How is your ESP? What do you think will happen in the coming year? From the entirely expected to the rather unlikely, what will be making the headlines next year? Here are my five:

1. Danica Patrick will win the Daytona 500.

2. An alien from the Perseids star system will land his flying saucer on the White House lawn and announce he is looking for a job. Officials from ICE take him into custody, but can't figure out how to deport him.

3. New York mayor Bill de Blasio will resign.

4. After receiving $1.2 billion in subsidies and tax incentives, the Dallas Cowboys announce they will become the Los Angeles Cowboys beginning in 2016.

5. Jeb Bush and Joe Biden win the New Hampshire primary. Global warming and drugs are both blamed.

Those are my predictions. What are yours?

Onward and upward,