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Jade Helm 15 #158308
03/23/2015 09:18 AM
03/23/2015 09:18 AM
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Roughly once a year, the military conducts a training exercise that throws Infowars and other conspiracy-minded websites into fits. This year, it's "Jade Helm 15" that's driving everyone crazy.

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command responded to reports about the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise by characterizing concerns about the drill “alarmist,” but failed to address why Texas and Utah had been labeled “hostile” territory in documents related to the exercise.

As Infowars reported last week, Jade Helm 15, a “realistic” military training exercise which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, will take place throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado from July 15 to September 15.

USASOC spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria responded to charges that the exercise was part of preparations for martial law by claiming the drills were designed to ready troops for overseas operations.

“That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,” Lastoria said in an email to Stars and Stripes. “This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.”

However, USASOCM failed to address the fact that a slide for the exercise characterized Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory and an area of southern California as an “insurgent pocket,” claiming that “computer firewalls prevented them from accessing the websites where the document appeared.” (...)
Back in the Cold War days, we weren't allowed to travel on German roads wearing our MOPP gear, out of fear of alarming the German population. Lord knows, we didn't want to hurt the feelings of the same people who built Auschwitz and Dachau.

I'm not a huge conspiracy buff, so I don't see anything alarming about this. But you know, I'm very happy there are conspiracy nuts out there, because sometimes those nutty theories really are true.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158309
03/23/2015 11:59 AM
03/23/2015 11:59 AM
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Jade Helm The Low down

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158310
03/23/2015 01:24 PM
03/23/2015 01:24 PM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Jade Helm The Low down
Good video. Sometimes it's refreshing to see somebody on the internet who knows what he's talking about.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158311
03/23/2015 01:33 PM
03/23/2015 01:33 PM
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I think its safe to say, They are all friendly Drills, Till The Day they are not! Ever Vigilant !

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158312
03/23/2015 06:18 PM
03/23/2015 06:18 PM
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Originally posted by D308cat:
I think its safe to say, They are all friendly Drills, Till The Day they are not!
Good point.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158313
03/23/2015 07:38 PM
03/23/2015 07:38 PM
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Unless FT. Bragg, Camp Mackall and its training areas have shrunk since I was there, there is plenty of room to run a division size Robin Sage across many different drop zones and training areas. Except for insertion and extraction every bit is done on LPCs. So saying that they need the western half of the US to run this makes me sceptical.

Well, this is it.
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158314
03/25/2015 03:37 AM
03/25/2015 03:37 AM
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There are reports that Jade Helm is being expanded to include 2 additional states in the south.

This exercise is one of many in recent years that not only attempts to acclimate the public to seeing military personnel on American streets, but to also condition troops to feel comfortable operating domestically.

Expanding military training activities in Cooper Creek" (Georgia) area.

By Jim Walker, District Leader, Georgia Forest Watch: "Don’t be surprised to encounter Army Rangers in the Cooper Creek area."

I have long been accustomed to seeing soldiers and signs of their activity in the vicinity of Camp Merrill, the Ranger training base in the Etowah watershed, and as far away as Hickory Flat in the Noontootla watershed. They even use the Appalachian Trail. But until this year, to my knowledge, they have never operated as far away from the camp as Cooper Creek.

Back in June, Georgia ForestWatch District Leader David Govus came across two soldiers on foot and one in a pickup truck near Bryant Creek, a tributary of Cooper Creek. Talking with them, he learned that they were scouting out potential helicopter landing zones in the area because, as the sergeant said “the colonel wants to step out.”

The first confirmation that this has been accomplished was on a Sunday in early November. While David was leading a hike in the Cooper Creek area, he met six big army trucks. A soldier on foot in the lead was very helpful in squeezing the wide trucks past the hikers’ vehicles on the narrow road.

Then in December, I had an opportunity to observe the whole operation in action. Accompanying a Forest Service employee going out to core some trees and survey a couple of older stands included in the proposed Cooper Creek project, we came upon a blazing fire. Expecting hunters, instead we found six soldiers with two jeeps, two trailers, and a very large canvas tent, maybe 200 square feet. Not wanting to interfere with their operation, we talked with them to make sure that we would not get in their way. No problem, they said. They would be conducting a three-day training exercise, but the bulk of the troops would not be arriving until later. They also told us that these exercises would be happening on a regular basis, and “you can expect to be seeing a lot more of us.”

With the soldiers’ permission, we went on up the ridge to measure the diameters of selected trees and core them to determine their age. About an hour later, I heard two helicopters approaching and could see that they were heading toward a food plot about a mile and a half away. Because of the terrain, I could not see them land, but they were out of sight only briefly before returning the way they came. The helicopters made four or five trips to the same location, and as we passed by their campfire on our way out, the soldiers verified that those were their guys coming in.

In an apparently unrelated incident, I recently happened to be at Wilscot Gap, where the gated road to Brawley Mountain (FS45) begins, when a big pickup truck turned in toward the gate. I thought it must be Forest Service employees and went over to talk with them. But the truck was not a Forest Service one. The driver was not in military uniform, but the passenger who got out to unlock the gate, was. We had a brief, friendly conversation during which he informed me that, “This is a military road.” “No,” I contradicted him, “it’s a Forest Service road.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158315
03/25/2015 03:38 PM
03/25/2015 03:38 PM
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From Matt Bracken:

Operation Jade Conditioning

First, let’s cover what Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15 is not: it is not a covert plan for the military to conquer the Southwest and institute martial law. And no, the hundreds of special operations troops and thousands of other military personnel taking part in Jade Helm 15 are not bad guys who are out to establish tyranny in America. Those are straw man arguments, posited to be rejected.

But the elimination of the straw men does not mean that Jade Helm 15 is benign. Reality check, please: does anybody reading this seriously believe that President Obama is contemplating dropping thousands of American troops across an area as vast as the space covered by Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Egypt? If you believe that, then I will give you a special discount when you buy any two of the eleven New York metro area bridges and tunnels that I currently own.

Many will say, “But the Green Berets have been doing this kind of thing with exercises like Robin Sage for years and years. It’s exactly the same thing. It’s no big deal.” These people are either paid shills, or well-meaning but naïve dupes. Note the motto of Jade Helm 15: “Master the human domain.” From our military to our intelligence agencies to federal law enforcement, Social Network Analysis is a booming field, a field which is now stretched to include imposters and liars paid by the post to influence social media trends. This government-sponsored social media influencing begins in the understandable realm of legitimate foreign counter-terrorism, but today the all-seeing eye is increasingly aimed inward at perceived domestic threats.

FTX Robin Sage and similar legitimate exercises typically take place across a few counties and involve coordination at the sheriff and state police level. The volunteer role-players are often old Special Forces guys or local farmers. One of them that I know was a decorated MACV/SOG hero who for years after his retirement played a mysterious guerrilla chieftain for the newbie Q-coursers. And in a younger age, I ran with a crowd that that pretended to blow up radio towers, bridges and fuel dumps with simulated demolition charges. We also did cross-country movements and escape and evasion training exercises in and out of uniform with a variety of weapons. This was done with the knowledge of the local authorities, to avoid people getting shot due to misidentification when crossing public and private spaces.

But Robin Sage and other training exercises were never scaled up to become regional show-stopping extravaganzas spread across six large Western states, requiring real-time coordination between multiple governors, state police departments, county and city law enforcement jurisdictions, federal law enforcement agencies, and active duty military units from all branches of the service. No, Jade Helm is not Robin Sage. It’s not even Robin Sage on steroids.

Will there be Robin Sage elements to Jade Helm? Of course. Embedded reporters will no doubt be sending back live video, visually establishing the overtly benign and beneficial impact of the exercise as Green Berets and SEALs freefall and fast-rope into their insertion points. An analysis of some of the information gleaned from the Jade Helm 15 informational packet suggests that some of the spec-ops troops will participate in cross-country movements of greater than fifty miles, humping rifles and rucks from Texas into New Mexico among other land routes. But that camo-paint and boot-leather Robin Sage visual is just camouflage for the genuine objectives of Jade Helm 15, which in my opinion are twofold:

First: conditioning Americans to accept increasingly frequent and intrusive military and paramilitary police actions up close and personal. These will include low-altitude over-flights by military aircraft at all hours, plus roadblocks, checkpoints and denied out-of-bounds areas declared during so-called “realistic military training exercises” in and around Anytown, USA. Some of the military participants might be dressed as civilians, or even as enemy terrorists—foreign or domestic. That is to say, the troops will not necessarily be identifiable to John Q. Public as good old G.I. Joe. Instead, they might be dressed up like Jihad John, or even Redneck Jake. We will be told to mind our business, stay indoors, and trust those in authority who can see “the big picture.”

“Hey Martha, what’s all that noise and commotion? It sounds like World War Three is breaking out across the highway downtown!”

“Oh, don’t worry, George. The Army is just doing another urban warfare drill. I saw it on TV.”

Google keywords like “military drill training exercise urban warfare helicopters” and see how many of our cities have already been treated to simulated “Black Hawk Down” battles, complete with booming explosions, midnight helicopters swooping at rooftop level, and plenty of ratatat-tat. Step by step we are being conditioned to living in a battlefield state of mind. Full dress rehearsals for all-out urban warfare are becoming the new normal in the Land of the Free.

To what purpose? Well, to what purpose does the chef slowly turn up the heat under the frog pot? If and when the time comes that the federal government decides to eliminate some pesky nests of sedition in the name of national security, folks living just a few miles away will simply yawn and change television channels, placid as cows chewing cud. Operation Jade Conditioning: mission accomplished.

The second objective of Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15 is to practice simultaneously operating all of the control levers of armed federal power on American soil, from major military units and federal law enforcement agencies down to the state police and local law enforcement. (Posse Comitatus? Heavens, no. It’s just a training exercise!)

When the time comes to eliminate those pockets of bitterly-clinging dead-enders standing in the way of social progress that Team Obama seems to hate with far greater vigor than it hates the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, the federal bosses will already know which county sheriffs and chiefs of police are “reliable.” That is, reliable in the KGB or Stasi meaning of the world. Click your heels, Sheriff, and set up the roadblocks as instructed. It’s a federal order! Do it just like we did it last year.

Again, it’s Operation Jade Conditioning. Ditto for our generals being conditioned to take orders from civilian bureaucrats for military deployments directly into American cities and towns.

That’s my opinion. Or, you can choose to believe that President Obama is actually getting our military primed and ready for simultaneous spec-ops team insertions across the entire Middle East from Egypt to Iran, and Syria to Yemen, the same geographical area covered by Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15.

It’s your choice to believe that, if you wish.
And then we have...



18 Mar, 2015 by Dave Hodges

What does “Master the human domain” mean? Is it a euphemism for the complete subjugation of the civilian population of the United States?

From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).

The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War.

Red Dawn or Martial Law Preparations?
Jade Helm’s Purpose Defined
“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.”
The term, “unconventional warfare (UW)” makes it clear that this exercise is not dealing with a Russian-backed “Red Dawn” invasion of the Southwestern United States by Russian backed Latin American partners. UW speaks to the guerrilla warfare (asymmetrical) nature of the anticipated and rehearsed conflict. Subsequently, it can be conclusively stated that Jade Helm is not preparing for a Red Dawn invasion, rather, they are preparing for a Red, White and Blue invasion. This is a massive rehearsal for martial law implementation as well as implementing the proverbial and much rumored Red and Blue List and the “snatch and grab” extractions of key resistance figures from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures. The various provisions of Jade Helm make it clear just how dangerous this drill truly is.

Composition of Jade Helm Forces Reveals the True Purpose of the Drills
Thomas Mead, the operations planner for the U.S. Army’s Jade Helm realistic military training has publicly stated that “We have Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Special Operations Command, the 82nd Airborne Division and we also have some of our interagency partners such as the DEA, FBI and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) that will be working with us.”

The use of Green Berets, Navy Seals and Special Operations Command forces speaks to the unconventional composition of the overall makeup of this group. Among the many duties for these three Special Operations groups include infrastructure raids, assassination of key enemy personnel, reconnaissance, and extraction of key enemy personnel for detention and/or intelligence gathering. It is the latter duty that has me concerned as there has been much discussion over the execution of a “Red List” in which key resistance figures would be kidnapped and “dealt with” in advance of the implementation of martial law. A detailed analysis of the language of Jade Helm has convinced me that we are looking at the implementation of the “snatch and grab” of key resistance figures to the coming marital law. My sources have told me that in past drills of this nature, Red List extraction troops are helicoptered in the early morning hours (e.g. 3AM) land, offload personnel and extract the intended targets, SWAT team style.

In the Jade Helm section entitled “What to Expect“, operation planners state that the public should anticipate “Increased aircraft in the area at night“, and “May receive noise complaints“.
What aircraft would be loud enough at night to guarantee noise complaints? My vote would be the helicopters. And who would be on these helicopters at night? What time are snatch and grab activities historically held? And who typically conducts snatch and grab arrests? The answer to these questions would be the special operation forces, which in martial law, would be the Gestapo version of the Green Berets, the Navy Seals and Marine Special Forces as they arrive at your home at 3AM.

Role players will be participating in Jade Helm. In fact, the same section goes on to state that “Some individuals (i.e. civilian insurgents) may conduct suspicious activities…..” What would constitute a “suspicious activity for the purpose of this drill? Would it consist of pretending to be dragged off to a FEMA camp? Would it be engaging in simulated insurgency activities associated with guerrilla war strategies? There are so many possibilities and they are all associated with civilian resistance against a tyrannical force.

Not only is the use of three special operations forces suspicious with regard to Jade Helm, but more notably is the announced use of JPRA, and this is frightening event. The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) maintains a series of training school sites whose subject matter includes:

“Prisoners of war; hostages and DETAINEES (emphasis added); evasion and escape; search and rescue; Prison survival techniques and experiences; geography and cartography, natural science, ethnology, and country studies; terrorism; military and Naval science; natural and emergency medicine.”

The majority of the above definition makes it clear that the intent of JPRA is to teach POW survival skills, at least until they use the word “detainee”. Please allow me to call your attention to the term “detainee”. In layman’s language, the term “detainee” simply means someone who is a prisoner of the military occupation force (U.S. government). To the average person, the use of the term detainee would not raise an eyebrow, but to someone who is tune with the connotations and denotations of military parlance, the term “detainee” holds specific meaning as evidenced by the following document which is considered by many to be a blueprint manual, created by the Army, for martial law and FEMA camp incarceration for political prisoners (e.g. dissenters).

Restricted U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual
May 2, 2012
FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations

fema leaked document FM 3-39.40 1-5

In section 1-10 of 3-39.40, “A Civilian detainee is a civilian who is interned during armed conflict, occupation, or other military operation for security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power.”

In section 3-56 of 3-39.40, the following draconian provisions are applied to “detainees“:

“Develops PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate detainees or DCs to accept U.S. I/R facility authority and regulations (Author’s note: “PSYOP Products” such as the use of torture such as water-boarding and sleep deprivation).
Gains the cooperation of detainees to reduce the number of guards needed.
Identifies malcontents, trained agitators, and political leaders within the facility who may try to organize resistance or create disturbances.
Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes (i.e. brainwashing of detainees).
Identifies political activists.
Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”

The use of the word “detainee” is conspicuous and as the reader can clearly see, it has specific meaning with regard to a Red List extraction action. In effect, this is the black site for political dissidents. Both Jade Helm 15 and the FM 3-39.40 are both Army manuals written exclusively on dealing with civilian personnel in martial law settings. Under the NDAA, designating select citizens as a detainee and holding them indefinitely is legal under this unconstitutional legislation.
States Participating in Jade Helm
Jade Helm is an eight-week joint military and interagency unconventional warfare exercise that will be conducted in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. A clearer copy of this map is available at this link.
Jade Helm 15 Color Coded Legend Red Denotes a
Jade Helm 15 participants

This map contains the reason as to why we can be certain that this is not a “Red Dawn” invasion emanating from Latin America. The unconnected pockets of “hostile states” is how we know this a martial law/possible civil war map. The color codes of the states listed in the map presented above, can be deciphered as follows:

civil war1

-The Red States of Utah and Texas are listed as hostile states as is part of Southern California. These states are not geographically contiguous. Subsequently, we are looking at Jade Helm 15 as being the suppression of civil resistance. The use of the 82nd Airborne is also suggestive of the fact that the authorities anticipate that there could be civilian militias rising up, perhaps in combination with veterans groups and possibly military units loyal to the citizens of the United States.

– The Brown State of New Mexico is listed as leaning towards being hostile.

-The Blue States of California, Nevada and Colorado are listed as being loyal, “permissive”, to military authority and martial law.

-The Light Blue State of Arizona is listed as “unknown”, but leaning toward being friendly.

This reads like a civil war scorecard, similar to the one that President Lincoln must have constructed in 1861 after the attack upon Ft. Sumter.
The Participation of Certain Interagency Partners Are Very Troubling
Repeated reference is made about the cooperation between the Department of Defense (DoD) and local law enforcement (LEA) in the Jade Helm document. After reading this document, Program 1033 started to make a lot of sense. Program 1033 is the militarization of local police with former military equipment (tanks, machine guns, etc.). It is interesting to note that it was the NDAA legislation that created Program 1033. Obviously, the purpose of this is to turn the local police into a martial law occupation force.

“CNN and FOX propagandists have nothing on us.” Kate Zickel a host for the Voice of Russia.

I am not surprised, but very concerned that DHS, listed as an interagency partner, is a part of this drill for the following reasons: I believe a significant number of American military will NOT fire upon American citizens. Subsequently, this is the reason for the Russian troop presence in our country and they will fulfill the role of a martial law occupation force. When I have previously mentioned this, the Russian media (e.g. Voice of Russia) has attacked me in the past as if they have something to hide and evidence of these attacks can be accessed here and here.

What seems logical and something that should frighten all Americans is to wonder if DHS and the Russian partners will be a part of Jade Helm 15? Again, I refer to the video production put together by Sherrie Wilcox in which Russian soldiers have been seen in Tennessee traveling in DHS vehicles as they entered into Western Kentucky. As this related to Jade Helm and martial law, this is ominous. Russian troops will fire upon American citizens. Russian troops will extract American citizens from their beds in the middle of the night. What do you want to bet that Russian troops will be included in Jade Helm 15? Russian troops were included in Grid EX II and the RIMPAC war games, so why not Jade Helm. Yes, I am talking about treason and it is coming from the top.

Why would the Drug Enforcement Agency become involved in a martial law operation?This makes no sense unless you read the connection of the compromised DEA to various Central and South American factions (e.g. the possible 5th column presence of MS-13) that I revealed in July of 2014.
With regard to the thematic components to this article, there is no conclusion, this is only the beginning. It is quite clear that the Army fully believes, as do their superiors at the Pentagon and at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, that there is the belief that there is going to be something so catastrophic that an American Civil War II will ensue. The reasons behind this event(s) are not the focus of this article. However, I think it is a safe bet that it will have to do with the seizure of bank accounts and retirement accounts. This is a topic that will be explored in a future article. Meanwhile, Americans in the Southwest need to be concerned that this drill does not go live like so many of these drills seem to in advance of a false flag drill. Every political activist, “uncooperative” politician and member of the Independent Media need to be thinking about where they want to be from July 15 to September 15. It would be best to be where “they” ain’t!

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158316
03/25/2015 05:07 PM
03/25/2015 05:07 PM
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This is pretty creepy stuff.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
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Re: Jade Helm 15 #158317
03/26/2015 03:34 AM
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Jade Helm: Troops to “Operate Undetected Amongst Civilian Population”

Role players to practice infiltrating towns during controversial exercise

Jade Helm: Troops to "Operate Undetected Amongst Civilian Population"

by Paul Joseph Watson | March 26, 2015

A key component of the controversial Jade Helm military exercise set to take part in nine U.S. states this summer will involve soldiers operating “undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed.

The “realistic” military training exercise, which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, is set to take place from July 15-Sepember 15, but has prompted concerns after Texas and Utah were labeled “hostile” territory in documents related to the exercise.

A Houston Chronicle report reveals that soldiers will attempt to blend in with the local population in an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques. Residents will be advised to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.

“They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.”

By directly involving unwitting members of the local population, this aspect of the drill contradicts the Army’s assertion that, “The public can expect nothing much different from their day-to-day activities since much of exercise will be conducted in remote areas.”

Jim Stewart, chief deputy with the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office, told the Chronicle that the designation of Texas as “hostile territory” was merely a way of setting up a role playing exercise under which soldiers operate behind enemy lines.

The Army has failed to specifically address why Texas, Utah and a pocket of southern California were labeled as hostile territories in training documents for the exercise, merely insisting that the drill is designed to prepare troops for foreign occupations and has nothing to do with preparations for martial law.

No less than 17 different Texas cities will see an Army presence as part of the exercise, which will involve, “participants in civilian dress and civilian vehicles, military aircraft, low-altitude airdrops of personnel and weapons with blank rounds, to avert fearful reactions”.

The cities are Bastrop/Smithville, Big Spring, Caddo Lake, Caldwell, Christoval, College Station, Dell City, Eldorado, Goliad, Junction, Leakey, Menard, Mountain Home, San Angelo, San Antonio and Victoria.

News outlets, primarily Infowars, who questioned the nature of the exercise have come under fire from the Army and other mainstream media outlets, with the Chronicle characterizing the reaction as an example of, “ultra-right-wing fears of a government takeover in the Lone Star State”.

Despite assurances that the training is to prepare troops for overseas missions, Army documents in the past have made clear that plans for martial law are in place for within the Continental United States (CONUS).

A leaked 2012 US Army Military Police training manual, entitled “Civil Disturbance Operations,” described how soldiers would be ordered to confiscate firearms and kill American “dissidents.” The manual also revealed that prisoners would be detained in temporary internment camps and “re-educated” to gain a new appreciation of “U.S. policies,” in accordance with U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations.

Jade Helm has also drawn comparisons to a 2012 scenario outlined by retired Army colonel Kevin Benson, in which the U.S. Military is used to crush an insurgent rebellion overseen by Tea Party militia members who take over the city of Darlington, South Carolina.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158318
03/26/2015 05:05 AM
03/26/2015 05:05 AM
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I'm going to stick my neck out, I think and feel that if you take everything that has happened in the last few years and add them up, including Billions of rounds of ammo ! That we have a better than 60% chance that "THIS IS IT" I also feel that we should all be "ALERT" well before the Scheduled EVENT start date. I have a NASTY FEELING in the pit of my stomach. The country is Broke, The People are waking up, They are running out of time ! God Be With US, Semper Fi

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158319
03/26/2015 05:31 AM
03/26/2015 05:31 AM
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I'm going to go against the grain here, and say this exercise is probably exactly what they say it is.

Forget what you see in the movies. Green berets can kick doors and do all the sexy stuff if they have to (remember the Son Tay raid in Vietnam?), but their primary mission is infiltration, exfiltration, and working with indigenous forces, such as the Hmuong and the Montagnard tribesmen. These days, they're most likely working with Shiite and Christian village elders in various warm climates - which explains why they're doing this in the South over the summer.

If you ever see these guys this summer, they have failed. Their job is to train and equip indigenous forces. They don't patrol, stand guard, or fight. If they do, they have failed.

You may see some "supply" missions, to the "freedom fighters" they are working with. Again, if you do see equipment moving in and out, they have failed. These supply missions are also done secretly.

In short, I doubt that people in the states where this exercise will be conducted will see anything different. And if they do, well, then these guys need more training.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158320
03/26/2015 06:10 AM
03/26/2015 06:10 AM
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Airforce, If its all that clandestine ? Then why the Big Hoopla ? Just saying ! And don't worry, I don't have any grain to go against, I'm more like Tree Rings, Semper Fi

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158321
03/26/2015 06:36 AM
03/26/2015 06:36 AM
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Originally posted by D308cat:
Airforce, If its all that clandestine ? Then why the Big Hoopla ?...
I'm really not sure. I know the DOD wouldn't want to keep the exercise a secret, because if they tried and it got out anyway, all hell would break loose.

Some people will find some conspiracy or hidden agenda in everything, whether it's a military exercise or something they think they hear when they play a Beatles song backwards. That's just the way they are. And frankly I'm glad they do, because it's always good to question authority.

As I said, I just don't think there's anything to get worked up about this exercise. But I've certainly been wrong before, I may make a mistake again someday, and it always pays to be vigilant.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158322
03/27/2015 05:47 AM
03/27/2015 05:47 AM
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Seattle - that place - ε&...
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If their goal is to have some kind of clandestine "movements" instead of the usual herp a derp with camo, then it's going to be a fun game spotting them.

There's always something about them that makes them stick out. Probably because in any crowd they are acting a little different than the rest of the zombies.

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Re: Jade Helm 15 #158323
03/27/2015 07:29 AM
03/27/2015 07:29 AM
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Afghans used to claim they could spot a foreigner just by the way he walked.

I've heard stories of how we smuggled supplies in to the Afghans when the Russians were there. I was on a camel for ten minutes once, and it wasn't fun. I really didn't envy those guys.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158324
03/27/2015 02:08 PM
03/27/2015 02:08 PM
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Well let me play devils advocate what if the scenario isn't Martial Law against the all US citizens but a show of force for Mexico.

Russia to supply Mexico with weapons to retake South West US, if US sends weapons to Ukraine & Saudi starts bombing in Yemen. rabia-starts-bombing-yemen

Imagine if our Southern Border with Mexico became a warzone? Hence Texas, Southern Cali and other South Western States being the insurgent area of occupation. Because otherwise I would see pockets throughout the whole US of insurgent activity.


Re: Jade Helm 15 #158325
03/27/2015 02:43 PM
03/27/2015 02:43 PM
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Originally posted by Asher:
Well let me play devils advocate what if the scenario isn't Martial Law against the all US citizens but a show of force for Mexico.

Russia to supply Mexico with weapons to retake South West US, if US sends weapons to Ukraine & Saudi starts bombing in Yemen. rabia-starts-bombing-yemen

Imagine if our Southern Border with Mexico became a warzone? Hence Texas, Southern Cali and other South Western States being the insurgent area of occupation. Because otherwise I would see pockets throughout the whole US of insurgent activity.

If I were President instead of the Kenyan and Mexican Troops invaded the United States I nuke the scum suckers to hell.

Mexico would effectively cease to exist and that would be just fine with me.

Also what would the Gun Owners of the South West do, I don't think they would just do nothing.

In the end there would be no more Mexico and there would be a few more States in the United States.

Oh by the way the linked article stated Chechen Parliament not Putin, not exactly the same thing.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158326
03/27/2015 03:59 PM
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What better border fence than a 1,000 wide wasteland after several hundred short range nukes are launched.

Any illegals would glow... Easy to spot at night.

E-verify would be a simple Geiger counter!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158327
03/27/2015 04:26 PM
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I'm a strong believer in that old adage, "Where goods cross borders, soldiers don't." I certainly wouldn't call the border area a free trade zone, but the fact is that both countries profit from trade (both legal and the other kind). There really is little incentive for a border war.

Although, frankly, if Mexico wanted California, I'd be inclined to let them have it. Mexico can't run it any worse than the current state government.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158328
03/27/2015 06:14 PM
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Anything the government and the media tells you is a lie and or propaganda. So, don't fall for their bullshit.

This is undoubtedly a tune up. But, for what purpose?

To quote Matt Bracken...

First: conditioning Americans to accept increasingly frequent and intrusive military and paramilitary police actions up close and personal. These will include low-altitude over-flights by military aircraft at all hours, plus roadblocks, checkpoints and denied out-of-bounds areas declared during so-called “realistic military training exercises” in and around Anytown, USA. Some of the military participants might be dressed as civilians, or even as enemy terrorists—foreign or domestic. That is to say, the troops will not necessarily be identifiable to John Q. Public as good old G.I. Joe. Instead, they might be dressed up like Jihad John, or even Redneck Jake. We will be told to mind our business, stay indoors, and trust those in authority who can see “the big picture.”

The second objective of Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15 is to practice simultaneously operating all of the control levers of armed federal power on American soil, from major military units and federal law enforcement agencies down to the state police and local law enforcement. (Posse Comitatus? Heavens, no. It’s just a training exercise!)

When the time comes to eliminate those pockets of bitterly-clinging dead-enders standing in the way of social progress that Team Obama seems to hate with far greater vigor than it hates the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, the federal bosses will already know which county sheriffs and chiefs of police are “reliable.” That is, reliable in the KGB or Stasi meaning of the world. Click your heels, Sheriff, and set up the roadblocks as instructed. It’s a federal order! Do it just like we did it last year.

Jade Helm is a eight-week joint military and Interagency Unconventional Warfare exercise...

...which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, 82nd Airborne Division, DHS, DEA, FBI and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency

...conducted from July 15 to September 15,

...throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado

17 different Texas cities will see an Army presence as part of the exercise, which will involve, “participants in civilian dress and civilian vehicles, military aircraft, low-altitude airdrops of personnel and weapons .

The cities are Bastrop/Smithville, Big Spring, Caddo Lake, Caldwell, Christoval, College Station, Dell City, Eldorado, Goliad, Junction, Leakey, Menard, Mountain Home, San Angelo, San Antonio and Victoria.

In addition...the States of Miss. and Fla have been added to the exercise.

Operations Planner and retired Green Beret Thomas Mead told an audience that the drill, will now include the states of Mississippi and Florida.

“The exercise is actually an eight-week exercise taking place across seven states,” Mead explains. “As you can see right there, it spans the whole southwest of the United States. We’ve also added Mississippi and we have a group also working out of Florida.”

“We’ll have Navy Seals that’ll be conducting targets and training down in the Mississippi area”.

Operations Planner Francisco Oquendo Jr. also says “specific apparatuses” in the Brazos County area will be targeted for “surgical strikes” during a special extraction mission involving helicopters flying in from Louisiana.

And, Army Rangers out of Camp Merrill, are currently conducting exercises in the Appalachian mountains of N. Georgia.

If 'the drills were designed to ready troops for overseas operations'; why are they practicing how to blend in with American civilians? Do we look like ragheads? Do our cities resemble downtown Afcrapastan?

Why did USASOCM characterize Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory and an area of southern California as an “insurgent pocket”? Could it be the fact that these are not exactly fed friendly areas to begin with? Could it be that they wish to intimidate the Patriots in these areas? Or, gather intell and gauge their reaction/response/ capabilities??? Bundy Ranch, Texas independence movement and civilian border protection activities come to mind.

Remember, among the many duties of Green Berets, Navy Seals and Special Operations Command forces are infrastructure raids, assassination of key enemy personnel, reconnaissance, and extraction of key enemy personnel for detention and/or intelligence gathering.

Golden opportunity!

The militia/patriot movement should be conducting a training exercise of their own.

Time to heighten your Situational Awareness, maintain a high level of OPSEC...especially the protection of key personnel, practice secure communications techniques, and practice covert identification and observation of hostile elements. Now is the time to gather intell on the Opfor. Everyone in the effected areas should be monitoring their communications and generate accurate Spot Reports and Salute's rather than internet rumors. Right now there is cheap, off the shelf hardware/software that will allow you to plot their aircaft flight paths in real time...USE IT.

What you learn now may save you lives later.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158329
03/28/2015 03:00 PM
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Says Russian military have been infiltrating Canada in preparation to arm guerrillas in the US and Mexico. Which means groups like NBPP, MS13 and the Drug Cartels in Mexico. Kinda scary right...

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158330
03/29/2015 03:05 AM
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Friday, 27 March 2015
Military Drill Identifying “Hostile” U.S. States Sparks Alarm

Written by Alex Newman

A massive U.S. military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory. The unclassified information about this drill is causing widespread alarm nationwide, with more than a few analysts suggesting it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government. During the exercises, which will take place over the summer, Special Forces from various branches of the military will work with local law-enforcement in scenarios that, to critics at least, sound suspiciously like they are aimed at subduing rebellious American civilians and states amid a civil war or large-scale unrest. The federal government issued a response dismissing the concerns and saying that the training is to help U.S. forces prepare for overseas missions, but not everyone is convinced.

The most alarming components of the drills highlighted by concerned citizens and media commentators surround an unclassified presentation about Jade Helm 15’s “realistic military training” that was apparently leaked. In a graphic showing the territory across which the training will take place — essentially the American Southwest — different states are colored based on the fictional status of their loyalty to Washington. Colorado, Nevada, and most of California, for example, are dark blue, indicating that they are “permissive.” Utah and Texas are both shaded red, indicating that they are “hostile.” Southern California is also red, with a note reading “insurgent pocket.” Arizona is light blue, which in the legend is listed as “uncertain (leaning friendly),” while New Mexico is brown, or “uncertain (leaning hostile).” Two more states, Florida and Louisiana, have reportedly been added to the exercise.

According to the presentation, the eight-week training program involves Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), Air Force Special Operations Command, Marine Special Operations Command, Marine Expeditionary Units, the 82nd Airborne Division, and unspecified “interagency partners.” Underneath the logo for the Jade Helm drills, a sword with two arrows crossing it, it reads: “Master the Human Domain.” What exactly that means was not clear, but at least some critics of the exercise have suggested it may be a euphemism for subjugating the population of the United States. Indeed, as other analysts have noted, citing available information, the drill almost certainly has nothing to do with defending the Southern border from invasion. The few details that have been provided, though, are causing concern among analysts.

On a slide explaining “what to expect” during the two-month training program for “unconventional warfare,” the document warns of “increased aircraft in the area at night,” possible noise complaints, personnel carrying weapons with blank ammo, and more. Especially alarming to critics of the program is that “some individuals may conduct suspicious activities designed to prepare them for complex environments overseas,” and that “some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving civilian vehicles.” Separately, a slide describing what “realistic military training” means has also raised alarm. The document mentions that it will be conducted “outside of federally owned property” and that it is designed to “ensure proper coordination between DOD representatives and local and regional authorities.” News reports citing military officials said the DEA, FBI, and the “Joint Personnel Recovery Agency” (JPRA) would also be participating.

Citing other recently leaked U.S. military documents such as “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations” about interning American civilians in camps, using “psyops” (psychological operations) on those detainees to affect their views, and more, David Hodges with the Common Sense Show said the drill is “undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War.” In a widely re-published article about the training program, he said it could be “conclusively stated” that the drill was really about “preparing for a Red, White and Blue invasion.” “This is a massive rehearsal for martial law implementation as well as implementing the proverbial and much rumored Red and Blue List and the ‘snatch and grab’ extractions of key resistance figures from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures,” Hodges added. “The various provisions of Jade Helm make it clear just how dangerous this drill truly is.”

Responding to widely expressed concerns that the scheme is “preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals,” as the military publication Stars and Stripes put it, U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied the accusation. “That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,” USASOC spokesman Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria was quoted as saying. “This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.” He re-iterated those comments in other interviews as well. Despite being referred to as “routine,” it was not clear whether any similar drill identifying U.S. states as “hostile” had ever taken place — except perhaps amid the Civil War.

In comments quoted by the Houston Chronicle, which made its bias obvious in the first sentence by claiming that the drills had “stirred some ultra-right-wing fears of a government takeover in the Lone Star State,” local law enforcement officials also shed some light on what to expect. “They're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” Chief Deputy Roy Boyd with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office was quoted as saying by the paper. “They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.” A former Army Intelligence officer was also quoted downplaying fears about the drill and suggesting that it was largely routine training.

Separately, the Chronicle attempted to belittle concerns expressed by critics about the program. National radio host Alex Jones, for example — whose audience dwarfs the readership and listenership of many “mainstream” outlets, including the Chronicle — was introduced as part of the “far-right fringe” movement. Jones’ radio show and online portal Infowars played a key role in raising awareness about the drills under the headline “Feds Preparing to Invade Texas, List State as Hostile.” The supposed “journalist” at the Chronicle, apparently unable to contain himself or conceal his extreme bias, went on to describe the website Freedom Outpost, which also raised concerns about the drill and suggested it was practice for domestic martial law, as “ultra-libertarian.”

While local authorities quoted in news reports were aware of the programs and vowed to work with the community to prevent panic or paranoia, it would not be the first time that the Pentagon has alarmed U.S. civilians with its drills. In 2013, a series of “urban warfare” military exercises in major cities including Miami and Houston involving gun fire and black helicopters terrified locals who were unaware of what was going on. As The New American has also reported in recent years, under the Obama administration, military authorities have taken the unprecedented step of bringing troops from Communist China and Russia to do “training drills” with American forces. Other foreign militaries, primarily European, have for decades been practicing citizen disarmament and other drills on U.S. soil, as documented on video by Alex Jones.

Considering the fact that two-thirds of the American people in polls say the federal government is “out of control” and a "threat" to liberty, it is hardly surprising that many citizens do not trust the Obama administration when it performs military drills with law enforcement that it has been militarizing and attempting to nationalize — especially while identifying conservative states as “hostile” enemies. Obama’s invitation of foreign troops loyal to hostile regimes for military training drills in the United States certainly did not help matters. Nor does the fact that the current commander in chief began his political career in the living room of communist terrorist leader Bill Ayers — a man whose terror spree was backed by the Soviet puppet regime of Fidel Castro when it bombed the Pentagon and murdered police officers. Ayers’ terror group, the Weather Underground, planned to exterminate 25 million Americans in camps across the Southwest after taking over, according to FBI agent Larry Grathwohl who infiltrated the organization. “They were dead serious,” Grathwohl said in an video-taped interview.

Of course, the federal government’s recent behavior — ranging from Homeland Security stockpiling massive amounts of hollow-point ammunition to the multiple agencies producing propaganda demonizing U.S. military veterans, Christians, and Americans with mainstream political views as potential terrorists — is also unlikely to inspire trust. In fact, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia warned just last year that “you are kidding yourself” if you do not think mass internment of U.S. citizens, as happened with Japanese-Americans during World War II, would eventually return to this country.

Jade Helm drill may well just be nothing more than training U.S. forces for “overseas missions,” as officials claim. However, considering the known details of the exercise and the accelerating anti-constitutional lawlessness of the federal government, it is hardly unreasonable to express concerns. In fact, anybody who is not concerned by the current state of U.S. affairs is simply not paying attention.

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158331
03/29/2015 05:49 AM
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Funny how some people have been saying that this Fall is when SHTF.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158332
03/29/2015 06:12 AM
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I have to agree with Matt Bracken's assessment...That CSC posted,

and then my own personal opinion is...

It is an exercise to get the American people, especially in the states that might rise up, accustom to the presence of troops and equipment in the streets..

This is the very state of Martial law people...

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158333
03/29/2015 06:41 AM
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It also gives some of us practice at seeing how they look, move, communicate and interact with LEO...

This is a trial run for both sides.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158334
03/29/2015 11:18 AM
03/29/2015 11:18 AM
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Originally posted by The Greywolf:
It is an exercise to get the American people, especially in the states that might rise up, accustom to the presence of troops and equipment in the streets..

This is the very state of Martial law people...
What would be the point? We're already accustomed to seeing police dressed out in military gear and riding around in armored personnel carriers. Any more, the police look more military than the military does.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158335
03/30/2015 03:32 AM
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You're right we are used to seeing cops dressed as military in groups of 10 maybe 15 at a time..

Not used to seeing forces taking over whole swaths of a town,and controlling that town

Look at how Boston polices actions surprised folk who just seen it on tv..

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158336
03/30/2015 05:59 PM
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From the map I saw it looks like they have large events planned in San Antonio and Houston. This has a million ways to go wrong, and I'm sure they are counting on it.

Well, this is it.
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158337
03/30/2015 10:51 PM
03/30/2015 10:51 PM
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Somewhere in these blue ridged...
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Somewhere in these blue ridged...
I'm not particularly concerned about the drills we hear/read about in the news. It's the ones we don't hear/read about that are worrisome.

But, of course, we don't hear/read about them.

The facts don't change. You still bleed, they still bleed, and they have bigger and better ways of causing said bleeding. If it ever came down to it, you'll have to be smarter and quieter than they are. These facts aren't changing.

Semper Vigilantes, Numquam Exspectantes

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Re: Jade Helm 15 #158338
03/31/2015 08:43 AM
03/31/2015 08:43 AM
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Originally posted by The Answer:
I'm not particularly concerned about the drills we hear/read about in the news. It's the ones we don't hear/read about that are worrisome.

But, of course, we don't hear/read about them.

The facts don't change. You still bleed, they still bleed, and they have bigger and better ways of causing said bleeding. If it ever came down to it, you'll have to be smarter and quieter than they are. These facts aren't changing.
That requires and active and comprehensive intelligence gathering effort which is not going to degrade into the Walfred hoax of the day club where we have to sort through a ten to one ratio of hoax vs solid information in order to develop that intelligence info into anything useful that planners can work with.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: Jade Helm 15 #158339
04/15/2015 10:05 AM
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Evidence Suggests Jade Helm Is Connected To Massive Cyber Event, Planned Since 2013

Jade Helm 15 exercise, Colorado backs out

Interview with John Trochmann

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158340
04/15/2015 04:05 PM
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This just gets better and better. Can anyone say Cloward and Piven?

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158341
04/16/2015 04:19 AM
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Originally posted by Huskerpatriot:
It also gives some of us practice at seeing how they look, move, communicate and interact with LEO...

This is a trial run for both sides.
Really, that's where it needs to be at, and if we have more time on these things, eventually deploy people to the areas where this is active and run our own versions of training ops.

I would almost wonder if it would be worth the effort to find some fresh people the feds don't quite know about and have them get in contact with whoever runs OPFOR for those training exercises. Get them jobs with it, test a few tactics, try to get in on the AARs. Honest test and evaluation of the operations rather than just monkeywrenching the opposition in ways that they might see coming next time.

The troops don't really matter much on this, the important targets to observe and study are the middling level officers along with senior NCOs, especially those who remained SNCOs but have university degrees. They tend to be the most often recruited by the shady alphabet agency types and would be the "old men" calling shots in combat operations involving any "MJTF".

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158342
04/16/2015 04:39 AM
04/16/2015 04:39 AM
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The reference in one of the videos is interesting, to this (don't keep the website open very long if you are on limited internet usage, it will suck up bandwidth like a continuing video)

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158343
04/16/2015 04:40 AM
04/16/2015 04:40 AM
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If you're in the immediate area of these operations you need to be monitoring their comms.
Since exact frequencies are unknown, but bands are known, you should perform a band search.

The following bands are of primary interest:

30-88 MHz. Pay particular attention to:
30-30.55 MHz.
32-33 MHz.
34-35 MHz.
36-37 MHz.
38-39 MHz.
40-42 MHz.
46.5-47 MHz.
49.5-50 MHz.
138-144 MHz.
148-150.775 MHz.
225-400 MHz.

The following bands are of secondary interest:

118-138 MHz.
162-174 MHz.
400-420 MHz.

Extensive use of P25 and FHSS is expected. Real Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum. Police scanners with P25 capability and RTL-SDRs will be necessary.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158344
04/17/2015 12:56 AM
04/17/2015 12:56 AM
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War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless"With the Wild Geese"
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158345
04/21/2015 10:51 AM
04/21/2015 10:51 AM
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This is interesting. I don't believe it, but it's interesting. Does Wal-Mart have the same logistics system as the DOD, and this is why Wal-Marts are closing nationwide, so the DOD can take over the stores? Is this all a part of the Jade Helm exercise?

The video is only about three minutes. Judge for yourself.

Onward and upward,

Re: Jade Helm 15 #158346
04/21/2015 03:12 PM
04/21/2015 03:12 PM
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Not sure about Walmart, but Target stores are somehow connected with DOD, I think using the same supply chain as the PX/AAfes system and set up for distribution of supplies from national stockpiles in SHTF scenarios. Walmart was getting a bunch of stores certified for that, but target was building new ones with the certification in mind from the ground up. It has a lot to do with the layout of the store, the way the loading docks and parking lots get designed, generators on site, and like that guy says in the video, the way the software works in their supply system. If military supply and support people go in and take over, it is not wildly different from the systems they already use, and former military officers work in management at most of those stores anyway. They are also supposed to cultivate careers for National Guard and reservists to help with the personnel integration.

It is not a fully functional system though, and somewhat voluntary on the corporation's part. For example, stores built after I think 2007 are equipped with generators in order to facilitate continued operations in a disaster, but they are usually NOT equipped with sufficient fuel reserves or even fuel tanks to run for more than a few hours at reduced capacity, basically keeping the dairy products and frozen stuff cold long enough to distribute it to the local population on a voucher system. Under those circumstances, it is most likely going to school and jail kitchens. Jail kitchens tend to be a little oversize, and are capable of expanding to become chow halls for police working overtime, but municipalities may make local decisions to consolidate the kitchens at the schools as they are more accessible, have better parking lots and more reserve space for shelter services.

Next plan, someone has to haul fuel trucks to the stores which were set up as part of the reserve program, which includes a lot of the Walmart stores from what I understand, but not all of them. Being in the back rooms of a lot of the stores doing the work that I do, I can tell you that Walmart is better on supplies, Target runs smaller stockrooms, but the Target stores have the better generator systems.

The guy is right about Home Depot, not sure if it is appropriate to discuss here, but that's our turf. Lowes too. That cat is somewhat out of the bag with the recent Denzel Washington iteration of the "Equalizer" franchise, where McCall is relocated to Brooklyn (I think) to an anonymous retirement as a home improvement store employee. The issue with Home Depot and Lowes is there are certain minimums of certain construction materials they are supposed to have on hand no matter what the sales are. Other lumber and construction supply places would not get on with that program of stocking certain minimums so they got written off as approved DOD sources for stuff. Heck, they openly show the GSA supply chain protocols on the cash registers at Home Depot.

What I don't agree with on that guy in the video is that the employees are all just shown the door when the government shows up. Not true, part of the hiring process even for contractors and their employees is that they are cleared for that level of employment with DOD anyway. There were some walmart managers who checked the plates on my truck and read me as a "felon" with local law enforcement and were all ticked off that I was making a higher hourly wage than them for the work I did but they could not say shit about it since I was already cleared by people above their pay grade, but if I go in and apply for a regular job there, that won't work.

Home Depot and Lowes also have discreet hiring policies for exemptions for felons as long as they are veterans who meet certain DOD clearances for reduced sensitivity positions on a case by case basis. They like us to be some place where they can keep an eye on us...

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Jade Helm 15 #158347
04/21/2015 06:19 PM
04/21/2015 06:19 PM
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I know that some retail outlets have contracts with FEMA and various state and county emergency management agencies, but I wasn't aware of the DOD connection.

I'm still not inclined to read anything too nefarious into the Jade Helm exercise, but the Wal-Mart store closings do seem like theyre might be a little more to it. The store that's closing here in Tulsa, by all accounts, really does have some plumbing problems. But having it close for six months seems pretty extreme, and there certainly have been a lot of questions about it. This was the first time I heard anyone connect it to the Jade Helm exercise, so I figured I better report it.

Onward and upward,

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