Airforce, potack said..."the splc has determined"...
And, just today...that muslim bastard who calls himself president gave a speech in Greece...reminding them that "fanatical nationalism" is what led to the murder of millions of people during the 20th century. He referenced Hitler and Mussolini and then warned of the dangers in the resurgence of nationalism in Britain and America. Said the world must not allow it to spread.
Consider this.
The soros funded, paid protest groups are carrying communist and mexican flags while burning the American flag and copies of the constitution. They're chanting F America, F the constitution, F white people, kill Trump, kill cops, committing acts of violence and arson etc. Just today the Charlotte NC PD said that 70% of these terrorists are being bused in .
Obummer, the democrats and the media are doing nothing to discourage this 'amerikan spring' rather they are openly encouraging it.
The media is deliberately fomenting hate and racial division non stop, 24/7.
One corp. ceo (who was fired) has been publicly advocating the assassination of Trump at the inauguration.
And, a hollywood producer has publicly said that he is willing to fund violent revolution.
A false flag is in the works and we better be ready.