many thousands” would attend the Unite the Right event and that the park could not safely accommodate a crowd of that size.
The attendance estimates, however, are “unsupported by evidence” and a “pretext” for censoring him, the complaint contends.
Named as defendants are city manager Maurice Jones and the city.
“The First Amendment guarantees political speech, including protest, the highest level of protection – and the right to speak out is most robust in traditional public fora, including public parks and streets,” the complaint states. “Since this country’s founding people have taken to the parks, streets, and sidewalks to make their voices heard on matters of public concern. This case is about viewpoint discrimination by defendants against plaintiff.”
It continues: “While the government may impose narrowly drawn time, place and manner restrictions on the exercise of the rights to speak, petition or assemble, including permit requirements, the First Amendment prohibits the government from blocking a protest based on contest or viewpoint, or based on how the government anticipates others will respond to the protest.”
The park name change happened only a few weeks ago.
“Plaintiff opposes both the name change and the planned removal of the statute. To communicate his political message, plaintiff sought to organize a ‘Unite the Right’ rally in the park to express opposition,” the complaint states.
The city later demanded he move to McIntire Park, located a mile away and unrelated to the subject of his protest.
However, the complaint says, officials granted permits for demonstrations opposing Kessler’s views to take place in Justice and McGuffey Parks, “located just blocks away from Emancipation Park.”
The complaint states the city “has expressed a preference for the counter-protesters.”
“On August 9, 2017, a spokeswoman for the city encouraged individuals to ‘consider attending events [on counter programming to the rally],’ The city has never encouraged individuals to consider attending plaintiff’s rally,” the complaint notes.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/13/2017 01:58 PM
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I read a couple of reports that claim witnesses said a antifa protestor threw a rock into the man's windshield causing him to swerve and gun the car to get away.
Another is reporting that the driver was himself a "anti-Trump counter protestor".
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/13/2017 06:59 PM
08/13/2017 06:59 PM
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Type in dudes name who drove the car. There is a whole life profile on him all done in a matter of 30 hours. Facebook is set to private. Your unable to see his friends, photos etc. The profile created for him has photos of him at rally.
Re: More on impending CW2
08/14/2017 03:05 AM
08/14/2017 03:05 AM
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‘Final Warning’ To ‘White People’ Goes Viral On Twitter After Charlottesville RallyThreatening to “burn their neighborhoods down.” Chris Menahan | Information Liberation - August 13, 2017 One of the top responses on Twitter to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville is a “final warning” to “white people” threatening to “burn their neighborhoods down.” Nineteen-year-old YouTuber “Jay Versace” is seen holding a knife and threatening to destroy “white people” as a race because there’s “way more black people than white people in this motherf**king country, world, and existence.” “Ya’ll n***as want to burn candles? B*tch, we’ll burn neighborhoods down,” Versace says. “We’ll go all the way to wherever ya’ll motherf**kin’ live and light that whole sh*t up!” “I’m telling you know, cut it the f**k out. The black person you see right now, is not the same black person you saw in 1923. We a whole new breed, b*tch. And we crazy as f**k, try it b*tch, I f**king dare you, do something, try it,” Versace says ominously. [Mirror] The threatening video got over 7,000 retweets on Twitter and over 15,000 likes in only four hours. Versace responded to criticism writing: “I said what I said and if you don’t like it you can suck a caterpillar d**k. Opinion are not accepted. No debate. Suck some d**k.” After one of his followers responded saying, “there’s not more black people than white people in this country,” Versace incorrectly said “there definitely is,” but suggested minorities could unite as a block to burn white neighborhoods down. Unfortunately, there's not more black people than white people in this country. That's one of the root causes of how we got here. — Dan Brown (@DanBrownII) August 12, 2017 I wonder why white people don’t want to become a minority?
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/14/2017 11:44 AM
08/14/2017 11:44 AM
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Lost in all the bullshit spewed by the media are a couple of facts:
Had it not been for Lee, Charlottesville would've been destroyed by the federal invader.
This riot would not have occurred if certain racist groups hadn't been demanding the removal of the statue of a Southron icon.
The white group had a permit to protest that removal...antifa and blm did not.
A reporter stated that the protest was mostly peaceful until...the blm/antifa crowd began throwing bags of feces and balloons filled with urine at the white protestors. It was then, the reporter said the KKK/Aryans brought out the ball bats and pepper spray.
Oathkeepers as well as a couple of "III % Militia's" were in attendence.
There are many of us in the South who do not support the KKK, Aryan Nations or the Neo-NAZI's. By the same token we also despise La Raza, BLM SPLC and other racist hate groups that want to eliminate and destroy our heritage.
If they want a war we'd be happy to oblige them.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 03:02 AM
08/15/2017 03:02 AM
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North Carolina protesters topple Co...sville clashes over Robert E. Lee statue Protesters in Durham, North Carolina toppled a Confederate Soldiers monument outside of an old courthouse building on Monday Video from the scene shows the statue dedicated in 1924 falling to the ground In addition, a statue honoring Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War was removed in Gainesville, Florida on Monday Protesters covered the bust of Confederate lieutenant general Nathan Bedford Forrest at the Tennessee Capitol on Monday Plus, three statues in Tampa, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; and Louisville, Kentucky were all splattered with red paint on Sunday BREAKING: Charlotsville “Unite the Right” Organizer Was Occupy Wall St. Activist & Obama Supporter!August 14, 2017 by DCWhispers Read more at Well this is fishy. His name is Jason Kessler. He is the one cited as the organizer of the now infamous “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The thing is, Mr. Kessler’s arrival on the “alt right” and/or “White Nationalist” scene didn’t occur until November 2016. That’s right – Kessler didn’t start his white nationalist activism until after Donald Trump won the White House. Prior to that it appears he participated in the far left/socialist Occupy Wall Street movement as noted by the far-left, George Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama. At one recent speech in favor of Charlottesville’s status as a sanctuary city, Kessler live-streamed himself as an attendee questioned him and apologized for an undisclosed spat during Kessler’s apparent involvement with Occupy. Kessler appeared visibly perturbed by the woman’s presence and reminders of their past association. It also appears Mr. Kessler was actually a CNN on site correspondent during the Occupy protests: (these are being archived as it appears CNN is attempting to scrub its former affiliation with Mr. Kessler Read more at Much more at the link. Apparently this guy was a paid shill who was supposed to organize something that was intended form the get-go to be a mess that devolved into riots. Charlottesville Staged Confrontation! by Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD Effete White Supremacist vs. Dandy Podesta-Tool Mayor! Charlottesville’s Michael Signer colludes with Richard Spencer to create a pre-planned, staged confrontation [FBI/CIA]! The recent tragedy in Charlottesville Va. where fully armed Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists marched in unison to protest the withdrawal of the Robert E. Lee statue. This protest was planned months ago (see recent posts). The fact that these individuals shouted ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ slurs belied one simple fact. Like any movement which supposedly represents so-called American Nationalism or pro-Trump sentiments, Richard Spencer’s influence was quite apparent to me. Spencer’s cohort is the has been Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke. By now, David has been on the payroll of the FBI and several other federal organizations for decades. What caught my attention in the recent blusterous moment of faux-history was that the two antagonists facing off in this Civil War Wrestlemania have almost identical backgrounds! Let me be more specific. This “confrontation” is a highly staged event by two men who have rapacious political ambitions but are seemingly at opposite ends of the political spectrum. In reality, these two men are far more similar than different. Both are born of wealth. Each is a spoiled, effete intellectual who has never served our country other than reaching into the bowels of local and national politics in order to promote their narcissism. Richard Spencer, the supposed intellectual backbone of a gang of pro-Nazi losers, was born in the highly liberal town of Boston, Mass. Get this: He was born to the exceedingly wealthy, liberal ophthalmologist Dr. Rand Spencer MD and Sherry Dickenhorst, the heiress to cotton farms in Louisiana. No fool be he! Spencer went on to the University of Virginia studying English Literature and Music where he received High Distinctions. Does this sound like a manly type of Nazi He-Man? Spencer has daddy issues and needed to prove that he was smarter than his highly professional father. So Spencer then went on to the University of Chicago where this ‘she-man’ received a M.A. in Humanities.[All Wikipedia]. Not content to be completely self-feminized, he traveled to Vienna International Summer University. Did he want to waltz or stroll through the Vienna Woods on a leisurely day? We have no evidence that he did anything that would make him a representative of the white-working class: working in construction, building a company, or serving in our military. God forbid! It was too much bother! Still feeling inadequate, Spencer we went on to get another degree at the University of Chicago to study Modern European Intellectual History. He furthered his worthless life by ‘pursuing a life of thought [crime]’. Whatever that means? Next, Spencer fled to Whitefish, Montana because he could not find a real job like the working class deplorables that he supposedly represents. BTW, WhiteFish is a tony, antique shop laden very expensive place to fish but nothing is off the table when it comes to luxury for our man Spencer. At the same time, he would commute to another house in Arlington, Va. [also expensive]. Spencer then married and divorced a Russian-American wife, Nina Kouprianova, a political analyst of contemporary Russian and U. S. Foreign Policy. What do you want to make a bet that she and he are connected to the [CIA]? On the other side of the political spectrum, we have an equally laissez –faire, useless intellectual named Michael Signer. Interesting that Signer worked for John Podesta the Molesta and was in Obama’s State Department Transition Team. Hmmm. This prissy she-man just like Spencer lived in Arlington Va. and graduated Magnum Cum Laude from Princeton University in political science. Just like Spencer, he went on to the University of California, Berkley and received his law degree from guess where? Yes, the University of Virginia Law School. So both opponents went to the same school and lived in the same places? Coincidences? Nothing in psychological profiling/ intelligence/ HUMINT is ever accidental. Signer went on to found the UVA Coalition for Progress on Race. He taught a course at Washington D.C.’s Politics and Prose, a very liberal bookstore that refused to carry any of my Tom Clancy novels. Oh yeah that’s the same bookstore that’s down the block from Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza. Remember what happened there…. There is no question that each man was working for some federal agency [CIA, FBI], coordinating their activities with their respective political parties [Rep./Dems.], always maintaining hidden agendas writ in covert languages. Americans will not be duped into thinking that this is more than a dangerous ‘theater of the absurd.’ It’s time for our military officers surrounding Trump to step in and demand some sense of law and order in this country without any prejudice or negligence. Any further contrived future confrontations should be eliminated or pre-empted by the Trump Administration. Our present military should eliminate any form of Agitation Propaganda [CIA/FBI-agit-prop]. __________________
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 04:54 AM
08/15/2017 04:54 AM
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Well, the polarization is working, their thought police are already openly working to change history. How soon until the left starts to recommend the use of re-education camps or cleansing showers for Patriots? IMHO anyone who doesn't believe that CW is already happening has their head in the sand. How soon until we have our burning of the reichstag moment and the left just tries to mass execute those who do not consent to a socialist dictatorship? Needless to say I'm mad as hell.
Well, this is it.
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 07:41 AM
08/15/2017 07:41 AM
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Originally posted by Mexneck: ...thought police are already openly working to change history.... Yep. Democrats are working to topple monuments erected by Democrats, because Democrats can't stand their own history. ![[Linked Image]]( Onward and upward, airforce
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 10:47 AM
08/15/2017 10:47 AM
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Needless to say I'm mad as hell. Me too. If you watch the videos of the antifa protests all you see is a bunch of angry trash carrying communist flags and carrying signs proclaiming 'F-America'. They hate the Christian church, the traditional family, anything white, Southern, or conservative. They have absolutely no understanding of history. They call us NAZI's and are so ignorant they don't realize everything the stand for is socialist/fascist. They demand their right to protest while denying anyone they disagree with the same right. And the matter what happens it's Trump and all those evil white people's fault. Meanwhile the antifa/blm crowd can do no matter how much they riot, loot, pillage, burn or murder. I wonder how they'd like it if white people began tearing down every MLK statue. Maybe it's time to show this trash what real NAZI's act like and bring back the final solution.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 02:47 PM
08/15/2017 02:47 PM
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Finally a president with the balls to tell the truth. The media and the pussified repuliCONS are going apeshit.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/15/2017 03:21 PM
08/15/2017 03:21 PM
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Every time you start to worry about Trump moving towards the deep state government media complex, he comes back and we see he isn't being controlled. This is why we elected him. Bad news is they are really pissed now and he is going to be on his own. The republicants are tripping over themselves to distance from him and kiss the media and BLM's asses. This whole thing was a setup, the Russia thing was going no where so they decided to play the racist angle and are apparently totally cool with starting a civil war to accomplish it. Trump has to go, at all costs.
Only the dead have seen the end of war-Plato
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 03:08 AM
08/16/2017 03:08 AM
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This whole thing was a setup, the Russia thing was going no where so they decided to play the racist angle and are apparently totally cool with starting a civil war to accomplish it. Trump has to go, at all costs. Exactly. The globalists and the media are working 24/7 to create civil unrest. The antifa/blm/sjw crowd are nothing but useful idiots. These morons actually think that after the dust settles, they'll implement their long awaited socialist utopia.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 04:33 AM
08/16/2017 04:33 AM
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Baltimore City Council Votes to Remove 4 Confederate Statues
Council member calls for them to be melted down
RT - August 16, 2017
Baltimore City Council has voted to remove four Confederate monuments in the city.
The move follows protesters pulling down a Confederate memorial in Durham, North Carolina after a deadly weekend of protests over another statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The council still has to decide whether to destroy the monuments or move them to a museum because of their historical significance.
“We still emphatically do not want these to be placed on public display anywhere,” council member Brandon Scott told WMAR.
Scott, who introduced the resolution calling for the destruction of the monuments said, “we should melt them down and use them to erect statues of true heroes of Baltimore.”
In 2016, a task force created by then-Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake reviewed four monuments linked to the Confederacy. Their 34-page report recommended the removal of two and adding contextual signage for the others, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Before leaving office, Rawlings-Blake had signs placed next to all the monuments stating they were “part of a propaganda campaign” to “perpetuate the beliefs of white supremacy.”
Current Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh has suggested the statues be removed and not destroyed. She told WMAR that the Maryland Historical Trust has to give permission to remove at least one of the statues.
Pugh said she had spoken to the mayor of New Orleans about the cost of monument removals. New Orleans spent $2.1 million. Pugh estimates the price tag will be lower in Baltimore and they could potentially be moved to the two or three Confederate cemeteries in Maryland.
The four monuments slated for removal are scattered across the city. There is the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument at the gateway to Druid Hill Park, with a figure, Glory, holding up a dying Confederate soldier who’s holding the Confederate flag with the inscription “Gloria Victis” (glory to the vanquished).
The other is the Confederate Women’s Monument near John Hopkins University which also portrays a dying soldier with a tattered Confederate flag.
The third are the statues of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson located near the Baltimore Art Museum. Depicted on horseback with an inscription that reads: “They were great generals and Christian soldiers and waged war like gentlemen.”
The fourth is the Roger Taney Monument at Mount Vernon Place. While there is no overt reference on the monument to the Confederacy, it was Taney who authored the Dred Scott decision, which ruled that Congress couldn’t regulate slavery and that blacks weren’t fully human.
Maryland was a slave state that bordered the North and South, and Baltimore was the site of the first casualties of the Civil War in April 1861.
Protests against Confederate monuments have been sweeping the US since the June 2015 mass shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The shooter, who killed nine people and injured three more, said he wanted to “start a race war.”
South Carolina removed the Confederate flag memorial on the grounds of the state capitol in July that year. New Orleans in Louisiana has since removed several Confederate monuments over the objections of Confederate heritage organizations.
In one Florida town, petitioners want to replace a Confederate monument with a tribute to the local zoo’s beloved manatee.
Plans by authorities in Charlottesville to remove a Confederate statue from a city park drew protests from Confederate and alt-right activists who in turn attracted counter-protesters from Black Lives Matter and the so-called “Antifa” movement. In the ensuing clashes, a woman was killed when a car was driven into a crowd. Nineteen others were injured.
The US Army has meanwhile rejected calls from several members of Congress from New York to change the names of streets at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, which are named after Confederate generals.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 04:38 AM
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Muslim Mafia joins war on Confederate memorials Urging all governments to remove any symbols of Civil War South
Art Moore
An Islamic organization founded in Washington, D.C., by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas is entering the controversy over Confederate monuments, urging all state and local governments to remove any symbols of the Civil War South.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is offering to help facilitate the process, providing a template resolution to be introduced by public bodies such as state legislatures, city councils and school districts.
CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund Hamas, was designated by a Gulf Arab state as a terrorist organization. CAIR has sued the authors of a WND Books exposé, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America,” which documented the group’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
CAIR was among the organizations Saturday to criticize President Trump for a “failure of moral leadership” for not immediately condemning the white supremacists who participated in a rally that turned deadly in Charlottesville, Virginia, protesting the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a city park.
CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad, who in a 1994 meeting at Barry University declared himself “a supporter of the Hamas movement,” called for any name or public memorial associated with the Confederacy be removed.
“A fitting response to the deadly terror attack on anti-racists protesters in Charlottesville would be for officials in states and cities nationwide to immediately announce that every street, every school, every flag, and every public memorial honoring those who took up arms in defense of white supremacy and slavery will be removed or have its name changed to instead honor those who fought for civil rights,” he said.
Awad said removal of the memorials “would be a small step forward in turning the page on the darkest period in our nation’s history.”
He said he welcomed decisions by officials in Lexington, Kentucky; Gainesville, Florida; and Baltimore to relocate or remove Confederate statues.
Awad, according to FBI wiretap evidence from the Hamas-funding case in Texas, he was at an October 1993 meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in Philadelphia. CAIR, according to the evidence, was born out of a need to give a “media twinkle” to the Muslim leaders’ agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law in the U.S.
A federal judge later determined that the Justice Department provided “ample evidence” to designate CAIR as an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator in the case, affirming the Muslim group had been involved in “a conspiracy to support Hamas.”
More than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes. In addition, CAIR leaders have made statements affirming the aim of establishing Islamic rule in the United States.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 05:58 AM
08/16/2017 05:58 AM
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Black "pastors" in Chicongo now demanding George Washington statue be removed. Also any references to Washington and Andrew Jackson at several parks and monuments.
Only the dead have seen the end of war-Plato
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 01:15 PM
08/16/2017 01:15 PM
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Sorry to here that. To erase history is a sure sign that it will be repeated. The civil war was over states rights. Many know this,but to many don't care or don't want to hear the truth. Are republic is being deconstructed. So to bring in the etopia of delusion. It's been ask where will it stop. It will stop when this ideology has consumed it's self. Like the rabies a viris,it lives until it consumes the host.
Re: More on impending CW2
08/16/2017 01:48 PM
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They're going too far. In Memphis TN a group of negroes attempted to dig up General Forrest.
These reverse racists complain about evil white racists and all they are doing is creating that very thing.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/17/2017 09:16 AM
08/17/2017 09:16 AM
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ACLU blames the police for Charlottesville violence. I'm glad someone finally recognizes why all this happened. (...) "It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure safety of both protesters and counter-protesters. The policing on Saturday was not effective in preventing violence," said Virginia ACLU chief Claire G. Gastanaga in a statement. "I was there and brought concerns directly to the secretary of public safety and the head of the Virginia State Police about the way that the barricades in the park limiting access by the arriving demonstrators and the lack of any physical separation of the protesters and counter-protesters on the street were contributing to the potential of violence. They did not respond. In fact, law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an 'unlawful assembly' and clear the area."
First, a disclaimer: I am not a policeman, a lawyer, or a frequent participant in public protests. Second, nobody is ever justified in punching people for their political beliefs, no matter how much I detest their views.
That being said, I noticed a great difference in how the cops and barricades were deployed when a month earlier I covered a KKK rally at Charlottesville's Stonewall Jackson statue. At that rally, double-fenced metal barricades separated the Klansmen from the counterprotesters. This created a no-man's-land where a line of police stood, keeping each side from coming into physical contact with each other. Police evidently had no problem telling the Kluxers where to assemble. I stood within 20 feet of the KKK during their whole demonstration, and a not single rock, bottle, or any other missiles were thrown by either them or the hundreds of counterprotesters. And no one got punched or bashed with clubs either.
This past weekend, by contrast, police deployed a single line of metal barricades which could easily be reached across. They placed no police between the racists and the counterprotesters. When I got to the park, the police and National Guard all appeared to be standing on the sides and behind—not in-between, as they did at the KKK rally.
The state of emergency had apparently been called just as I approached the park, and riot police were marching in to clear out the area. A line of police behind shields basically pressed the neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates down Market Street between crowds of counterprotesters who had lined the street. Despite the dangerous decision to remove them by that route, I am happy to report that I saw only a few scuffles break out between the racists and the counterprotesters.
It is hard to believe that the police were less prepared at this event than at the Stonewall Jackson rally. Sadly, Gastanaga's assertions ring true. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: More on impending CW2
08/17/2017 09:27 AM
08/17/2017 09:27 AM
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Read this from a local leo who was there. The Obama supporting Mayor ordered the police to put the protestors in each others face...then were ordered to stand down by the mayor when the fighting broke out. It was a deliberate setup.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/22/2017 10:09 AM
08/22/2017 10:09 AM
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ACLU blames McAuliffe, police for Charlottesville
'It's almost as if they wanted us to fight each other' Liam Clancy WASHINGTON – In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead and at least 38 injured, many members of the national media were quick to blame the “Unite the Right” rally attendees for the outbreak of street warfare between “alt-right” and “alt-left” protesters. But according to the ACLU and reporters covering the rally, the violence escalated due to what many believe was an intentional lack of police oversight, with the blame aimed squarely at Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
“The police actually allowed us to square off against each other,” one counter-protester told CNN. “There were fights, and the police were standing a block away the entire time. It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.”The ACLU also contends the “passive” police presence may have been intentional to allow authorities to declare an “unlawful assembly” and justify shutting down the rally. “We asked the city to adhere to the U.S. Constitution and ensure people’s safety at the protest. It failed to do so. In our system, the city makes the rules and the courts enforce them,” the ACLU of Virginia’s Executive Director Claire Gastanaga said in a statement. “It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure safety of both protesters and counter-protesters. The policing on Saturday was not effective in preventing violence.” McAuliffe authorized a state of emergency that was used to prevent “Unite the Right” attendees from congregating in protest of a plan to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a city park. The order went into effect before the rally was scheduled to begin and long before James Fields, 20, plowed into counter-protesters, killing one and injuring 19. While the “Unite the Right” event had a permit, the counter-protesters did not. However, police shut down the permitted event, forcing white nationalist groups into the Antifa group.Reporters for the Daily Caller were “in the heart of the action” and described seeing “individual protesters throw themselves against the white supremacist shield line.” “Both sides eventually advanced on the other, and we were again caught in the crossfire. Several bottles hit us, and members of both sides began swinging wooden stakes and batons at each other all around us. Police remained still on the scene.“Protesters then brought out a ‘battering ram’ made out of plywood and reinforced with a metal step ladder. Members of the protest charged at the white supremacists, knocking us down in the process. Enforcers managed to stop the device before it reached the actual shield line, but a new group of protesters tried to push the ram further. The force of both groups was enough to tear the metal ladder and break the device in two,” the news site reported. A video, posted on YouTube by an apparent attendee, shows the moment the “Unite the Right” demonstrators were pushed by police directly into a group of counter-protesters, who are then seen threatening the rally-goers with bats.Editor’s Note: Video contains offensive language: Virginia statute 18.2-406 defines unlawful assembly: Whenever three or more persons assembled share the common intent to advance some lawful or unlawful purpose by the commission of an act or acts of unlawful force or violence likely to jeopardize seriously public safety, peace or order. Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli told Breitbart News the law is rarely enforced and so rarely used that “no one has expertise in it.” “Whenever the possibility [of declaring an unlawful assembly] arises, some attorney is going to have to research it. I’m sure that was happening this weekend in a couple places around Virginia. Specifically, the governor’s office, the Attorney General’s office, the county attorney for Albemarle, and the city attorney for Charlottesville,” he said. McAuliffe also erroneously claimed the “Unite the Right” attendees hid a weapons cache in the park before the rally. “They had battering rams and we had picked up different weapons that they had stashed around the city,” McAuliffe told Black Lives Matter activist Deray Mckesson. Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller later disputed the governor’s claims. “The governor was referring to the briefing provided him in advance of Saturday’s rally and the extra security measures being taken by local and state police,” she told “As a safety precaution in advance of August 12, such searches were conducted in and around Emancipation and McIntire Parks. No weapons were located as a result of those searches.” McAuliffe has defended the police response. “They had to be very careful,” McAuliffe said in an interview with NPR. “We had been planning for this for a while, we had to show tremendous restraint because we knew, we had a lot of intelligence that people all came armed.” WND reached out to the Virginia State Police for comment, who directed questions to the city of Charlottesville. Breitbart News reached out to Charlottesville Director of Communications Miriam Dickler with a host of questions regarding police actions against the “Unite the Right” rally: Can you please provide the evidentiary basis upon which the City of Charlottesville declared the legally permitted Emancipation Park rally to be an unlawful assembly in violation of Virginia statute, Va. Code §18.2-406? Given that a federal judge had issued a preliminary injunction less than 24 hours earlier ordering the City of Charlottesville to reinstate the permit for the Emancipation Park rally, did the City of Charlottesville’s legal counsel provide a legal opinion to the City Council, City Manager, or Mayor as to the additional evidentiary standard that might be required to declare an unlawful assembly? If so, could you provide that legal opinion? Who, specifically, in the City of Charlottesville made the declaration that the Emancipation Park rally was an unlawful assembly? At what time of day on August 12 did the Council for the City of Charlottesville issue its emergency ordinance stating”the Charlottesville Chief of Policy is hereby empowered to regulate, restrict or prohibit any assembly of persons, or the movement of persons or vehicles on any public street, sidewalk, right of way, park or other publicly-owned property? By what legal authority was the emergency ordinance issued by the Council for the City of Charlottesville? Did the Council convene in person or telephonically? Why did the Chief of Police not simultaneously declare the adjacent permitted demonstration as an unlawful assembly at the same time? Breitbart claims to have received no response. WND also contacted Dickler and McAuliffe’s office but has not received a response. NOW, watch this: KKK, AntiFa, BLM Arrived On SAME Soros Buses: Eye Witness Makes Bold Claim On Camera
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: More on impending CW2
08/22/2017 10:26 AM
08/22/2017 10:26 AM
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Maybe some bets were made. 10 on antifa 5 on blm 10 on white surpremist 2 bits on kkk. So on and so on. The Amerikian con. Making money while supporting and financing both sides.
Re: More on impending CW2
08/28/2017 05:29 AM
08/28/2017 05:29 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor: [b]ACLU blames McAuliffe, police for Charlottesville
[/b] Like the proverbial blind hog and his acorn, the aclu gets it right occasionally.