As Senate Moves To Defund Planned Parenthood, ‘Sponsors’ Scramble To Disassociate From Abortionists
Companies say they never gave money to organisation
by Steve Watson | InfoWars | July 29, 2015
Republicans in the Senate are moving swiftly forward with plans to defund Planned Parenthood as gruesome videos exposing the organisation’s involvement in fetal organ harvesting continue to emerge.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has appointed Sen. Joni Ernst to head up a group who will have the responsibility “to craft a measure to deal with these horrendous videos.”
Ernst has previously been targeted by Planned Parenthood, which conducted a $500,000 smear campaign last year during the mid term elections to publicise Ernst’s opposition to abortion.
The group, which includes Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) who have already introduced legislation to defund the ‘non-profit’ organisation, met yesterday afternoon to discuss the way forward.
“It’s our plan to have a vote on proceeding to a measure that they support sometime before we break for the August recess,” McConnell announced.
Responding to the announcement over the upcoming defunding vote, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid responded bluntly “Good luck with that.”
After the meeting, Rand Paul, accompanied by Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson, attended an anti-abortion rally in Washington D.C.
They called for a criminal investigation to be opened, including looking into local Planned Parenthood affiliates, as well as congressional hearings.
“When we see the truth, after the time for truth comes a time for action,” Cruz said. “Today is the time for action. Today, the U.S. Department of Justice should open a criminal investigation into…whether Planned Parenthood nationally is a criminal enterprise breaking the law.”
“When you have multiple individuals caught on tape apparently admitting to multiple felonies that carry with them long jail times, justice must be served,” Cruz added.
Rand Paul vowed to defund the organisation, and also noted that Hillary Clinton has received donations from Planned Parenthood toward her presidential campaign.
“This callous disregard expressed over wine and cheese should…infuriate us all,” Paul urged. “We should stop once and for all any penny of money going to Planned Parenthood. And I’m calling today for Hillary Clinton to return the money she’s been receiving from Planned Parenthood officials. The time is now to take a stand.”
Meanwhile, a host of companies have attempted to distance themselves from the abortion providers, with some even claiming that they have never donated or sponsored Planned Parenthood, despite being listed on the organisation’s website as having done so.
As reported by Breitbart, Planned Parenthood had published the company names on the website of its Washington, DC, chapter, claiming that companies such as American Express, Microsoft and Verizon were donators, or had a policy of matching charitable contributions to Planned Parenthood from employees.
However, when Coca-Cola became the third corporation to ask to be taken off the list, Planned Parenthood took it down altogether. A similar list on the national PP website now leads to a 404 page.
Xerox and Ford Motor Company had also demanded their names be removed. “We have never been a donor to Planned Parenthood,” a spokeswoman for Ford Motor Company told “And we haven’t matched employee contributions since 2005.”
Ohio State Rep: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists Should Protest Planned Parenthood
Patmon co-sponsors bill to defund organization
by Paul Joseph Watson | July 29, 2015
Ohio State Representative Bill Patmon (D) thinks that ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists should be protesting against the institution that many would argue poses the biggest threat to black lives in America – Planned Parenthood.
Patmon spoke during a rally at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday after he co-sponsored new legislation that would cut off all state funding for Planned Parenthood in the wake of video footage which shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses.
Patmon said his mother would have been a “prime candidate” to have an abortion given her lack of opportunities and education, but he was thankful that she “didn’t get rid of this one.”
Patmon challenged those who would claim that abortion is none of his business by asserting, “It is my business, especially 17 million of them are black women. 17 million, more than any other population. 17 million that look, and act, and talk, and would be similar to myself. But, even more than that, they’re Americans, and they’re human beings.”
The Democratic rep also had some stinging words for ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists.
“You hear a lot of demonstrations across the country now about Black Lives Matter,” said Patmon. “Well, they skipped one place, they should be in front of Planned Parenthood. They skipped one place, not just the police department, stand in front of Planned Parenthood. Black lives matter. American lives matter.”
Patmon pointed out that of the 5,499 abortions that take place in Cuyahoga County, which he represents, “63% are black women.”
Last month we also highlighted the comments of black civil rights icon and former Mayor of Atlanta Andrew Young, who dismissed concerns about the Confederate flag by asserting that the real focus should be on why 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks.
A new poll shows that 63 per cent of Americans oppose defending Planned Parenthood, although the survey was organized by the group itself.
Black women are more than five times more likely to have an abortion that white women. 4.4 million black babies have been aborted since 1990, which equates to 11% of the black population.