We already have extensive dialogue between Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan, and even David Duke is strongly rumored to be conferring with some black community and church groups out of NYC. I just don't see the race war baiting as gaining very much traction.
One indicator on this: no large scale prison riots, which means the proven killers, murderers and people who are willing to take action either have a separate deal or are not really on with the main program.
Back in 1971, the Attica prison takeover was one of the events which marked the beginning of a new era for the anti-establishment movement. There was a similar thing that took place in a couple other prisons in the late 1990s. The Convict Unity movement established rules among the hard core prison gangs. It remains conspicuously un acknowledged in the current dialogue.
That's interesting because the most powerful and discreet lobby in the western states which will happily manipulate both major parties are the prison guards unions, often competing with the teacher's unions for status and funding. Notice, in all of this, no action or encouragement for prison riots and takeovers. That's another element that told me much of this BLM stuff simply lacked authenticity.
The prison guards lobby is powerful, pervasive and proven their ability to reach into the political spectrum to get revenge if they feel that they have been offended. Likewise, they frequently work to manipulate racial conflict at all levels, often encouraging it to varying levels of success. One thing i started to notice though, is nobody wants to pick that fight with them as they have zero problem dispatching death squads and hitmen to do their bidding.
Notice that even when on the "right wing" side, someone wants to rail about too many people in prison, they will put in the dialogue about "private prisons" (which are non-union).