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What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159437
06/11/2016 12:16 PM
06/11/2016 12:16 PM
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What The Coming Race War Will Look Like

The 2016 presidential race is shaping up to be one of the ugliest in recent history. After eight years of racial agitation under the Obama administration and social justice warriors run wild, race relations have reached a low point. We may even be witnessing the beginnings of a race war.

The evidence

At a recent Trump rally in San Jose California, a white woman was egged by a group of Hispanic men. The men waved the Mexican flag while screaming “fuck you!” in her face. The woman was merely exercising her right to attend a rally for the Republican presidential nominee.

In the video below, a white man is sucker punched by a man who is carrying a Mexican flag. Also, a white boy is chased by a crowd of non-white protestors because of his support of Trump.

Official approval of racial violence

The anti-Trump protestors are propagating the same message as Hillary. What a coincidence!

Recently, Hillary Clinton has changed her campaign approach. She has gone from emphasizing her supposed expertise and competence to using Trump’s German heritage to imply that he is a new Hitler.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams explains why Hillary’s new approach is so dangerous.

The only downside I can see to [Hillary’s] new approach is that it is likely to trigger a race war in the United States. And I would be a top-ten assassination target in that scenario because once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).

Why are they doing this?

The most obvious reason is that they are trying to get white Trump supporters to lash out at illegal immigrants or blacks. If that happens, the left will be able to paint Trump and his supporters as inherently violent. This would allow a weak, unattractive candidate like Clinton to paint herself as a hero battling the forces of violence, hate, and ignorance. In other words, it might make Hillary, the poster child for political corruption, appear good.

Another, darker possibility is that the left is trying to create a situation where nationalists are regarded as enemies of the state. This could open the door to legal action, and even military action, against nationalist groups. If Hillary were to get into power, she could use any violence committed by whites, even in self-defense, as an excuse to push draconian gun laws that all but repeal the Second Amendment.

But the left is playing a dangerous game. By trying to stop the rise of nationalism by encouraging racial hatred they are flirting with starting a cycle of violence that has not been seen in the US for decades.

What will the battle lines be?

The narrative that is being peddled is that there are two divisions of humanity: white people and “People of Color (POC).” White people are responsible for all the bad things in the world: racism, slavery, colonialism, wars, the Crusades, transgender discrimination, and income inequality. People of Color have been the victims of white aggression. The only way to correct this unjust situation is for the white people to cede power to the POC and gradually cease to exist.

This narrative is ridiculous, but it does have currency in a world where people get degrees in gender studies and are willing to pay to go to a nightclub where Kim Kardashian is making an appearance. In reality, there is nothing that unites all People of Color. An educated Indian has more in common with an educated white person than he does with an uneducated illegal immigrant.

For that reason, we won’t see a stand-off between whites and POC even though the left would love to see that. Rather, the coming racial violence will likely break along the same lines that we are witnessing at the anti-Trump protests—groups of illegal immigrants with smaller numbers of leftist blacks and whites versus whites who are perceived to support Trump.

In some cases, law enforcement has already shown an unwillingness to deal with anti-Trump protestors out of concerns for political correctness. If the police are unwilling to protect law abiding citizens, those citizens will begin to take their self-defense into their own hands. That would kick off a spiral of violence that could easily develop into a race war.

Why would anyone want a race war?

It is hard to understand why anyone would want an outbreak of racial violence. To do so, one must understand that our elites are unencumbered by any hint of Christian morality. Their only goals are to amass more money and power. All of the policies they support are aimed at achieving these goals.

The elites are globalists. While they may live in the US, they don’t necessarily feel an attachment to this country or any other. Their monetary interests benefit from the free flow of capital and labor throughout the world. National borders are a hindrance. Therefore, the elites probably do not want a race war per se, but they would be more than willing to use it as a mechanism to prevent a healthy nationalism coming to power in the US.

Elites will not suffer from a race war

The people responsible for instituting the policies that will lead us to a race war will not suffer once it begins. These individuals live in wealthy, homogenous neighborhoods with excellent security systems in their homes. They never take public transportation, and if they are important enough, they have chauffeurs who drive them to work. Their children almost always attend private schools. They will watch everything unfold on television from the safety of their own homes. Thus, they have little to lose and a lot to gain by setting off the power keg of racial animus.


If you are familiar with my other articles you know that I tend to be contrarian when it comes to the narratives being pushed by our globalist elites. If they are trying to incite violence, the best thing to do is to avoid it. On the other hand, it would be wrong to give up our right of assembly due to leftist intimidation. The next several months, and possibly the next few years, promise to be interesting. The least that we can do is go into it with our eyes wide open.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159438
06/11/2016 04:10 PM
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One only need look at the current events in South Africa to see what a race war would look like. There is an ongoing genocide against white farmers that is unparalleled in brutality.

There will be no rules of engagement, no Geneva Convention, no "gentlemanly" code of conduct. Rape, torture and murder will be the tactics employed, justified in the minds of he perpetrators by the myth of "white privilege."

Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159439
06/11/2016 05:01 PM
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An article from 2013, but it hasn't gotten any better.

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa

Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159440
06/11/2016 10:53 PM
06/11/2016 10:53 PM
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Lord Vader Offline
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Yes There will be no rules of engagement, no Geneva Convention, no "gentlemanly" code of conduct. Rape, torture and murder will be the tactics employed,

And yes there will be genocide but it will not be White People who will suffer, it will be the Minorities who ignite this Race War who will be Purged from our Nation.

There is one huge difference between South Africa and the U.S.A. and that is in South Africa Whites are the Minority, but in the U.S.A. it is the Blacks who are the Minority and yes there will be Genocide but it will not be us Whites who lose if they are stupid enough to ignite a Race War.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159441
07/11/2016 02:33 AM
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Black Lives Matter: Progressive Financed Vanguard of Socialist Control

CIA sponsored Cloward–Piven strategy bankrolled by liberal dupes aims for race war and order out of chaos

Kurt Nimmo - July 10, 2016

Is it possible liberal billionaires would support a racist group that markets white guilt for political gain and embraces activists calling for the lynching of white people and cops?

In November, members of Black Lives Matter (BLM) met behind closed doors with Democracy Alliance, a coterie of wealthy liberals who have pledged to fund leftist organizations.

The donor club was founded by former Clinton Treasury official Rob Stein. Members include the billionaire “philanthropist” George Soros, Taco Bell silver spoon baby Rob McKay, uber liberal Norman Lear, “meathead” Rob Reiner, co-founder of Tides Network Drummond Pike, SEIU boss Anna Burger (members of the union like to beat up opponents), and former Rockefeller Family Fund president Anne Bartley.

“The DA, as the club is known in Democratic circles, is recommending its donors step up check writing to a handful of endorsed groups that have supported the Black Lives Matter movement. And the club and some of its members also are considering ways to funnel support directly to scrappier local groups that have utilized confrontational tactics to inject their grievances into the political debate,” Politico reported.

Investigative journalist James Simpson has exposed connections between BLM and a constellation of leftist and Marxist groups, a number of them established as fronts by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

“BLM is one of many projects undertaken by the FRSO,” writes Simpson. He points out that FRSO and BLM receive funding through the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA). “FRSO/BLM organizations are generously supported by a universe of wealthy foundations. Some, like those employing BLM founders [Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi] receive money directly.”

Many FRSO connected leftist and Marxist groups are also funded by other wealthy individuals, foundations, and corporations, including Kellogg, Ben & Jerry’s, Soros Funds, Hewlett, Rockefeller, Heinz, and others.

The Ford Foundation tops the list of NDWA financial contributors. It has funded CIA cultural fronts since the 1950s.

“At times it seemed as if the Ford Foundation was simply an extension of Government in the area of international cultural propaganda. The Ford Foundation had a record of close involvement in covert actions in Europe, working closely with Marshall Plan and CIA officials on specific projects,” writes the author of The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters, Frances Stonor Saunders.

It may seem contradictory for the state and wealthy liberals—many undoubtedly brainwashed dupes—to support organizations and individuals calling for abolishing capitalism and advocating the most severe form of Marxist ideology.

As the late Gary Allen so eloquently pointed out (None Dare Call It Conspiracy), socialism is a perfect mechanism for controlling humanity.

“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159442
07/11/2016 08:20 AM
07/11/2016 08:20 AM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader:
[b]Yes There will be no rules of engagement, no Geneva Convention, no "gentlemanly" code of conduct. Rape, torture and murder will be the tactics employed,

And yes there will be genocide but it will not be White People who will suffer, it will be the Minorities who ignite this Race War who will be Purged from our Nation.

There is one huge difference between South Africa and the U.S.A. and that is in South Africa Whites are the Minority, but in the U.S.A. it is the Blacks who are the Minority and yes there will be Genocide but it will not be us Whites who lose if they are stupid enough to ignite a Race War. [/b]
Whites are getting to be a minority in a lot of places, that's the point.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159443
07/11/2016 08:54 AM
07/11/2016 08:54 AM
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Breacher, did you read my last post? It's what you described in Portland...wealthy white leftists are the ones funding and organizing BLM.

Vader, while the blacks may be a minority nationwide, if you go to Miss, Ala., SC and many other places down South they comprise 90% of the pop. Whites wont stand a chance if they rise up. Same goes for the southwest where the Latinos greatly outnumber the whites.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159444
07/11/2016 10:12 AM
07/11/2016 10:12 AM
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The Latinos in the southwest were practically genocidal against the blacks in several areas a few years ago. The gangs came up with a truce that the government tried to sabotage from the prisons outward, having a bunch of Puerto Ricans attacking blacks while pretending to be Mexican.

Took a while to sort things out, but the Mexicans have the numbers. Nobody gets in the way of that except the crazies with a suicide wish. The blacks kept trying to assert leadership over nonwhite coalitions against whites, but internally, they abuse the Mexicans, the Mexicans get pissed about it, then all hell breaks loose, usually over some big macho black guy thinking he don't need permission to fuck some Mexians wife or daughter. That, or a prison rape, and the Mexicans go full race war over it.

Also, the Latinos in general have no major sympathy to Islam. Culturally, they think of Islam as invader bad guys from an ancient time. Islam has no tolerance for the pre-Colombian cultures either, so all that Aztec stuff is a no go among them. That does not count against business dealings, but also note, the cartels have people deep into voodo, witchcraft and the occult, all of which are enemies of Jihad.

Jumping in the middle of that dog fight is never a good idea and if you go instigating that, the smart ones will figure it out. As it is, even without white peope instigating it, the white man always gets blamed first but the way it usually works is one side or the other gets caught red handed among their own bragging about what they did, usually in someone's face about it, thinking they won when the other person walked off and started rounding up their people.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159445
07/11/2016 11:00 AM
07/11/2016 11:00 AM
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I am aware that in at least some of the Southern States Blacks greatly outnumber Whites and in at least part of the Southwest Mexicans and other Spanish Speakers outnumber Whites, but I feel the Big Question is what percentage of Southern Blacks and Southwestern Latinos own High Quality or at least Combat Effective Fighting Rifles vs what White People Own.

One White Patriot with an AR-15 vs 10 POC (People of Color) with bricks and rocks and sticks the (One White Patriot) will win.

Also there is what Breacher mentioned, the Animosity between Blacks and Hispanics. What is the probability of Blacks and Hispanics fighting amongst themselves instead of concentrating on just killing White People?

And there is also what will White People who live in areas with few Blacks do after they get rid of their Local Blacks. Will they just go home or will they help out their White Brothers who need help fighting against their local Blacks and Latinos?

I believe that White People will rise up and White People from White States will go to the Southwest and the eastern South to get payback for the Whites who the Liberal People of Color Scum have murdered and us White People will not have any mercy on the bastards and they will all be exterminated as the Vermin they are.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159446
07/11/2016 11:07 AM
07/11/2016 11:07 AM
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Funny people ask if war would ever happen in amerikia .I guess it already started.
All the talk about those being not given the free right opertunity bs talk didn't fly so well with thinking individuals.
So be it.

Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159447
07/11/2016 11:41 AM
07/11/2016 11:41 AM
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Down South it's really not a cut and dry black versus white issue. Most of the black folks are good people who just want to be left alone. The inner city gangs are another issue. For the most part we all get along just fine.

Many of the local black leaders have openly opposed the BLM crowd and publicly disowned them. They have no use for brother Al or his side kick Jesse.

The problem arises when black and white race baiting agitators come in and try to stir up shit. If for example the Michigan moolisha ever decided to come down here and start shooting our local blacks who haven't bothered anyone; they might be surprised when the local redneck crackers defend their black neighbors.

Fact is...we deal with our own problems in house. We don't need nor will tolerate any outside interference.

The real problem isn't the blacks or the whites...'s the damned yankee government stirring this crap up and using it as an excuse to enslave us all. They did the same thing in 1860.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159448
07/11/2016 02:22 PM
07/11/2016 02:22 PM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader:
I am aware that in at least some of the Southern States Blacks greatly outnumber Whites and in at least part of the Southwest Mexicans and other Spanish Speakers outnumber Whites, but I feel the [b]Big Question is what percentage of Southern Blacks and Southwestern Latinos own High Quality or at least Combat Effective Fighting Rifles vs what White People Own.

One White Patriot with an AR-15 vs 10 POC (People of Color) with bricks and rocks and sticks the (One White Patriot) will win.

Also there is what Breacher mentioned, the Animosity between Blacks and Hispanics. What is the probability of Blacks and Hispanics fighting amongst themselves instead of concentrating on just killing White People?

And there is also what will White People who live in areas with few Blacks do after they get rid of their Local Blacks. Will they just go home or will they help out their White Brothers who need help fighting against their local Blacks and Latinos?

I believe that White People will rise up and White People from White States will go to the Southwest and the eastern South to get payback for the Whites who the Liberal People of Color Scum have murdered and us White People will not have any mercy on the bastards and they will all be exterminated as the Vermin they are. [/b]
The fighting pretty much settled out and turf is established. Rules of conduct when not on your turf get established, people who violate those rules are subject to various levels of correction or retaliation. Spontaneous fighting is actually less common than you think.

We have these guys who want to go waving the flag and charging in on situation like they want to lead the great martyrdom, it's not my cup of tea.

There are people who think they are clever in manipulating various targets into fighting each other, but nowdays, it gets figured out quickly. The dirt common stunt is some upstart leader wants his boss and bosses entourage in a big fight with the other race, so that boss loses and his crew needs a new boss..

Race agitator shows up where everyone else conducting business has their little arrangements and deal worked out. Most of your major black gangs actually started out as political organizations out of Chicago, run by upper middle class whites as leftist political organizations. They set up drug deals in the 1970s for funding but by the 1980s, with the cocaine cowboys and CIA coming out of Vietnam, it got taken over by the business interests to the point that by the late 1980s, they were drug dealing business powerhouses, not political organizations. You are talking multi-billion dollar agencies that were put to dealing with that. A half dozen militia patriots are drop in the bucket.

With the decline of the crack epidemic, the gangs are re-politicizing, but I don't think it will last. In either event, we are in no position to go playing the great game on that. It takes a certain baseline of people, money, organization, resources and recognized turf. We don't have that so discussing it is stupid.

The pigs and the blacks got a problem with each other, let them have at it. I'll just do some commentary from the sidelines. Distant sidelines.

It is really a great opportunity to establish turf in the boonies when they are concentrating on the big cities.

As for weapons and competence. Everyone is stepping up their game these days. Everyone of all political persuasions is training. By the time anything actually goes hot, you have to assume the opposition will know how to play, is likely to be in better physical condition, and already has economic advantages.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159449
07/11/2016 03:32 PM
07/11/2016 03:32 PM
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I do not know anything about drugs, gangs, CIA, black gangs actually started out as political organizations out of Chicago, a half dozen militia patriots are drop in the bucket,
we don't have that so discussing it is stupid. or anything else you mentioned.

Breacher will you put what you posted in a form that a person who is not as well versed as you are on this subject can understand.

You seem to be stating that White People are going to lose while I believe that we are going to Win.

I believe that the overwhelming majority of Firearms are owned by White Conservatives and I have a hard time believing that Blacks and Latinos regardless of who is backing them are going to prevail in a Race War against White People and that White People in White Majority Areas are just going to let Minority Scum murder our White Brothers without taking any action to help them or get payback.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159450
07/11/2016 04:16 PM
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Consignor you are it isn't cut and dry. All areas are different,especially in the cities.
What I subjest is everyone if you can. Reach out to thoughs in the black community. Let them know this shouldn't happen,and if they refuse to try and talk some sense into the young bucks. The who what and why this race baiting and trying to start a race war.
It's on them.

Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159451
07/11/2016 05:16 PM
07/11/2016 05:16 PM
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This is a long, but take the time to read it anyway.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) says the Black Lives Matter movement is being used as a “scapegoat” after five Dallas police officers were shot and killed during protests.
At a press conference convened Friday morning by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) following the shootings, Richmond referred to the CBC as the “conscience” and “intellectual capacity” of Congress as he used the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling of Louisiana and Philando Castile of Minnesota by police officers, and the killing of the Dallas police officers as reason to call for further gun control measures.
Of course Cedric Richmond who was speaking for the Congressional Black Caucus is going to go with the “party” line.

This is the Congressional Black Caucus

[quote]In October 2009, the Socialist Party of America announced that at least 70 Congressional Democrats were members of its Caucus at that time—i.e., members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Most of those individuals belonged to the Congressional Progressive Caucus and/or the Congressional Black Caucus. To view a list of their names, click here.

As of April 2006, the CBC consisted of 5 officers and 38 additional members. All 43 were Democrats, and 22 of them were also members of the radical Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives.
Beginning in 1997, CPC worked closely with the newly launched “Progressive Challenge, a coalition of more than 100 leftist organizations that sought to unite their activities and objectives under a “multi-issue progressive agenda.” To view a list of many of the major groups that co-sponsored the Progressive Challenge, click here.

In October 2009, the Socialist Party of America announced that at least 70 Congressional Democrats were members of its Caucus at that time—i.e., members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Most of those individuals belonged to the Congressional Progressive Caucus and/or the Congressional Black Caucus. To view a list of their names, click here.

From there we need to look at these two groups.

Congressional Progressive Caucus

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist who had recently been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Sanders’ CPC co-founders included House members Ron Dellums, Lane Evans, Thomas Andrews, Peter DeFazio, and Maxine Waters. The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) was also involved in CPC’s founding and in Caucus activities thereafter; IPS continues to advise CPC on various matters to this day.
Another key player in establishing CPC was the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which has maintained a close alliance with the Caucus ever since. In 1997, DSA’s political director, Chris Riddiough, organized a meeting with CPC leaders to discuss how the two groups might be able to “unite our forces on a common agenda.” Among those who participated in the meeting were Bernie Sanders, labor leader Richard Trumka, professor Noam Chomsky, feminist Patricia Ireland, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Senator Paul Wellstone, journalist William Greider, and the socialist author Barbara Ehrenreich. As of March 2015, CPC consisted of 68 members of the House of Representatives—all of them leftist Democrats—and one U.S. Senator (Bernie Sanders, an Independent who caucused with the Democrats).

and the

[quote]Democratic Socialists of America

DSA helped establish the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) in 1991 and continues to work closely with the latter to this day. Virtually every CPC member also belongs to DSA.

In 1998, WorldNetDaily (WND) published a two-part series of articles titled “Congress’ Red Army Caucus” (here and here), which exposed the close association between DSA and CPC. At that time, DSA hosted the CPC website. Shortly after the WND revelations, CPC established its own website under the auspices of Congress. Meanwhile, DSA scrubbed its own website to remove evidence of its ties to CPC. Among the items removed from the site were the lyrics to such songs as the following:

In 2008, most DSA members actively supported Barack Obama for U.S. President. Said the organization: “DSA believes that the possible election of Senator Obama to the presidency in November represents a potential opening for social and labor movements to generate the critical political momentum necessary to implement a progressive political agenda.”

In October 2009, the Socialist Party of America announced that at least 70 Congressional Democrats were members of its Caucus at that time—i.e., members of DSA. Most of those individuals belonged to the Congressional Progressive Caucus and/or the Congressional Black Caucus. To view a list of their names, click here.

In the fall of 2011, DSA was a strong backer of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Said DSA:
“The Occupy Wall Street protests have invigorated the American Left in a way not seen in decades … So we have urged our members to take an active, supportive role in their local occupations, something many DSAers had already begun doing as individuals, because they believe that everyday people, the 99%, shouldn’t be made to pay for a crisis set off by an out-of-control financial sector and the ethically compromised politicians who have failed to rein it in.”

And finally we get to Black Lives Matter, who they are and who supports them.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was established as an online platform in 2013 by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. Their objective was to stoke black rage and galvanize a protest movement in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” who was tried for murder and manslaughter after he had shot and killed a black Florida teenager named Trayvon Martin in a highly publicized February 2012 altercation. Before long, “Black Lives Matter” became a rallying cry for writers, public speakers, celebrities, demonstrators, and even rioters who took up the cause of demanding an end to what BLM terms the “virulent anti-Black racism” that “permeates our society.” In 2014, BLM also adopted the slogan “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!,” which was first popularized by Dream Defenders and grew out of that year’s death of Michael Brown, a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri who was killed by a white police officer after he had tried to take the officer’s handgun during a confrontation. (In the immediate aftermath of that incident, numerous racial agitators circulated the false narrative that Brown had been shot after raising his hands in submission and pleading, “Don’t shoot.”)

Demanding that Americans “abandon the lie that the deep psychological wounds of slavery, racism and structural oppression are figments of the Black imagination,” BLM aims to force the country to become “uncomfortable about institutional racism.” Emphasizing the permanence and intransigence of American depredations, BLM maintains that the nation’s “corrupt democracy” was originally “built on Indigenous genocide and chattel slavery” and “continues to thrive on the brutal exploitation of people of color”; that “the ugly American traditions of patriarchy, classism, racism, and militarism” endure to this day; that “structural oppression” still “prevents so many from realizing their dreams”; and that blacks in the U.S. are routinely “de-humaniz[ed],” rendered “powerless at the hands of the state,” “deprived of [their] basic human rights and dignity,” and targeted for “extrajudicial killings … by police and vigilantes.” In sum, says BLM, black Americans are “collectively” subjected to “inhumane conditions” in a “white supremacist system.”

BLM is closely allied with numerous groups that are fronts for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a Marxist-Leninist entity that calls for the overthrow of capitalism. Economist and investigative journalist James Simpson has identified some of these FRSO fronts that are tied to BLM:

National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA): seeks to develop “women-of-color leaders” to help domestic workers—who are disproportionately female and nonwhite—gain political power and promote “concrete change”; gave money to CASA de Maryland and the Institute for Policy Studies in 2013; has received funding from the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Oak Foundation, George Soros’s Open Society Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Surdna Foundation.

People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER): promotes “social change” by empowering “those people who are most affected by the problems of society”—specifically, “low-income and working class people, people of color, women, queer and transgender people”—to “lead a movement of millions to eradicate those problems”; evolved from the now-defunct revolutionary communist group STORM; has received funding from the Akonadi Foundation, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the California Wellness Foundation, the Hill-Snowden Foundation, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.
Right to the City Alliance (RTTC): a nationwide network that opposes inner-city “gentrification” that displaces “low-income people, people of color, marginalized LGBTQ communities, and youths of color from their historic urban neighborhoods”; has received funding from the Akonadi Foundation, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Margerite Casey Foundation, the Soros Funds, the Surdna Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.

School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL): strives to “lay the groundwork for a strong social justice movement by supporting the development of a new generation of organizers rooted in a systemic change analysis—especially people of color, young women, queer and transgender youth, and low-income people”; claims to have trained 679 organizers in 2013; has been funded by the Heinz Foundation, the Akonadi Foundation, the Hill-Snowden Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI): “educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social and economic justice”; has been funded by the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, and the Soros Funds.

Advancement Project (AP): describes itself as a “civil rights law, policy, and communications ‘action tank’ that advances universal opportunity and a just democracy for those left behind in America,” meaning nonwhite minorities; has been funded by the California Endowment, the Ford Foundation, the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Soros Funds, the Tides Foundation, and the Vanguard Public Foundation.

Movement Strategy Center (MSC): dedicated to “transformative movement building” and “equitable distribution of resources”; has been funded by the Akonadi Foundation, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the California Endowment, the Ford Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, the Soros Funds, the Surdna Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.
Dignity and Power Now (DPN): claims to seek “dignity and power of incarcerated people, their families, and communities”

Labor/Community Strategy Center (LCSC): works to “build consciousness, leadership, and organization among those who face discrimination and societal attack—people of color, women, immigrants, workers, LGBT people, youth”; is headed by Eric Mann, a former Weather Underground leader who exhorts followers to become “anti-racist, anti-imperialist” activists.

Black Left Unity Network: a Marxist-Leninist organization that supports a variety of communist causes
Black Workers for Justice: “believes that African American workers need self-organization to help empower ourselves at the workplace, in communities and throughout the whole of U.S. society to organize, educate, mobilize and struggle for power, justice, self-determination and human rights for African Americans, other oppressed nationalities, women and all working class people”
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ): “a national alliance of U.S.-based grassroots organizing groups organizing to build an agenda for power for working and poor people and communities of color”
Causa Justa/Just Cause: a Black/Latino solidarity organization that aims to build a “multi-racial, multi-generational movement … for fundamental change”
Hands Up United: works for the “liberation of oppressed Black, Brown, and poor people through education, art, civil disobedience, advocacy, and agriculture”
Intelligent Mischief: an African-American organization that “design[s] projects that critique the current status quo and re-imagines the possibilities”
Organization for Black Struggle (OBS): seeks to “build a movement that fights for political empowerment, economic justice and the cultural dignity of the African-American community, especially the Black working class”; is affiliated with the Communist Party USA; is allied with Black Workers for Justice and the Advancement Project.
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (RSCC): is dedicated to “uniting revolutionary-minded youth and students throughout the CUNY system in NYC”
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ): a “national network of groups and individuals organizing White people for racial justice”; quotes BLM co-founder Alicia Garza’s assertion that “We need you defecting from White supremacy and changing the narrative of White supremacy by breaking White silence.”
Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE): seeks to “reduce and eliminate structural barriers to social and economic opportunities for poor and economically disadvantaged communities and communities of color”; is led by Anthony Thigpenn, a former Black Panther and board member of the Apollo Alliance.

As evidenced by these numerous ties between FRSO and BLM, Black Lives Matter is in essence a project of FRSO. All three of BLM’s co-founders have been employed by, or affiliated with, one or more of FRSO’s aforementioned front groups at various times.

In August 2015, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) officially endorsed BLM by approving a resolution that condemned “the unacceptable epidemic of extrajudicial killings of unarmed black men, women, and children at the hands of police”; stated that the American Dream “is a nightmare for too many young people stripped of their dignity under the vestiges of slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy”; demanded the “demilitarization of police, ending racial profiling, criminal justice reform, and investments in young people, families, and communities”; and asserted that “without systemic reform this state of [black] unrest jeopardizes the well-being of our democracy and our nation.”

On September 16, 2015, BLM activists Brittney Packnett, DeRay McKesson, Johnetta Elzie, Phillip Agnew, and Jamye Wooten met at the White House with President Obama as well as senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials. For Packnett, it was her seventh visit to the Obama White House. Afterward, Packnett told reporters that the president personally supported the BLM movement. “He offered us a lot of encouragement with his background as a community organizer, and told us that even incremental changes were progress,” she stated. “He didn’t want us to get discouraged. He said, ‘Keep speaking truth to power.’”

In October 2015, Obama publicly articulated his support for BLM’s agenda by saying: “I think the reason that the organizers [of BLM] used the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ was not because they were suggesting nobody else’s lives matter. Rather, what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that’s happening in the African-American community that’s not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

In a December 2015 interview on National Public Radio, Obama described Black Lives Matter as a positive force on policing in America, notwithstanding the violence and incendiary rhetoric exhibited by many of its members. Noting that “sometimes progress is a little uncomfortable,” the president claimed that BLM was doing the vital work of shining “sunlight” on the fact that “there’s no black family that hasn’t had a conversation around the kitchen table about driving while black and being profiled or being stopped” by police. “You know,” he elaborated, “during that process there’s going to be some noise and some discomfort, but I m absolutely confident that over the long term, it leads to a fair, more just, healthier America.”
We also have the leader of the new black panther party proclaiming their ultimate goal is to carve out a new black nation consisting of the states of SC, GA, ALA. Miss. and LA.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159452
07/11/2016 06:09 PM
07/11/2016 06:09 PM
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It is in a bunch of videos on Youtube. They study it in black history month too...

Just to clarify also, I went to a somewhat experimental (now shut down) Afro-centric junior high social studies program and aced it when I was 12. I studied it less after that, but the video stuff is easy. The continuation of that was more universal, and that was at the same high school where Tupac Shakur went. We basically got the same education up to the point I transferred back to Ohio and he dropped out of school, although he was a few years after me and we never met, I found out we knew a bunch of the same people.

The "Street Clubs" are the key factor in this.

Those were organized by civil rights activists as a counterpoint to various civil organizations which young black men were barred from involvement with.

Another relevant article is the origins of what is loosely called "Folk Nation" originally out of Chicago.

and then of course, their rivals "people nation"

Numerous efforts have been made to re-politicize the groups by various leaders and organizations, they have really become their own thing over the years.

I have also been diplomatic enough to hear a lot of the black militant side of the story from people in prison and some of the gang leaders when I was in a gang leader segregation holding area for several months. A lot of people told me a lot of stuff, but I was not able to verify much until after I got out of prison and studied it over and over again on the net.

It was there I first started to hear about some other organizations that were pushing the racial conflict, then at the leadership level, were blackmailing control on people and even turning people in to the FBI. There was a crew of blacks getting around who were going to kidnap, torture and kill the white guys who Al Sharpton said raped Tawana Brawley. They had it all set up to go down and then someone from among them went to check in with Sharpton, tell the Reverend to get ready to make the announcement about justice being done. Then suddenly, they all get busted. Turns out there were three different independent crews who got busted for the same basic thing, and compared notes in prison. At first, they figured someone on Sharpton's staff dimed them off, or a wiretap, then as it kept happening, they compared notes, did their own investigations, they figured out there was no other way - Sharpton did it.

That goes into some political and "club" type organizations of such a sensitive nature that I will no longer discuss them in open forum. What I can say is that groups have largely hijacked a huge portion of the militia movement which is a big part of why this website has shrunk to next to nothing.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159453
07/13/2016 07:01 AM
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Breitbart columnist Lee Stranahan - not a fan of the Black Lives Matter movement - was arrested in Baton Rouge along with dozens of protesters. Here is his story of that arrest and of his conversations with the other protesters who were arrested - unconstitutionally, he asserts.

At 3,500 words, it's far too long to post here in its entirety, but it's well worth a read.

...We had a lot of time to kill, and I had some great conversations. I quickly learned that the issue here in Baton Rouge for these people was not ideologically driven. Over and over, they told me the issue was not about Democrat or Republican but about the way law enforcement handles things in both Baton Rouge and the state of Louisiana in general, which has one of the largest incarceration rates in Western civilization. These protesters did not have the agenda of overthrowing capitalism that many of the top leaders of Black Lives Matter have; they want police abuse to end, and they see the Alton Sterling case as emblematic of that problem.

I was open with everyone about what I did for a living and that I work for a conservative website, as well as being a Republican. I encountered no hostility whatsoever for those beliefs, although I did get some genuine curiosity, particularly from some of the younger black m[e]n who had never really had a conversation with a Republican....
Breitbart went way downhill after Andrew Breitbart's death, but there are still a few gems, and this is one. It's worth taking the time to read, and ponder.

Onward and upward,

Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159454
07/13/2016 11:11 AM
07/13/2016 11:11 AM
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I really think we need to stand with security operations on this on the sidelines.

The hard core side of the Black militants are using this as a recruiting and intelligence gathering tool, waiting to pounce when the opportunity is right, but not directly involved with this stuff very much.

Turns out the alternative news reporter who drew down on people in Portland was being approached by one of the Black Panther enforcer types who was probably about to beat him down. Far as I could tell from examining the video evidence and looking at the numbers, the real Panthers and militants on the ground numbered less than ten. Dispersed in the crowd and not leading the organization. They were using it to recruit and as a proving ground for a few people after having had their own meeting nearby, but they are NOT running Black Lives Matter.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159455
07/13/2016 08:02 PM
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Intelligence information on "days of rage"

My strong suggestion is not to show up in open carry chest beating mode. Let the savages have their way for a while, enough human rights violations and attacks to get in the news, then make moves, if any.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159456
07/13/2016 08:06 PM
07/13/2016 08:06 PM
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Another "day of rage" schedule has been obtained and published:

These are the locations and times for the protests:

Phoenix: 5:00PM (EASTLAKE PARK, 1549 E Jefferson St , Phoenix, AZ 85034)
Tuscon: 5:00PM (CATALINA PARK, 900 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85705)
Little Rock: 6:00PM (OUTSIDE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr., Little Rock, AR 72201)
San Francisco: 4:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 355 Mcallister St, San Francisco, California 94102)
Oakland: 4:00PM (FRANK OGAWA PLAZA, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612)
Los Angeles: 4:00PM (LEIMERT PLAZA PARK, 4395 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008)
Denver: 5:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PARK, 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, Colorado 80204)
Washington DC: 7:00PM (OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500)
Atlanta: 7:00PM (OLD DECATUR COURTHOUSE, 101 E Court Sq, Decatur, GA 30030)
Orlando: 7:00PM (LAKE EOLA PARK, 195 N Rosalind Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801)
Miami: 7:00PM (GWEN CHERRY PARK, NW 71 St., Miami, Florida, 33147)
Chicago: 6:00PM (RICHARD J DALEY CENTER, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, Illinois 60602)
Des Moines: 6:00PM (IOWA STATE CAPITOL, 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50319)
New Orleans: 6:00PM (LAFAYETTE SQUARE, New Orleans, LA 70130)
Baltimore: 7:00PM (201 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202)
Boston: 7:00PM (MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 01233)
Detroit: 7:00PM (Campus Martius Park, Detroit, Michigan 48226)
Lansing: 7:00PM (STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Capitol Avenue at Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933)
Ann Arbor: 7:00PM (THE DIAG, Burns Park, Ann Arbor, MI 48109)
Minneapolis: 6:00PM (MINNEAPOLIS URBAN LEAGUE, 2100 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411
St. Louis: 6:00PM (GATEWAY ARCH, St. Louis 63102)
Carson City: 4:00PM (NEVADA STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, 101 N Carson St, Carson City, Nevada 89701)
Manhattan, NY: 7:00PM (TIMES SQUARE, Manhattan, NY, 10036)
Newark: 7:00PM (NEWARK CITY HALL, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102)
Durham: 7:00PM (200 E. Main St. Durham, North Carolina)
Columbus: 7:00PM (GOODALE PARK, Columbus, Ohio 43215)
Cleveland: 7:00PM (CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 325 Superior Ave E, Cleveland, Ohio 44114)
Portland: 4:00PM (PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE, 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204)
Philadelphia: 7:00PM (LOVE PARK, 1599 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102)
Pittsburgh: 7:00PM (PITTSBURGH CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219)
Nashville: 6:00PM (801 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203 Estes Kefauver Federal Building)
Memphis: 6:00PM (Health Sciences Park Memphis, TN)
Austin: 6:00PM (TEXAS STATE CAPITOL, Outside South Gate-11th and Congress Ave.)
Salt Lake City: 5:00PM (SALT LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 4600 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123)
Seattle: 4:00PM (QUEEN ANNE BAPTIST CHURCH, 2011 1st Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109)
Milwaukee: 5:00PM (DINEEN PARK, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
And if your home happens to be in or near one of these areas, be aware that your city could be under siege. Make plans to stay safe and hunker down with emergency food and purified water, or to go someplace safer.

DetroitFloridaIllinoisMichiganNew OrleansOhioWhite House

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159457
07/13/2016 08:09 PM
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Now they are calling this "day of rage" but this is not to be confused with the SDS inspired "days of rage" in the late 1960s

The current crop is however, trying to inspire the same thing.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159458
07/14/2016 03:21 AM
07/14/2016 03:21 AM
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It will be very interesting to see what happens in Phoenix and Tucson.

And if your home happens to be in or near one of these areas, be aware that your city could be under siege. Make plans to stay safe and hunker down with emergency food and purified water, or to go someplace safer.
And if your home that happens to be in or near one of these areas also happens to be in Phoenix or Tucson, I will add Lock & Load and never leave home without your weapon and make sure it is always at your side.

I have a feeling that if the A-holes attempt to harm any White People in Arizona they will regret it, BIG TIME.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159459
07/14/2016 07:17 PM
07/14/2016 07:17 PM
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I will play it by the moment. Remember, we need to be looking at force preservation into the end game. We simply don't have enough of our own pieces on the board to be making any plays early in the fray.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159460
07/15/2016 06:00 PM
07/15/2016 06:00 PM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader:
I do not know anything about drugs, gangs, CIA, black gangs actually started out as political organizations out of Chicago, a half dozen militia patriots are drop in the bucket,
we don't have that so discussing it is stupid. or anything else you mentioned.

Breacher will you put what you posted in a form that a person who is not as well versed as you are on this subject can understand.

You seem to be stating that White People are going to lose while I believe that we are going to Win.

I believe that the overwhelming majority of Firearms are owned by White Conservatives and I have a hard time believing that Blacks and Latinos regardless of who is backing them are going to prevail in a Race War against White People and that White People in White Majority Areas are just going to let Minority Scum murder our White Brothers without taking any action to help them or get payback. [/b]
Breacher, I have no problem at all with your vocabulary.

Mr. Vader, are you aware that white folks don't stick together? Who are your "white brothers"? Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Clinton? Why not? They're white.

White people are NOT going to cross state lines to help out other white people just because they share the same skin color. Perhaps you have a tight-knit cohesive team where you live, and that's fine, but for everywhere else in America, it is unreasonable to expect such a thing. even with people who aren't strangers.

Also, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by assuming that minority people don't own guns. They're buying them everyday. And what just happened in Dallas shows that they can use them pretty darn effectively too. Often those minority buyers are buying a gun for the first time, and a lot of times they're the first in their family to own one. Since this is the case, often they don't really know what to look for as far as quality or features. So yeah, in a racially-motivated shootout you may have the white guy with a $1800 Daniel Defense rifle and a Glock 34 going up against a thug with a DPMS Oracle rifle and a S&W Sigma. Obviously, the white dude is far better armed. HOWEVER… let's look at the whole picture. The white guy is 300lbs, has bad knees because he's getting older, and his only backup is his brother-in-law, who's not much better off. The thug is 23 years old, plays basketball every day, so he's in great shape, and has an entire gang to back him up. He has absolutely no regard for the law, and knows that a prosecutor will help him out if he is ever arrested.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159461
07/16/2016 03:50 AM
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WND Special report reveals stunner:

The roots of Black Lives Matter unveiled

Take the time to read this...

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159462
07/16/2016 08:23 AM
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I tried to read this, but it sickened me so much I couldn't stand to finish it. Disgusting how these subversive anti-American groups are run out in the open, being funded by makor corporations as "non-profit organizations"... With donations as a tax deduction.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159463
07/16/2016 10:57 AM
07/16/2016 10:57 AM
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SBL, strong point to be made, coming from a 300 pounder. A mild weapons advantage does not trump all of the other advantages in combat actions when you just can't function units. That's not to mention some of these characters who will go playing stupid games with other people's weapons and equipment once they get a hold of shit which is not there during the musical chairs opportunities for "misunderstandings" which come up in the dynamics of a crisis.

Difference is I have walked the prison yards among the real hard core, most of these other "experts" have not.

No joke, had some personal issues with one of the alternative media types a while back who I was trying to help get on his feet in Portland and make some public relations headway for a few projects. As it was, some people encouraged a problem which snowballed to this guy making videos and filing complaints for police protection because he got convinced that I was going to kidnap and bitch rape him prison style...

Heard I was described as "like the Terminator but with a gut...". Geesh,

So anyway, there is a point over physical fitness and fighting fitness and willingness to break laws. The patriot groups which are largely guided by a certain fraternal organization where everyone pledges allegiance and swears oaths not to break any laws points to a certain mentality. It is also obviously a self limiting factor which was programmed in with the fact that other branches of that certain fraternal organization have backed the current political regime which came to power through lawbreaking in the 1970s, legal manipulation in the 1980s through frivolous and petty lawsuits, and then highly selective legal interpretations of law in the 1990s. Now of course, they want new laws and highly selective enforcement of basic common laws over things like theft, murder, assault and fraud. I think however, the guys who are being told to play with their hands tied behind their backs are getting the clue that set of rules means they have been set up to lose.

We also have to look at the Obamacare situation at for what it is - the institutionalization of services fraud. They fraudulently bill you for healthcare management services you will neither use nor need, and then when you finally do need some medical care, you are functionally billed for the actual cost of that medical care through the copayment system at just the level that it's not worth your time to travel to a country where the same medical drugs and procedures are available at actual cost.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159464
07/16/2016 11:13 AM
07/16/2016 11:13 AM
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We already have extensive dialogue between Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan, and even David Duke is strongly rumored to be conferring with some black community and church groups out of NYC. I just don't see the race war baiting as gaining very much traction.

One indicator on this: no large scale prison riots, which means the proven killers, murderers and people who are willing to take action either have a separate deal or are not really on with the main program.

Back in 1971, the Attica prison takeover was one of the events which marked the beginning of a new era for the anti-establishment movement. There was a similar thing that took place in a couple other prisons in the late 1990s. The Convict Unity movement established rules among the hard core prison gangs. It remains conspicuously un acknowledged in the current dialogue.

That's interesting because the most powerful and discreet lobby in the western states which will happily manipulate both major parties are the prison guards unions, often competing with the teacher's unions for status and funding. Notice, in all of this, no action or encouragement for prison riots and takeovers. That's another element that told me much of this BLM stuff simply lacked authenticity.

The prison guards lobby is powerful, pervasive and proven their ability to reach into the political spectrum to get revenge if they feel that they have been offended. Likewise, they frequently work to manipulate racial conflict at all levels, often encouraging it to varying levels of success. One thing i started to notice though, is nobody wants to pick that fight with them as they have zero problem dispatching death squads and hitmen to do their bidding.

Notice that even when on the "right wing" side, someone wants to rail about too many people in prison, they will put in the dialogue about "private prisons" (which are non-union).

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159465
07/17/2016 02:24 PM
07/17/2016 02:24 PM
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Well right now I'm seeing a strong parallel between the current racial tensions here in these United States and the Troubles of Northern Ireland. It's not a perfect comparison, but you have to admit, there are certain similarities. Of course though, the situation is changing daily.

It looks like Black Lives Matter (the other BLM) is the political wing, like Sinn Fein.

And the New Black Panthers (NBP) is the military wing, like the IRA. And just like the IRA, NBP will always have a loose cannon or two they can't control. Or at least this is what they'll claim.

The police are the constant symbol of oppression, like the Royal Ulster Constabulary. They'll have their own loose cannons. Or at least this is what they'll claim.

Time will tell. We'll see.

In the mean time, don't think that just because you don't wear a uniform or shiny badge that you won't be targeted by a BLM/NBP type. Do you carry a rifle in your vehicle? Is it easily deployable in an emergency? How about body armor? This is the role of the side-folder AK, or the AR pistol.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: What The Coming Race War Will Look Like #159466
07/17/2016 05:26 PM
07/17/2016 05:26 PM
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There are more factions than that. I was recently researching Huey Newton and realized he was straight up snuffed by the BGF, shot in the face with no apologies. Just when you think you have the most hard core guys out there, nope, there is another group even more hard core than that...

These guys doing the shootings though, are not aligned with BGF. They are self motivated lone wolves, but they definitely are feeding on and motivated by the rhetoric that is out there.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.

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