Armed Air Force Vet Was Prevented From Stopping Oregon Gunman"The staff wouldn't let us go to assist"
by Paul Joseph Watson | October 2, 2015
An Air Force veteran who had a licensed concealed carry gun was prevented by staff from intervening in the shooting yesterday at the Umpqua Community College during which ten people were killed.
John Parker was situated in a building about 200 yards away from where the shooting began.
“There were a few people in the vet center and then when we heard the shooting happened, we got up and we were gonna go out and see what we could do,” Parker told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
“Immediately the school staff stopped us and told us to get inside of the building….essentially the staff wouldn’t let us go to assist,” he added.
One courageous man who also tried to apprehend the shooter, Army veteran Chris Mintz, ended up being shot five times. Mintz was unarmed.
In asserting his right to concealed carry, Parker was knowingly violating a rule which declared the college to be a gun free zone.
As we reported yesterday, a post on the college website made it clear that even water pistols were banned on campus.
The single security officer working on the campus was also unarmed, according to the Associated Press.
Meanwhile, as news emerges that the gunman, 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, was a potential Islamist sympathizer who dabbled in the occult, expect the left to lose interest in the incident quickly.
The fact that Mercer is mixed race will also make it impossible for progressives to blame the shooting on all white people, as many did in the aftermath of the Dylann Roof shooting.
Mercer reportedly targeted Christians during the shooting, asking victims about their religion and shooting anyone who identified as a Christian in the head.
“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.
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