Originally posted by Lord Vader:
[b]Yes There will be no rules of engagement, no Geneva Convention, no "gentlemanly" code of conduct. Rape, torture and murder will be the tactics employed,

And yes there will be genocide but it will not be White People who will suffer, it will be the Minorities who ignite this Race War who will be Purged from our Nation.

There is one huge difference between South Africa and the U.S.A. and that is in South Africa Whites are the Minority, but in the U.S.A. it is the Blacks who are the Minority and yes there will be Genocide but it will not be us Whites who lose if they are stupid enough to ignite a Race War. [/b]
Whites are getting to be a minority in a lot of places, that's the point.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.