I kinda went off topic.

It's been quite a few years since I gave up on the MSM. The small town newspaper here the owner and publisher thinks his shit don't stick but every time someone tried to get their foot in the door that might seem far right or just not a leftie organization he sent some reporters (SJW type maggots) out to cover the story... I once attended a talk put on by some Constitutional party folks around 20 years ago. Around 20 people showed up. Between the presentation and questions afterward it was both interesting and thought provoking. A reporter for the local rag I've already mentioned asked me several questions like my name. I said sumpin like Joe Sixpack. I had never been interviewed by a reporter before. Yeah I was naive. But that was the LAST TIME I WAS NAIVE. The bitch used my comments out of context and made me out to be some lunatic gun runner. The only words for a reporter I've ever had since were the ever popular FU. Or ESAD (eat shit and die)which I've always liked.CNN NBC CBS ABC and basically ALL cable networks are all owned by 2 or 3 global elite. Then there's Randolph William Hurst who owns just about every big daily in large cities across the lower 48. What is the SMALLEST NUMBER IN THE UNIVERSE?? Basically I don't buy what they're selling. Natural Born Liars one and all. Just cuz some fat cat has more $$ than God don't mean squat to me. I take my news from the Net from Patriot groups and various individuals I trust. A trusted friend told me the BBC can be trusted but the jury is still out on that. I'm just damn glad I am NOT a subject of the Queen. BREXIT did not come soon enuf to help the smart Brits and as long as Merkel is still breathing the Germans are screwed.

As far as the media here operating under the auspices of the FCC I'd like to see Trump get into their shit and knock some heads around. I'd like to see some PSAs promoting gun ownership and CC for everyone who is over 21 not a felon and sees the need for carrying for Armed Self Protection both in the big cities as well as everywhere else. Just cuz one lives in a small town or a rural area don't mean those areas don't have crime. We have plenty of crime in my AO. Most of it is propagated by the no habla crowd of which there are MANY as I live in a strong agricultural area.

I am wandering down Off Topic Trail agin. I have little enuf $$ to spend where I have to like bills grub gas and such as that. CNN will NEVER see one red cent of my cash. The local rag? Once in a blue moon a story above the fold catches my eye and I likely will give a dollar tho it really ain't worth 4 bits let alone a dollar. Every time they call me to try to con me into a subscription I give them BOTH BARRELS as to exactly what I think of their BS paper. And just in case so there's NO Miscommunication I'll use all of the vulgar language I have at my fingertips. And again no I have no qualms using colorful language that would make a church member turn beet red. They interrupted MY DAY not the other way around.

I get 3 TV channels running old timey RABBIT EARS. I get the H&I channel and a movie channel and a 2 bit channel out of of all places that bastion of Freedom and Gun Rights... that's right Cook County near I believe it's Lake Michigan. I remember ONE TIME the muckety mucks tried to impress us yokels with the fact the windy city was some high falutin town... he he he... Before I could email them my thoughts apparently some way quicker folks DID JUST THAT because there has NEVER BEEN anymore mentioned about Chicago. And I hope and trust the yokels used plenty of colorful language.

I don't hate too many companies. I do hate Crap Mart and have around 15 years mostly due to the way they treat their employees. I don't drink coffee so there's no need to boycott Starbucks. I do remember the hubbub with the OC crowd and Starbucks. I have OCed twice in 7 years.

I DO like to HATE ME SOME HAGGEN'S. It's a grocery store for YUPPIE SCUM. I've been to the one near me ONE TIME since they opened. I did not care for the uppity attitude of one of their young libTURD employees so again I gave her BOTH BARRELS and left showing them they are NUMBER 1 with sign language.

I dress a certain way. That means aside from new boxers which I can get at K-Mart most (80%)of my clothes come from a small family owned clothing store over in the nest town. Not Target not Sears NOT the GAP. I wear Romeos all the time. Spenders too. In the past I bought new spenders in saw shops. That was ALWAYS FUN for me. When I'm in the right area I love to buy grub at WINCO. Employee owned. Wonderful rotisserie chicken and slaw and prices a Quartermaster would LOVE!!! Love to stock up on my stir fry fixins there. Come Turkey Day I'll be sliding by there for 24R packs of TP for 5 bucks each. Since finding a Dollar Tree most of my grub comes from there now with Grocery Outlet picking up the slack. At GO and DT I buy brands I NEVER HEARD OF from Tennessee Texas and all over creation. I am almost a vegetarian but not by choice.

At 64 I am no longer the dumb ass I was when I was younger. I certainly am not the average dumb ass the younger crowd seems to be. No smart phone here no tablet no PS4 no Dish w/the sports package.

I am lucky where I live...any SJW fools locally take their act on the road. I stay away from the huge towns. I carry 24/7.

I am not forth coming to let bygones be bygones. Mess with me you SJW idiot first thing they'll find out is this senior citizen won't play fair or fight fair. Gun comes out. Diddy on outta here or be prepared to meet their maker.

Grass fed Beef..it's what's fer supper July 4th.