I don't even think it's corporate America that's getting the profits. That's the point, the hemorrhage of capital assets to overseas interests and the abundance of debt put onto future generations of Amercicans
Successful American corporations wer being forced overseas in many ways to "share the wealth". Call that capital asset distribution because had they stayed, they would lose the money anyway as foreign corporations retained the better tax incentives and profit margins, but if the corporations moved, they could at least serve their shareholders. Americans wealthy enough or already established could maybe become shareholders, but we know how that works. If you can't maintain a family wage job, you dip into the investment portfolio to make living expenses and it all bleeds away.
The criminal act these people are doing is like taking the family credit card and spending it on their friends fake charity in return for social affirmation and a little kickback. An activity these people already do a lot with their environmental conferences in exotic vacation getaways.
Only this time, with the public debt, it's a debt that future generations either pay or lose face in the world banking honor system.
If this situation does not get untucked, Americans will be slaves to the system which places them into that perpetual debt spiral.
One friend of mine has pointed out that Americans are the only people who have to pay income taxes on income earned overseas.