SBL, strong point to be made, coming from a 300 pounder. A mild weapons advantage does not trump all of the other advantages in combat actions when you just can't function units. That's not to mention some of these characters who will go playing stupid games with other people's weapons and equipment once they get a hold of shit which is not there during the musical chairs opportunities for "misunderstandings" which come up in the dynamics of a crisis.
Difference is I have walked the prison yards among the real hard core, most of these other "experts" have not.
No joke, had some personal issues with one of the alternative media types a while back who I was trying to help get on his feet in Portland and make some public relations headway for a few projects. As it was, some people encouraged a problem which snowballed to this guy making videos and filing complaints for police protection because he got convinced that I was going to kidnap and bitch rape him prison style...
Heard I was described as "like the Terminator but with a gut...". Geesh,
So anyway, there is a point over physical fitness and fighting fitness and willingness to break laws. The patriot groups which are largely guided by a certain fraternal organization where everyone pledges allegiance and swears oaths not to break any laws points to a certain mentality. It is also obviously a self limiting factor which was programmed in with the fact that other branches of that certain fraternal organization have backed the current political regime which came to power through lawbreaking in the 1970s, legal manipulation in the 1980s through frivolous and petty lawsuits, and then highly selective legal interpretations of law in the 1990s. Now of course, they want new laws and highly selective enforcement of basic common laws over things like theft, murder, assault and fraud. I think however, the guys who are being told to play with their hands tied behind their backs are getting the clue that set of rules means they have been set up to lose.
We also have to look at the Obamacare situation at for what it is - the institutionalization of services fraud. They fraudulently bill you for healthcare management services you will neither use nor need, and then when you finally do need some medical care, you are functionally billed for the actual cost of that medical care through the copayment system at just the level that it's not worth your time to travel to a country where the same medical drugs and procedures are available at actual cost.