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Baby murderers sell body parts #158650
07/24/2015 03:59 AM
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Planned Parenthood Expects Undercover Reporters To Release Video of Clinics Harvesting Baby Organs

Disguised journalists were "shown a highly sensitive area in a clinic where tissue is processed"

by Steve Watson | InfoWars | July 24, 2015

Planned Parenthood, currently engaging in desperate damage control following the release of two damning videos of officials talking about selling body parts of aborted babies, has also notified Congress that it believes undercover journalists have actual footage of clinics carrying out the procedures.

As reported by Life News Planned Parenthood penned a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee saying that Chief Medical Director, Deborah Nucatola, who sipped wine while talking about selling foetal tissue, would not be available to answer questions at a briefing.

Within the letter, Planned Parenthood, attempting to get ahead of the scandal, also notifies Congress of what it believes will be released by undercover journalists with The Center for Medical Progress who posed as researchers with a fake pharmaceutical company called Biomax.

“Biomax set up exhibits at our National Medical Conference and our National Conference over the last couple of years.” the letter states.

It continues “We believe that on at least one occasion a representative from Biomax was shown a highly sensitive area in a clinic where tissue is processed after abortion procedures.”

In other words, the CMP may have caught Planned Parenthood harvesting baby body parts on camera.

Planned Parenthood, remarkably, sidesteps any questions of the legality of this process, and accuses CMP of breaking the law.

“While this work is standard and essential during any abortion procedure, any filming in such an area would be an extremely serious invasion of our patients’ privacy and dignity.” the letter states.

Planned Parenthood also accuses the journalists of attempting to paint them up as racists.

“We also believe that in at least one interaction at a Planned Parenthood facility, the Biomax representative asked questions about the racial characteristics of tissue donated to researchers studying sickle cell anemia, apparently seeking to create a misleading impression.” the letter states.

As InfoWars reported Tuesday, Planned Parenthood, with the help of it’s corporate media mouthpiece MSNBC, warned before the release of the second damning video that more footage was coming, with “racially-charged” overtones.

The Life News piece also goes into detail about what else may be coming down the line, noting that undercover reporters were able to infiltrate the abortion industry at its highest levels and gain access to conferences and meetings that require written recommendation from senior officials.

The piece notes that ‘Biomax’ managed to set up exhibition booths at two Planned Parenthood conferences as well as sponsoring events held by the National Abortion Federation and the national association for abortion providers in America.

While Republicans in Congress and several states have called for investigations into Planned Parenthood’s actions, Democrats are ignoring the scandal and actually calling for the Center for Medical Progress to be investigated for conducting a sting operation.

The leftist corporate media also continues to shill for Planned Parenthood, with the New York Times the latest outlet to get behind the damage control spin.


These 41 Companies Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood

After two equally nauseous videos surfaced showing high ranking officials from Planned Parenthood discussing selling the parts of aborted children, Republicans in Congress have doubled down on their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.

Many GOP presidential contenders have also jumped on the bandwagon, eager for a sliver of publicity that doesn’t have anything to do with Donald Trump.

However, while cutting Planned Parenthood off from federal funds would severely cripple the organization, it is estimated that over 25 percent of its revenue actually comes from corporate donations.

These are 41 corporations or organizations that donate directly to Planned Parenthood (H/T Daily Signal).

American Cancer Society
American Express
Bank of America
Bath & Body Works
Ben & Jerry’s
Deutsche Bank
Fannie Mae
Johnson & Johnson
La Senza
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
March of Dimes
Morgan Stanley
Susan G. Komen
United Way
Wells Fargo

Some of these are truly shocking. Who would have thought that “March of Dimes,” an organization dedicated to “improving the lives of mothers and babies,” would donate to Planned Parenthood, an organization dedicated to killing babies, and especially black babies.

It is interesting that liberals seem to have no problem with giant corporations donating to Planned Parenthood, but get all riled up when a company donates to the NRA, or some other conservative group.

While many people (understandably) want to boycott these companies, the reality is that it is almost impossible to do so. If you boycott AT&T and Verizon, who is left to be a (reliable) cellphone provider? Boycotting Microsoft would be problematic for most of us also.

Many of these companies also may not even be aware of what Planned Parenthood is doing. They may donate money to fund Planned Parenthood’s sex education classes, or something else, without realizing they are supporting the selling of aborted babies.

In order to enact change, we should write to these companies telling them to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood. Many of these companies will go out of their way to avoid bad publicity and won’t want to be constantly in the news in relation to this latest scandal.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158651
07/24/2015 07:33 AM
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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158652
07/24/2015 08:51 AM
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Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox: We No Longer Donate to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

National Chelsea Scism Jul 23, 2015 | 6:31PM Washington, DC

Representatives from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox say they’ve asked Planned Parenthood to remove their names as corporate donors to the embattled organization.

The move follows a Daily Signal report revealing the names of 41 companies that Planned Parenthood listed as donors. That list, which was featured on Planned Parenthood’s website, has since been removed.

This latest development comes in the wake of two undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives talking about the sale of fetal body parts. Planned Parenthood is facing both federal and state investigations—and the possibility of losing taxpayer funding.

Earlier this week, The Daily Signal used information from 2nd Vote to publish the names of 41 companies listed by Planned Parenthood as contributors. Shortly after the story was published, representatives from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox contacted The Daily Signal to say they were erroneously listed and requested that Planned Parenthood take them off its website.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must Investigate Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts

The companies were cited by Planned Parenthood as employers who match charitable contributions. Planned Parenthood is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is exempt from paying federal income taxes.

A representative from Coca-Cola confirmed for The Daily Signal the company does not contribute to Planned Parenthood, nor does it match employee contributions to the organization.

When told that its named appeared on Planned Parenthood’s website, the Coca-Cola representative said, “We’ll ask them to correct the information.”

Other companies voiced similar concerns about Planned Parenthood’s donor list.

“We are making sure that Ford Motor Company is not listed as a Planned Parenthood contributor on their website,” a representative from Ford told The Daily Signal.

“In addition, we do not offer an employee match for charitable contributions,” the Ford representative said. It has been at least 10 years since Ford stopped matching employee gift contributions, the representative added.

Similarly, Xerox was listed on the Planned Parenthood website and has said it also does not donate in any way.

“We checked our files for the last 20 years and have no record of Xerox Corp. contributing to Planned Parenthood,” a representative from Xerox told The Daily Signal.

By Wednesday afternoon, Planned Parenthood had removed Xerox from its list of companies that match gifts to the organization. By Thursday morning, Planned Parenthood removed every company name listed as a donor.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Instead of listing companies by name, the site simply says, “Does your employer match charitable contributions? If so, please contact your Human Resources Department for more information about how your gift may be matched.”

Planned Parenthood did not return The Daily Signal’s request for comment.

This comes less than two weeks after an undercover video describing Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts was released.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158653
07/29/2015 04:17 AM
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As Senate Moves To Defund Planned Parenthood, ‘Sponsors’ Scramble To Disassociate From Abortionists

Companies say they never gave money to organisation

by Steve Watson | InfoWars | July 29, 2015

Republicans in the Senate are moving swiftly forward with plans to defund Planned Parenthood as gruesome videos exposing the organisation’s involvement in fetal organ harvesting continue to emerge.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has appointed Sen. Joni Ernst to head up a group who will have the responsibility “to craft a measure to deal with these horrendous videos.”

Ernst has previously been targeted by Planned Parenthood, which conducted a $500,000 smear campaign last year during the mid term elections to publicise Ernst’s opposition to abortion.

The group, which includes Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) who have already introduced legislation to defund the ‘non-profit’ organisation, met yesterday afternoon to discuss the way forward.

“It’s our plan to have a vote on proceeding to a measure that they support sometime before we break for the August recess,” McConnell announced.

Responding to the announcement over the upcoming defunding vote, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid responded bluntly “Good luck with that.”

After the meeting, Rand Paul, accompanied by Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson, attended an anti-abortion rally in Washington D.C.

They called for a criminal investigation to be opened, including looking into local Planned Parenthood affiliates, as well as congressional hearings.

“When we see the truth, after the time for truth comes a time for action,” Cruz said. “Today is the time for action. Today, the U.S. Department of Justice should open a criminal investigation into…whether Planned Parenthood nationally is a criminal enterprise breaking the law.”

“When you have multiple individuals caught on tape apparently admitting to multiple felonies that carry with them long jail times, justice must be served,” Cruz added.

Rand Paul vowed to defund the organisation, and also noted that Hillary Clinton has received donations from Planned Parenthood toward her presidential campaign.

“This callous disregard expressed over wine and cheese should…infuriate us all,” Paul urged. “We should stop once and for all any penny of money going to Planned Parenthood. And I’m calling today for Hillary Clinton to return the money she’s been receiving from Planned Parenthood officials. The time is now to take a stand.”

Meanwhile, a host of companies have attempted to distance themselves from the abortion providers, with some even claiming that they have never donated or sponsored Planned Parenthood, despite being listed on the organisation’s website as having done so.

As reported by Breitbart, Planned Parenthood had published the company names on the website of its Washington, DC, chapter, claiming that companies such as American Express, Microsoft and Verizon were donators, or had a policy of matching charitable contributions to Planned Parenthood from employees.

However, when Coca-Cola became the third corporation to ask to be taken off the list, Planned Parenthood took it down altogether. A similar list on the national PP website now leads to a 404 page.

Xerox and Ford Motor Company had also demanded their names be removed. “We have never been a donor to Planned Parenthood,” a spokeswoman for Ford Motor Company told “And we haven’t matched employee contributions since 2005.”


Ohio State Rep: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists Should Protest Planned Parenthood
Patmon co-sponsors bill to defund organization

by Paul Joseph Watson | July 29, 2015

Ohio State Representative Bill Patmon (D) thinks that ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists should be protesting against the institution that many would argue poses the biggest threat to black lives in America – Planned Parenthood.

Patmon spoke during a rally at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday after he co-sponsored new legislation that would cut off all state funding for Planned Parenthood in the wake of video footage which shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses.

Patmon said his mother would have been a “prime candidate” to have an abortion given her lack of opportunities and education, but he was thankful that she “didn’t get rid of this one.”

Patmon challenged those who would claim that abortion is none of his business by asserting, “It is my business, especially 17 million of them are black women. 17 million, more than any other population. 17 million that look, and act, and talk, and would be similar to myself. But, even more than that, they’re Americans, and they’re human beings.”

The Democratic rep also had some stinging words for ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists.

“You hear a lot of demonstrations across the country now about Black Lives Matter,” said Patmon. “Well, they skipped one place, they should be in front of Planned Parenthood. They skipped one place, not just the police department, stand in front of Planned Parenthood. Black lives matter. American lives matter.”

Patmon pointed out that of the 5,499 abortions that take place in Cuyahoga County, which he represents, “63% are black women.”

Last month we also highlighted the comments of black civil rights icon and former Mayor of Atlanta Andrew Young, who dismissed concerns about the Confederate flag by asserting that the real focus should be on why 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

A new poll shows that 63 per cent of Americans oppose defending Planned Parenthood, although the survey was organized by the group itself.

Black women are more than five times more likely to have an abortion that white women. 4.4 million black babies have been aborted since 1990, which equates to 11% of the black population.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158654
07/29/2015 04:31 AM
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Exactly as their founder Margerit Sanger intended!

She was a raving racist/white supremacist that sought to kill black babies to prevent the lesser race from out breeding the superior race...

Look it up, she is not who the left proport her to be!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158655
07/29/2015 06:49 AM
07/29/2015 06:49 AM
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Rand Paul thinks there are about 58 votes in the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood. At least, that's what he told Hannity last night.

As Congress races toward its long summer recess, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is confident that he’ll get a vote to bar any taxpayer funds going to Planned Parenthood.

“There’s a nationwide movement that we’ve been leading,” Paul said in an interview, after participating in a town hall with military veterans. “We will probably send a million emails out on this subject. I think by motivating the grassroots, there’s a very good chance we’ll get a vote on this.”

Paul’s confidence came just a day after a special Sunday session of the Senate seemed to put the lid on any wishlist conservative amendment. July has been a most cruel month for that sort of thing, and especially cruel to Paul’s presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). After Cruz accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of a “flat-out lie” to save the Export-Import Bank from phasing out, he watched colleagues line up against him and with the leader.

For Republicans, the politics of abortion are far less fraught than the politics of a New Deal-era investment bank that’s backed by the Chamber of Commerce. The release of undercover interviews with Planned Parenthood executives, in which they antiseptically discuss the sale of fetal body parts, has elevated the cause of defunding the group. And Paul has a much better relationship than Cruz with McConnell, his state's senior senator....

“I think it should be investigated,” he said. “The problem here really is not just whether it’s illegal to buy and sell the organs, but whether the taxpayer dollars should be going to a group that is sort of manipulating and turning the baby around to get access to organs. I think most people were horrified by them.”

That raised another question: Whether it should be legal, at all, for the bodies of aborted fetuses to be sold for science. “I think that there should not be any financial incentives to get an abortion,” said Paul. “Now, they would argue that it just covers the cost, but any time money changes hands – even if it’s to a nonprofit group – that is a real question. Really, we probably shouldn’t be doing research on these babies, because you would hate to think there is any kind of incentive for that to occur.

"Donating tissue when you die is an incredibly noble thing. I’ve worked with donated corneas to give people back vision. But this baby really didn’t have a choice. Some people are horrified by the idea of having factories where you’d grow babies for their body parts. Will technology allow that? Technology probably almost already does allow that. But should a civilized society allow that? I don’t think so,” he said....
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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158656
07/30/2015 04:08 AM
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Undercover Journalists Have NINE More Planned Parenthood Videos In The Can

Now under a restraining order barring release of footage

by Steve Watson | InfoWars | July 30, 2015

The group of activist journalists responsible for exposing the tissue and organ harvesting activity of Planned Parenthood says it has nine more videos ready to release, further exposing the organsiation.

The announcement was made by David Daleiden, founder of the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), on Sean Hannity’s show this week.

“We have close to 300 hours total of undercover video that was gathered during a 30 month long in depth investigative journalism study of how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of the babies they abort,” Daleiden said.

Daleiden also indicated that the full unedited footage will also be released along with every edited version the group puts out.

Daleiden also urged that CMP’s filming was conducted within the law.

“Every taping we did during this project was done in full compliance with the local recording laws. The video specifically from the pathology lab at the Planned Parenthood clinic that was included today, that was done in Denver, Colorado, which is a one party consent state, which is completely applicable.” he told viewers

Daleiden added, “The California law is about confidential communications not those that can be overheard by anyone walking by, such as a situation in a crowded restaurant like the situations in the two previous tapes.”

These facts have not prevented the Los Angeles Superior Court from issuing a temporary restraining order against CMP, barring them from releasing any more footage of officials working with StemExpress, a California company that provides fetal tissue to researchers.

Three high ranking officials have already been featured in the CMP videos thus far. The restraining order will remain in effect until a hearing scheduled for August 19th.

Daleiden told reporters that StemExpress was using “meritless litigation” to cover up an “illegal baby parts trade.”

As InfoWars reported this week, Planned Parenthood branches in several states are demanding local media refrain from airing any damning footage obtained through the recent undercover stings, in a frantic attempt to suppress negative criticism.

“Planned Parenthood is getting increasingly desperate to distract from the issue of how they sell the body parts of the babies that they abort,” Daleiden told Hannity.

“So, they’re going to be making increasingly outlandish claims about myself, personal attacks against me and really outrageous, fictitious statements about The Center for Medical Progress, in order to avoid addressing that real issue.” he added.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158657
07/30/2015 07:25 AM
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The White House won\'t say it will veto any bill defunding Planned Parenthood. They've obviously done their own polling on this, and the numbers must not be very good.

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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158658
07/31/2015 04:25 AM
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This should come as no surprise.

Obama Administration Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘Not a lot of evidence,’ Sting Videos Obtained ‘fraudulently’

White House says it has no intention of launching investigation into fetal organ harvesting allegations

by | July 30, 2015

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest defended Planned Parenthood at a press conference Thursday, saying videos showing representatives explicitly discussing the alleged sale of aborted fetal tissue are “not a lot of evidence” of illegalities, and that Planned Parenthood “lives up to the highest ethical standards.”

Speaking to Fox News’ Doug McKelway, Earnest said the Obama administration has no intention of pursuing an investigation into the allegations, despite numerous calls from members of Congress to defund the abortion provider, and independent investigations launched by various state governors.

“Has the White House had any communication with Planned Parenthood about standardizing procedures for fetal tissue research? Has the White House had any concerns about illegalities in this realm? Have you had any sort of investigation, or are you considering one?” McKelway asks.

“Not that I’m aware of,” Earnest says. “I think Planned Parenthood has been quite specific about the policies and procedures that they have in place, and I know they have described those policies and procedures as living up to the highest ethical standards.”

White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood

Blake Neff

The White House expressed its firm belief Thursday that recently-released videos attacking Planned Parenthood are “fraudulent.” Their source: Planned Parenthood.

Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, was speaking with reporters when they raised the matter of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress which appear to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal organs for profit, a violation of federal law. He claimed the videos were released in a “fraudulent way” with “not a lot of evidence” behind them.

“There is ample reason to think that this is merely the tried and true tactic that we’ve seen from extremists on the right to edit this video and selectively release this edited version of the video that grossly distorts the position of the person that’s actually speaking,” Earnest said. (RELATED: Planned Parenthood President: Our Critics Are Extremists)

But Earnest indicated that the reason he thought the videos were fraudulent was because, well, Planned Parenthood had told him as much. (RELATED: Hillary Calls Planned Parenthood Videos ‘Disturbing’)

“Planned Parenthood has indicated that’s exactly what occurred here,” he said. “And any review of the policy that PP says they implement indicates the views expressed in the videos, or at least the way they’re pictured on the videos, is entirely inaccurate.”

In other words, Earnest said, because the images on the videos don’t correspond to Planned Parenthood’s official policies, they must be untrue. Earnest even encouraged reporters looking for more information to simply contact Planned Parenthood.

Earnest admitted he did not know if President Obama had actually watched any of the videos.

“I do know he has been following this story in the news,” he said.

Even if Obama had not watched the videos, though, Earnest said he was sure the president would oppose any effort by Republicans to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

“The President certainly will not support another effort by Republican to try to defund an organization that offers important and needed healthcare services to women across the country.”

Planned Parenthood President Made 39 Visits To Obama’s White House Since 2009

By Brittany M. Hughes | July 31, 2015

( – Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, head of the taxpayer-subsidized abortion giant currently facing a firestorm for allegedly selling body parts harvested from aborted babies, has made personal visits to the White House 39 times since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, White House records show.

According to online records on the White House website, Richards first visited the White House on Jan. 20, 2009 -- the same day Obama first took office. Since then, Richards has met with Obama alone at least three times and First Lady Michelle Obama at least twice. She also met with president and his wife together another four times.

Richards also met four times with David Plouffe, Obama’s senior adviser from 2011 to 2013. Following Plouffe’s resignation in 2013, Richards met with senior adviser Valerie Jarrett five times between mid-2012 and the beginning of 2014.

Since 2009, logs show Richards has also met the following White House officials: former White House Chief of Staff William Daley; Obama’s former Senior Advisor for Strategy and Communications Dan Pfeiffer; Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls and FLOTUS Chief of Staff Tina Tchen; Domestic Policy Council Director Cecelia Muñoz; Obama’s Senior Counsel Christopher Kang; Director of the Office of Political Strategy and Outreach David Simas; Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shaun Donovan; and current Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.

Richards also attended Obama’s second inaugural reception on Jan. 20, 2013.

White House logs show Richards visiting the White House four times in 2009, twice in 2010, seven times in 2011, six times in 2012, 13 times in 2013 and four times in 2014. So far this year, Richards has logged two visits at the White House, most recently on Jan. 8.

Several visits were logged under the name “Cecile A. Richards,” presumably using Richards’ married surname “Adams” as a middle initial. Others were recorded under “Cecile L. Richards,” alluding to her given middle name, Lynn.

A series of recentlyreleased videos by the conservative pro-life group Center for Medical Progress appear to show Planned Parenthood officials and employees haggling over the sale of body parts harvested from aborted babies. While federal law expressly forbids the sale of human and fetal tissue or profit, Richards has repeatedly denied claims that the embattled organization is actually making money off the sale of the tiny human remains.

In two of the four videos, Planned Parenthood employees can be seen on hidden camera shifting through the organs of aborted children spread out in a large petri dish while debating compensation for various parts.

In 2014 alone, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, received $528.4 million in taxpayer funding, according to its 2014 annual financial report. That year, the organization performed 327,653 abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s annual reports can usually be found on the organization’s website at However, users trying to access the siteThursday were greeted with the message, “Our site is not available due to an attack by extremists.”

A second message on the page read: “200,000 people a day are now being blocked from information and care by this attack.”

A link on the site redirected viewers to Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page, which featured a request for donations to “fight back” against pro-life attacks.

Planned Parenthood later took to Twitter to blame the site crash on “extremist” hackers.” As of 3:30 p.m., the website simply stated, “Our website is currently undergoing maintenance.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158659
07/31/2015 04:35 AM
07/31/2015 04:35 AM
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Sad when "unauthorized video taping" is considered more outrageous than taxpayer funded murder of babies, dismembering their tiny bodies then illegally selling their body parts!

Shows the left's true character or lack thereof!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158660
07/31/2015 04:13 PM
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Originally posted by Huskerpatriot:
Sad when "unauthorized video taping" is considered more outrageous than taxpayer funded murder of babies, dismembering their tiny bodies then illegally selling their body parts!
But when the government does it they call it "patriotic" and "counter-terrorism."

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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158661
08/03/2015 10:07 AM
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The first Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood will be tonight. The vote will almost certainly fail, since there doesn't appear to be enough votes to break the filibuster. But this is only the first round, there will be others.

GOP lawmakers in Congress will make their first explicit move Monday to strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood after a series of undercover videos raised questions about its practice of harvesting tissue for research from aborted fetuses.

The Monday evening procedural vote on a Senate bill to immediately halt funding to the group is expected to fail. Democrats have vowed to filibuster the bill, and Republicans have thus far been unable to peel off enough support to counter it.

But GOP leaders have made defunding Planned Parenthood a centerpiece of their agenda going into the summer congressional recess, and some Republicans have said they are willing to force a government shutdown in October if federal support to the group is not severed.

“I think most Americans don’t want their tax dollars going to this,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a presidential candidate and co-sponsor of the Senate bill, said Sunday in a CNN interview. “When something is so morally repugnant to so many people, why should tax dollars go to this?” (...)
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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158662
08/03/2015 11:23 AM
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As expected, the effort to immediately defund Planned Parenthood has failed, 53 for and 46 against.

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Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158663
08/03/2015 12:35 PM
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some Republicans have said they are willing to force a government shutdown in October if federal support to the group is not severed.
If they do shut down the Government, this time they must keep the government shut down until Planned Parenthood is defunded, regardless of how long it takes or what the Administration does.

Congress must not surrender and must be steadfast until congress is victorious and obama loses big time.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158664
08/03/2015 01:13 PM
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A better idea would be to shut it down, and leave it that way. But that's just me.

Onward and upward,

Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158665
08/03/2015 03:28 PM
08/03/2015 03:28 PM
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Oh to dream.....

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158666
08/03/2015 03:49 PM
08/03/2015 03:49 PM
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I'd second that motion. Shut it down, call a recess, and agree to come back in 30 days with some ideas...

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158667
08/05/2015 05:46 AM
08/05/2015 05:46 AM
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If there are any more government shutdowns, it won\'t be with the help of Sen. Mitch McConnell . There's nothing like disarmament before negotiations even start.

... “Let me say it again: no more government shutdowns,” the Kentucky Republican said, when asked how he intended to adhere to his pledge made numerous times. “We have divided government. … At some point we’ll negotiate the way forward.” (...)
But I get the feeling that McConnell's control over the GOP is a little sketchy, particularly as more videos come out. This could get interesting.

Onward and upward,

Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158668
08/08/2015 01:49 AM
08/08/2015 01:49 AM
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Congress Expands Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

A House committee has announced it has expanded its investigation

by Life News | STEVEN ERTELT | August 8, 2015

Just days after a 5th expose’ video was released showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business engaging in the sale of aborted babies and body parts from aborted babies, a House committee has announced it has expanded its investigation.

The video, which follows Senate Democrats defeating a bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood, makes it appear the Planned Parenthood abortion business may be selling the “fully intact” bodies of unborn babies purposefully born alive and left to die.

Planned Parenthood could be breaking the federal law known as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that requires abortion clinics, hospitals and other places that do abortions to provide appropriate medical care for a baby born alive after a failed abortion or purposefully birthed to “let die.” That would be one of the potential ways Planned Parenthood could produce a “fully intact” baby to sell to StemExpress for research. Most “crunchy” abortion methods would do damage to the baby’s body.

The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact aborted babies.

Today, House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders today sent letters to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), Novogenix Laboratories, and StemExpress requesting briefings and information regarding each organization’s practices relating to human fetal tissue collection, sale, and/or donation.

The letters were signed by full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Murphy (R-PA), Health Subcommittee Chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA), full committee Vice Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and full committee Chairman Emeritus Joe Barton (R-TX).

In the letter to Planned Parenthood, committee leaders are seeking informal interviews with Dr. Mary Gatter, president of PPFA’s Medical Director’s Council, Ms. Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and Savita Ginde, M.D., vice president and medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.

The letter says, “As you know, in several recent videotapes made public, these individuals have made statements concerning the manner in which fetal tissue is procured. We are examining whether these statements accurately reflect PPFA’s position on the acquisition and disposition of fetal tissue, and whether their statements, if accurate, are consistent with existing laws.”

The House committee letters also requested Planned Parenthood to, “(I)dentify the appropriate representatives from PPFA affiliates, other than those referenced above, who are currently engaged in the donation and disposition of fetal tissue.”

In the letters to ABR, Novogenix Laboratories, and StemExpress, the committee leaders outline six questions seeking information:

Your organization’s procedures to assure proper informed consent for fetal tissue donation.
Your organization’s practices for collecting fetal tissue, including guidance to, and training for, agents or representatives involved in the acquisition of fetal tissue.
Your organization’s practices and/or policies relating to the quality or quality control of fetal tissue, and how your organization decides what types of fetal tissue to collect.
The prices or fees that ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress pays for each type of fetal tissue, and how much ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress paid in 2014 for fetal tissue.
The prices or fees that ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress sets for each type of fetal tissue provided to researchers, including what guidance or criteria, if any, ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress provides to researchers on prices and fees, and the total amount of fees collected and costs expended by ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress relating to fetal tissue.
The number of years ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress has engaged in fetal tissue collection and whether and how ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress assures that the collection, sale and/or donation of fetal tissue is in compliance with federal and state legal requirements, or is in accordance with rules made by ethics boards by institutions buying fetal tissue from ABR/Novogenix/StemExpress.In the letter to ABR, the committee leaders posed one additional request:
For the last ten years, any contracts and/or other arrangements with the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and/or any other Federal government agency or department, including date(s) of each contract, amount(s) of each contract, and nature of deliverables or services.

The investigations are a response to horrifying footage of Planned Parenthood executives negotiating the sale of aborted babies, admitting to using altered abortion procedures to obtain salable body parts and casually discussing “less crunchy” methods for procuring fetal “tissue.”

As LifeNews reported, the first video of undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

In the second video, Planned Parenthood doctor Mary Gatter discusses the pricing of aborted baby body parts — telling the biotech company officials that the prices for such things as a baby’s liver, head or heart are negotiable. She also tells the officials that she could talk with the Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners to potentially alter the abortion procedure to kill the baby in a way that would best preserve those body parts after the unborn child is killed in the abortion.

So far, 12 states have responded to the Planned Parenthood videos and launched investigations into their abortion and organ harvesting business including South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee,Massachusetts, Kansas, Missouri, Arizona, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia, Texas and Louisiana. The district attorney in Houston Texas is also investigating after the Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion facility was caught selling aborted babies.

Three states have revoked taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood’s abortion business, includingAlabama, New Hampshire and Louisiana.

The full, unedited videos have confirmed that revelations that some aborted baby remains sold by Planned Parenthood go to biotech companies for the purpose of creating “humanized” mice. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has been exposed as having sold body parts from aborted babies for as much as 15 years.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158669
08/08/2015 06:08 AM
08/08/2015 06:08 AM
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babies purposefully born alive and left to die.
My feelings on this is if true it is MURDER and all those responsible need to be punished to the full extent of the law for Murderers.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158670
08/08/2015 07:41 AM
08/08/2015 07:41 AM
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Eric Rudolph was right.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158671
08/08/2015 12:24 PM
08/08/2015 12:24 PM
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"...Rudolph has made it clear in his written statement and elsewhere that the purpose of the bombings was to fight against abortion and the "homosexual agenda". He considered abortion to be murder, the product of a "rotten feast of materialism and self-indulgence"; accordingly, he believed that its perpetrators deserved death, and that the United States government had lost its legitimacy by sanctioning it. He also considered it essential to resist by force "the concerted effort to legitimize the practice of homosexuality" in order to protect "the integrity of American society" and "the very existence of our culture", whose foundation is the "family hearth"..."

"...Rudolph was sent to the ADX Florence Supermax federal prison... ...he spends 22½ hours per day alone in his 80 square foot (7.4 m2) concrete cell..."

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158672
08/08/2015 01:13 PM
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The feds could never understand why the mountain people shunned them and supported Eric. They quickly learned to fear roaming around in the woods after dark. They were never quite sure who was hunting who.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Baby murderers sell body parts #158673
08/16/2015 02:46 AM
08/16/2015 02:46 AM
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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861

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