Originally posted by Lord Vader:
I am aware that in at least some of the Southern States Blacks greatly outnumber Whites and in at least part of the Southwest Mexicans and other Spanish Speakers outnumber Whites, but I feel the [b]Big Question is what percentage of Southern Blacks and Southwestern Latinos own High Quality or at least Combat Effective Fighting Rifles vs what White People Own.

One White Patriot with an AR-15 vs 10 POC (People of Color) with bricks and rocks and sticks the (One White Patriot) will win.

Also there is what Breacher mentioned, the Animosity between Blacks and Hispanics. What is the probability of Blacks and Hispanics fighting amongst themselves instead of concentrating on just killing White People?

And there is also what will White People who live in areas with few Blacks do after they get rid of their Local Blacks. Will they just go home or will they help out their White Brothers who need help fighting against their local Blacks and Latinos?

I believe that White People will rise up and White People from White States will go to the Southwest and the eastern South to get payback for the Whites who the Liberal People of Color Scum have murdered and us White People will not have any mercy on the bastards and they will all be exterminated as the Vermin they are. [/b]
The fighting pretty much settled out and turf is established. Rules of conduct when not on your turf get established, people who violate those rules are subject to various levels of correction or retaliation. Spontaneous fighting is actually less common than you think.

We have these guys who want to go waving the flag and charging in on situation like they want to lead the great martyrdom, it's not my cup of tea.

There are people who think they are clever in manipulating various targets into fighting each other, but nowdays, it gets figured out quickly. The dirt common stunt is some upstart leader wants his boss and bosses entourage in a big fight with the other race, so that boss loses and his crew needs a new boss..

Race agitator shows up where everyone else conducting business has their little arrangements and deal worked out. Most of your major black gangs actually started out as political organizations out of Chicago, run by upper middle class whites as leftist political organizations. They set up drug deals in the 1970s for funding but by the 1980s, with the cocaine cowboys and CIA coming out of Vietnam, it got taken over by the business interests to the point that by the late 1980s, they were drug dealing business powerhouses, not political organizations. You are talking multi-billion dollar agencies that were put to dealing with that. A half dozen militia patriots are drop in the bucket.

With the decline of the crack epidemic, the gangs are re-politicizing, but I don't think it will last. In either event, we are in no position to go playing the great game on that. It takes a certain baseline of people, money, organization, resources and recognized turf. We don't have that so discussing it is stupid.

The pigs and the blacks got a problem with each other, let them have at it. I'll just do some commentary from the sidelines. Distant sidelines.

It is really a great opportunity to establish turf in the boonies when they are concentrating on the big cities.

As for weapons and competence. Everyone is stepping up their game these days. Everyone of all political persuasions is training. By the time anything actually goes hot, you have to assume the opposition will know how to play, is likely to be in better physical condition, and already has economic advantages.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.