Originally posted by Lord Vader:
I do not know anything about drugs, gangs, CIA, black gangs actually started out as political organizations out of Chicago, a half dozen militia patriots are drop in the bucket,
we don't have that so discussing it is stupid. or anything else you mentioned.
Breacher will you put what you posted in a form that a person who is not as well versed as you are on this subject can understand.
You seem to be stating that White People are going to lose while I believe that we are going to Win.
I believe that the overwhelming majority of Firearms are owned by White Conservatives and I have a hard time believing that Blacks and Latinos regardless of who is backing them are going to prevail in a Race War against White People and that White People in White Majority Areas are just going to let Minority Scum murder our White Brothers without taking any action to help them or get payback. [/b]
Breacher, I have no problem at all with your vocabulary.
Mr. Vader, are you aware that white folks don't stick together? Who are your "white brothers"? Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Clinton? Why not? They're white.
White people are NOT going to cross state lines to help out other white people just because they share the same skin color. Perhaps you have a tight-knit cohesive team where you live, and that's fine, but for everywhere else in America, it is unreasonable to expect such a thing. even with people who aren't strangers.
Also, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by assuming that minority people don't own guns. They're buying them everyday. And what just happened in Dallas shows that they can use them pretty darn effectively too. Often those minority buyers are buying a gun for the first time, and a lot of times they're the first in their family to own one. Since this is the case, often they don't really know what to look for as far as quality or features. So yeah, in a racially-motivated shootout you may have the white guy with a $1800 Daniel Defense rifle and a Glock 34 going up against a thug with a DPMS Oracle rifle and a S&W Sigma. Obviously, the white dude is far better armed. HOWEVER… let's look at the whole picture. The white guy is 300lbs, has bad knees because he's getting older, and his only backup is his brother-in-law, who's not much better off. The thug is 23 years old, plays basketball every day, so he's in great shape, and has an entire gang to back him up. He has absolutely no regard for the law, and knows that a prosecutor will help him out if he is ever arrested.