While America Partied On Labor Day: “Obama Initiated Another MAJOR Redistribution Of Wealth”

Jeremiah Johnson
September 7th, 2016

Akin to a broken record, the Obama administration is “working” overtime, over the Labor Day weekend while the oblivious population continues to “enjoy its vacations,” mindless to what is occurring around them. The broken record played before in this manner: with Obamacare being signed into law in 2010 just before the weekend, and the NDAA being signed by Obama via autopen while vacationing in Hawaii on New Year’s Eve of 2014. The TPP was concluded over the weekend. This is the new norm for the government: do as little as possible during the regular workweek, as “Dudley Do-Nothing,” and then morph into Snidely Whiplash over the weekend to unleash new, exciting, terrifying regulations and laws on the subjects (citizens, if you wish).

This past weekend was no different, yet worse. Saturday, September 3rd Obama attended the G-20 summit being held in China. An article out of AFP written by Andrew Beatty and Tom Hancock entitled US, China Join Climate Deal in ‘Turning Point’ for Planet A turning point it is indeed, with focus placed upon the United States. Here is an excerpt that glowingly lauds Obama’s actions:

Obama and his Chinese counter-part Xi Jinping handed ratification documents to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, who said he was now optimistic the agreement will be in force by the end of this year. At a ceremony in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, Obama said climate change would “define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other challenge”. History would show that the Paris deal would “ultimately prove to be a turning point”, he said, “the moment we finally decided to save our planet”. “There’s an American saying: You need to put your money where your mouth is. That’s what we’re doing.”

He handed the “ratification documents” right over to the UN. The article goes on to describe how the United States was going to hold itself responsible for the “lion’s share” of the world’s pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some more parameters:

In its Paris commitment, the US promised to cut its own emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. For its part the White House is looking for the Paris accord to come into force during Obama’s tenure, in part to burnish his climate legacy, but also to ensure it is not derailed by the forthcoming US election.

So, what is happening? Obama has initiated another major redistribution of wealth, in this case to “developing third-world nations” in order to “take responsibility” for being one of the world’s major polluters…and “help” those nations to curb their own emissions. Coincidentally, the cited piece shows other reasons this is being done: to make Obama look “good” to the blind (“burnish his climate legacy), and do it before he’s out of office (“ensure it is not derailed by the forthcoming US election”).

It is all nebulous, because the statistics for those third-world nations have already been doctored and even partially blamed on the U.S. for industries American firms have in those locations. In reality it will allow the funneling of billions of dollars that cannot be accounted for in their entirety, as well as place a higher burden upon the stultified American public. Those funds will be taken indirectly and directly: indirectly by increasing the pressure on American utilities and manufacturers through EPA and emissions enforcements, causing them to raise their rates and transfer the burden of Obama’s “putting his money where his mouth is” to the American citizen’s wallet, and directly through usage taxes and fees.

The true “kicker” of the article is a summarized one sentence that reveals the broken record for what it is: a unilateral action by Obama against the will of the American people. Here it is, straight out of the cited article:

“The administration has been careful to structure the agreement so that it can be enacted by Obama under existing presidential authorities and without Congressional approval.”

There we have it. As with the actions first mentioned, anything to deny this measure to be put to a vote, as the American people drove to their barbeques and parties, prepared the children for another year of the brainwashing cycle that is about to commence this week, and out of the way of most of the mainstream media to keep it away from the public consciousness, not that the latter is difficult, mind you.

Meanwhile in Massachusetts, the state attorney general, Maura Healey has begun another round of attacks on gun manufacturers. This crusade is “for the interests of public consumer safety,” and her targets are gun manufacturers Remington and Glock. She is demanding release of consumer complaints and other statistics that would normally be protected under existing privacy laws, as well as the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In an article written by Herschel Smith entitled Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey Attacks Gun Manufacturers, the “reasoning” behind such actions is described as follows:

A Healey spokeswoman said the attorney general is asking gun manufacturers to turn over customer safety complaints because firearms are one of the only products not regulated by the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission. In May, she led a dozen attorneys general in calling on Congress to allow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study gun deaths as a public health issue. A day later, she spoke at a White House gun violence summit, where she decried the legal immunity Congress has granted to gun makers. “This is the only product of its kind for which Congress has given the industry extensive freedom from liability,” she said at the White House. “That’s not right. The gun industry should be held to the same liability standards as the manufacturers and sellers of other consumer products.”

Healey referred to gun violence as a “public crisis” and an “epidemic” to justify her crusade against the firearms industries, and use as further justification to involve the CDC and enable a tie-in with “mental health” issues and target specific groups such as veterans and vocal protestors of the government. The situation here is also obvious:

The Federal Government, wishing to tread lightly before the election is using the states (Healey is a Democrat) to indirectly institute bureaucratic controls and circumvent the 2nd Amendment in the eternal “interests of public safety” that can be tied into and used as justification for federal and/or executive actions to be conducted post-election.

These are examples of how our rulers (formerly representatives) of the reign (formerly government) wait until the focus of the people is diverted from issues by bread and circuses before they strike. Most Americans are counting upon the election to provide us with a Dudley Do-Right to cut the ropes holding Nell (the American people) to the railroad tracks. The problem is that Snidely Whiplash (the administration) is not going to allow a legitimate election to occur, and in the meantime he’s waiting to strike when the public is asleep and oblivious to his actions…in this instance, on Labor Day.

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at SHTFplan.com or contact him here.

This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to www.SHTFplan.com.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861