Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/06/2017 03:02 PM
04/06/2017 03:02 PM
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As you might expect, Sen. John McCain and sen. Lindsey Graham applauded the airstrike. Sen. Rand Paul? Not so much. ![[Linked Image]]( Onward and upward, airforce
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/06/2017 03:35 PM
04/06/2017 03:35 PM
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I have been on the road and handling personal stuff. What was the gas attack about?
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Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/06/2017 05:03 PM
04/06/2017 05:03 PM
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Syria's fate was foretold and sealed long ago.
Before it's over Damascus will be utterly wiped from the face of the earth.
Tillerson said today that it was time for Assad to go.
We're walking in a minefield. Assad was winning against the rebel forces and had no legitimate need or reason for a counter productive chemical attack.
Russia is a long standing allie of Syria. If we 'accidentally' strike Russian troops that are in country it will not end well.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/06/2017 06:11 PM
04/06/2017 06:11 PM
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Our founding fathers warned us to stay out of foreign affairs. Someone please show me where the US is to be the world's police. Can someone please show me where this country has the right to bomb another country when no American was killed. Bengasi happened and that was swept under the rug.
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/07/2017 02:59 AM
04/07/2017 02:59 AM
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Originally posted by airforce: Some Syrians killed some Syrians. So now, to keep Syrians from killing Syrians, we have to kill some Syrians.
Onward and upward, airforce Makes perfect sense if you're a manufacturer of stuff that kills Syrians and Uncle Sam already robbed everyone to pay you.
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Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/07/2017 04:20 AM
04/07/2017 04:20 AM
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Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/07/2017 05:09 AM
04/07/2017 05:09 AM
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Schummer and Pelosi are all for the air strikes too.
Truth be told the Saran gas used in the attack was supplied to the rebels by a shipment from Libya (Bengasi)courtesy of Hildabeast.
Edited to add...
Just listened to an interesting anylysis of the situation.
The air strike was a not so subtle form of negotiation. They say timing is everything. Everyone, EXCEPT China and N.K., including Russia and Syria was warned that we were going to strike.
Message to the democrats..."See, I'm not in bed with Putin; now I've pissed him off".
Message to China..."I'm not a push over like my predecessor. You better do something about NK before I do".
Message to the NK dictator..."I'm not a push over like my predecessor. So, you better shut up and lay down before you piss me off".
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/10/2017 07:46 AM
04/10/2017 07:46 AM
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REPORT: ISIS Attacks US-Led Coalition Base In Syria Conflict in Syria escalating on the ground
Zero Hedge - April 10, 2017
With the US now engaged in military conflict with, and targeting Syrian army forces, what the Trump administration has (un)wittingly done is provide support to Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and al-Nusra and other terrorist forces, all of which have been engaging with the Assad regime in a fight in which the Syrian president has gradually seen the tide of war turn in his favor – at least until last Friday’s US cruise missile attack that is.
Which is why it should probably come as no surprise that, emboldened by US actions, moments ago the WSJ reported that Islamic State militants attacked a US-led coalition base (at least we now have official confirmation that there are US military bases in Syria) in southern Syria on Saturday, “triggering a fierce fight that required coalition airstrikes to repel, U.S. military officials said Sunday.”
The complex attack began on Saturday when Islamic State fighters detonated a vehicle bomb at a base in al-Tanf, a town in southern Syria along the Jordan border used by American special operation forces and Syrian rebels working with the U.S. coalition, the officials said.
Between 20 and 30 Islamic State fighters, including some with suicide vests, then attacked the base, which is a staging ground and training facility for the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels.
As the WSJ adds, Coalition forces and Syrian rebels engaged in firefights with the attackers and then called in airstrikes to repel the attack, officials said.
Luckily, there was no word of any American fatalities in the attack, although next time the US forces on the ground may not be so lucky, and the resulting media storm would prompt a full reappraisal of Trump’s action which by weakening Assad implicitly and directly is boosting the relative strength of the Islamic State.
The Islamic State attack comes as the U.S. military is deepening its presence in Syria as part of an intensifying campaign to drive the extremist group from its de facto capital in Raqqa. For weeks, the U.S. military has been strengthening its presence along the Jordan-Syria border, according to U.S. and Jordanian officials.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/10/2017 07:52 AM
04/10/2017 07:52 AM
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Russian Pol Calls For “Retaliatory Strikes” Against U.S. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky has called for Moscow to carry out “retaliatory strikes” against the U.S. in response to the Trump administration’s air strike on Syria. “This was all planned,” said Zhirinovsky, asserting that the chemical weapons incident was a “provocation in advance” to justify the U.S. air strike and that the gas attack was staged by jihadist rebels. Adding that the goal was to “overthrow Assad” and undermine Russian influence in the country, Zhirinovsky said Syria had the right to defend itself with retaliatory strikes. Noting that the agreement that Russian and U.S. fighter planes would not target each other over Syrian airspace has been cancelled, Zhirinovsky went further, calling for Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems to cover the entire country as well as for more warships to be sent to the region. Zhirinovsky, a member of Russia’s state Duma, also demanded that Moscow declare partial mobilization and put its strategic missile forces in a state of high combat readiness while demanding that “retaliatory strikes” be carried out against U.S. armed forces in Syria “if they continue aggressive actions” against Syrian troops or Bashar Al-Assad. “So they would know, that they will not be allowed to destroy Syrian armed forces like this – with impunity,” he added. Zhirinovsky chided, “Americans are envious of our success, and they have only had military defeats since 1945,” adding that Trump may have been “misinformed” or “misled” into carrying out the air strike. “This confrontation is going to last for a long time and this is a battleground between the U.S. and Russia,” he concluded. Zhirinovsky is a controversial figure, but his rhetoric is not that far removed from a joint statement by Russia and Iran in which the two countries vowed to “respond to any (future) aggression” in Syria. Meanwhile, former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford told BBC News that the air strike could actually motivate jihadists to stage further chemical weapons attacks. “Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations,” said Ford. “Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media to provoke the West into intemperate reactions.” Watch Putin's response video at the link.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/10/2017 09:00 AM
04/10/2017 09:00 AM
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Fox News is reporting that Russia had knowledge bout the chemical attack. This could get nasty. ![[Linked Image]]( Onward and upward, airforce
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/10/2017 09:38 AM
04/10/2017 09:38 AM
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Our former ambassador to Syria is predicting Assad will use chemical weapons again. That would be bad. The last person to serve as U.S. ambassador to Syria predicts that Syrian President Bashar Assad will try to use chemical weapons again despite the U.S. military strike against last week.
“I think the strikes that we did last week on that airbase were very good,” Robert Ford said on “CBS This Morning.” “It’s time to try to deter Assad from using chemical weapons, so I think that’s a good step. But it’s only a step. Assad will almost certainly try to use chemical weapons again, and so I think it will be hard to convince the Russians to lean on Assad to stop using chemical weapons.”
American forces fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield last week, the first time the U.S. military has directly intervened in the Syrian civil war by attacking Assad's forces. The bombing was in response to a chemical attack that killed more than 80 civilians that U.S. officials say was carried about the Assad loyalists.
Bombing a single airfield won’t do much to hurt Assad’s military capabilities, however, and the government has already launched jets from the site since the attack.... Onward and upward, airforce
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/10/2017 01:20 PM
04/10/2017 01:20 PM
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Makes no sense to me.
Assad, with Russia's help, was winning against the rebels. Why muck up everything by doing something he well knows the whole world will condemn.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/11/2017 02:35 AM
04/11/2017 02:35 AM
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Pentagon Casts Doubt On AP Report Claiming Russia Knew About Syrian Chemical Attack
Kaitlan Collins White House Correspondent
A Department of Defense spokesman discounted an Associated Press report that claimed Russia knew in advance about the chemical weapons attack in Syria last week that left more than 80 people dead.
“I’ve seen nothing that corroborates this definitive statement,” Major Jamie Davis told the Daily Caller in a statement Monday. “We continue to review the available intelligence surrounding this incident.”
Though Davis noted that the DOD is continuing to assess the details of the situation, he noted they have found nothing so far that could verify the AP story.
Citing an anonymous senior U.S. official, the Associated Press reported Monday that the United States concluded Russia knew in advance of the attack.
“The official said a drone operated by Russians was flying over a hospital as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment,” the AP reported.
“Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons.”
“But the official said the presence of the surveillance drone over the hospital couldn’t have been a coincidence, and that Russia must have known the chemical weapons attack was coming and that victims were seeking treatment.”
A senior administration official in the White House also cast doubt on the AP report.
“At this time, there is no U.S. intelligence community consensus that Russia had foreknowledge of the Syrian chemical attack,” a senior administration official said.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/11/2017 03:15 AM
04/11/2017 03:15 AM
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Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag’, More Coming
"They plan to plant chemicals in Damascus and accuse the Syrian government of an attack”.
Steve Watson | - April 11, 2017 ]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the recent chemical attack in Idlib province in Syria was a false flag operation, and that more ‘provocations’ are being prepared.
“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.” Putin said during a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow.
“They plan to plant some chemicals there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” Putin told media representatives, adding that he has “trusted sources”.
Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein’s non existent weapons of mass destruction, indicating that he may believe that the US is either behind the false flag, or at least actively pushing such propaganda, while anti-government rebels in Syria carried out the attack.
“President Mattarella and I discussed it, and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003, when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq.” Putin said.
“The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] on the world stage,” Putin added.
“All incidents reminiscent of the chemical attacks that took place in Idlib must be thoroughly investigated,” Putin concluded, also clarifying that he has no scheduled meeting with Rex Tillerson, who is on his way to Russia.
In addition, the Russian general staff has said that Syrian forces posses no chemical weapons, and that further US Syria strikes will be viewed as unacceptable.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/11/2017 11:12 AM
04/11/2017 11:12 AM
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I remember when that happened. Some reports I've read question if the chemical attack was actually saran. Some experts are saying it appears to have been phosgene...which the rebels are known to have. Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer and director of the Council for the National Interest, stated on the Scott Horton show that “military and intelligence personnel” in the Middle East, who are “intimately familiar” with the intelligence, call the allegation that Assad or Russia carried out the attack a “sham.”
Giraldi said the intelligence confirms the Russian account, “which is that they [attacking aircraft] hit a warehouse where al-Qaeda rebels were storing chemicals of their own and it basically caused an explosion that resulted in the casualties.” Moreover, Giraldi noted, “Assad had no motive for doing this.”
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/11/2017 04:43 PM
04/11/2017 04:43 PM
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Buchanan: War Party won’t get the war they want in Syria
(VERO BEACH, FLA) Speaking on Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated radio show Monday morning, the former presidential candidate said lawmakers advocating for armed conflict in Syria, such as Senators Macro Rubio, John McCain, and Lindsay Graham, would not get the war they wanted if the US entered that conflict zone.
“It’s McCain and Graham and Marco Rubio — the war party,” Buchanan said. “But let me say this, Laura — my view is they’re not going to get the war they want.”
Buchanan went on to say he doesn’t believe President Trump will actually deploy ground troops to Syria, for such a move would “consume his presidency.”
“If Donald Trump the president takes us into Syria’s civil war and he’s already made the first strike — it will consume his presidency,” Buchanan said. “And the sense I get this morning and listening to some of these folks on yesterday’s show is that, ‘Don’t worry, this is just a one-off. We’re not going into Syria. The enemy is still ISIS, as indeed it is if you take a look at what happened in Egypt yesterday, 47 dead and 100 injured.”
Buchanan added:
“So I think the war party is going to be frustrated because I cannot believe that Donald Trump on second thought is going to plunge us into Syria, which he told us again and again and again would be an act of folly — that our enemy is ISIS and our enemy is al-Qaeda and that we should finish them off,” he added. “Then we’re necessarily going to have to work with the folks who did most of the heavy lifting in finishing them off.”
Buchanan also shared his belief that a direct military confrontation in Syria which did not explicitly target ISIS would start a regional war with Russia and leave a detrimental power vacuum in the region.
“If you try to overthrow Assad then you will be at war, the Russians will fight, the Iranians will fight, Hezbollah will fight, obviously Assad and his army and Air Force will fight, we will be fighting all four of them as well as ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria,” Buchanan said. “You tell me how we win that war and who we put into power after we have defeated all six of them.”
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/14/2017 02:39 AM
04/14/2017 02:39 AM
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Trump May Send Up To 50,000 Troops To Syria
The boots are coming
Zero Hedge - April 14, 2017
It appears that Mike Cernovich, who earlier this week wrote that Trump’s national security advisor, Gen. H.R.McMaster, was planning on sending as many as 150,000 troops to Syria, may have been right again. According to Bloomberg commentator Eli Lake, who has now made a habit of confirming Cernovich “conspiracy theories” (he did so previously with the Susan Rice scoop), Trump may be on the verge of escalating the proxy war in Syria by sending anywhere between 10,000 and 50,000 troops on the ground, and – if Cernovich is indeed correct – as much as three times more.
Per Lake, after U-turning on attacking Syria last week and on a variety of economic policies yesterday, the Donald Trump’s “biggest foreign policy surprise may be yet to come.” Specifically, he says that McMaster, has been quietly pressing his colleagues to question the underlying assumptions of a draft war plan against the Islamic State that would maintain only a light U.S. ground troop presence in Syria.” McMaster’s critics inside the administration say he wants to send tens of thousands of ground troops to the Euphrates River Valley. His supporters insist he is only trying to facilitate a better interagency process to develop Trump’s new strategy to defeat the self-described caliphate that controls territory in Iraq and Syria.”
To be sure, there have been ground troops, typically special forces, in Syria since 2014, when Barack Obama famously flipflopped on his own promise of “no more boots on the ground”, first in Iraq and then the broader region. However, the U.S. presence on the ground has been much smaller and quieter than more traditional military campaigns, particularly for Syria. As Lae puts it, “It’s the difference between boots on the ground and slippers on the ground.”
Well, the boots are coming, even if that means Trump gets to flip on yet another promise: Trump told Fox Business this week that that would not be his approach to fighting the Syrian regime: “We’re not going into Syria,” he said.
According to Gen. McMaster “we are”, and it’s only a matter of time.
As Lake explains, McMaster himself has found resistance to a more robust ground troop presence in Syria. In two meetings since the end of February of Trump’s national security cabinet, known as the principals’ committee, Trump’s top advisers have failed to reach consensus on the Islamic State strategy. The White House and administration officials say Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford and General Joseph Votel, who is in charge of U.S. Central Command, oppose sending more conventional forces into Syria.
An interesting aside: according to a Lake source, Stephen Bannon had “derided” McMaster to his colleagues as trying to start a new Iraq War. Bannon’s opposition to yet another US conflict – one which would have the clear goal of replacing the Assad regime – may explain why the former Breitbart head is on his way out.
* * *
So where in the process is the McMaster “ground war” plan currently? Lake reports that it is still in its early stages.
Because Trump’s national security cabinet has not reached consensus, the Islamic State war plan is now being debated at the policy coordinating committee, the interagency group hosted at the State Department of subject matter experts that prepares issues for the principals’ committee and deputies’ committee, after which a question reaches the president’s desk for a decision.
Of course, following the recent cleansing of the NSC as per McMaster himself, which kicked out such skeptics as Bannon, whatever the new national security advisor wants, is what he will get.
And what he wants, based on the preliminary information, is a land war.
Inside the Pentagon, military leaders favor a more robust version of Obama’s strategy against the Islamic State. This has been a combination of airstrikes and special operations forces that train and support local forces… McMaster however is skeptical of this approach. To start, it relies primarily on Syrian Kurdish militias to conquer and hold Arab-majority territory. Jack Keane, a retired four-star Army general who is close to McMaster, acknowledged to me this week that the Kurdish forces have been willing to fight the Islamic State, whereas Arab militias have primarily fought against the Assad regime.
Keane told Lake he favored a plan to begin a military operation along the Euphrates River Valley. “A better option is to start the operation in the southeast along the Euphrates River Valley, establish a U.S. base of operations, work with our Sunni Arab coalition partners, who have made repeated offers to help us against the regime and also ISIS. We have turned those down during the Obama administration.”
That particular plan would require an initial force of 10,000 troops:
Keane added that U.S. conventional forces would be the anchor of that initial push, which he said would most likely require around 10,000 U.S. conventional forces, with an expectation that Arab allies in the region would provide more troops to the U.S.-led effort.
With time, however, the number will grow dramatically:
White House and administration officials familiar with the current debate tell me there is no consensus on how many troops to send to Syria and Iraq. Two sources told me one plan would envision sending up to 50,000 troops. Blogger and conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich wrote on April 9 that McMaster wanted 150,000 ground troops for Syria, but U.S. officials I spoke with said that number was wildly inflated and no such plan has been under consideration.
While McMaster has not disclosed in public whether he supports a ground troop offensive, on Sunday in an interview with Fox News, McMaster gave some insights into his thinking on the broader strategy against the Islamic State. “We are conducting very effective operations alongside our partners in Syria and in Iraq to defeat ISIS, to destroy ISIS and reestablish control of that territory, control of those populations, protect those populations, allow refugees to come back, begin reconstruction,” he said.
According to Lake, “that’s significant” as Obama never said the goal of the U.S. intervention in Iraq and Syria was to defeat the Islamic State, let alone to protect the population from the group and begin reconstruction.
Those aims are much closer to the goals of George W. Bush’s surge strategy for Iraq at the end of his second term, under which U.S. conventional forces embedded with the Iraqi army would “clear, hold and build” areas that once belonged to al Qaeda’s franchise.
There is another reason why McMaster is for US ground presence in Syria.
As a young colonel serving in Iraq, he was one of the first military officers to form a successful alliance with local forces, in Tal Afair, to defeat the predecessor to the Islamic State, al Qaeda in Iraq. During the Iraq War, McMaster became one of the closest advisers to David Petraeus, the four-star general who led the counter-insurgency strategy in Iraq that defeated al Qaeda in Iraq — and brought about a temporary, uneasy peace there. That peace unraveled after Obama withdrew all U.S. forces from Iraq at the end of 2011. Obama himself never apologized for that decision, even though he had to send special operations forces back to Iraq in the summer of 2014 after the Islamic State captured Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city. He argued that U.S. forces in Iraq would have been caught up inside a civil war had they stayed.
* * *
The cadre of former military advisers to Petraeus took a different view. They argued that America’s abandonment of Iraq gave the Shiite majority there a license to pursue a sectarian agenda that provided a political and military opening for the Islamic State. An active U.S. presence in Iraq would have restrained those sectarian forces. One of those advisers was H.R. McMaster.
What was unsaid in Lake’s piece, is that the real aim of any US ground assault would be to remove the Assad regime and “destabilize” the Middle-Eastern region, something both Rex Tillerson and Sean Spicer hinted at over the past week. That, in itself, would be considered a clear act of war, even if there is no formal declaration by Congress. It would also prompt a ground troop response by not only Assad but also Russia.
As Lake concludes, “it’s now up to Trump to decide whether to test the Petraeus camp’s theory or try to defeat the Islamic State with a light footprint in Syria. Put another way, Trump must decide whether he wants to wage Bush’s war or continue Obama’s.”
The real conclusion, however, is different: it is now up to Goldman to decide whether to advise Trump to risk starting World War III in Syria by sending some 50,000 “boots on the ground” to start, a number which will only grow in direct proportion with the casualties that emerge as this proxy world war enters its final, most destrucive phase.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: "Regime Change" In Syria
04/16/2017 05:51 PM
04/16/2017 05:51 PM
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Someone really, really, really wants to put a pipeline across Syria. Follow the money.
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887
I fear we live in evil times...