The police are thinking and acting like they usually do, as ignorant A-Holes and looking for payback for the death of one of their own. But at the same time they condemn others for wanting pay back for the death or one of their own in this case, Eric Garner.

What needs to be understood by everyone but especially the Government and their Law Enforcers is this.

When people lose faith in the Judicial System and that the Judicial System and it's Courts will punish the guilty and exonerate the innocent, they may begin to take Justice into their own hands.

As in the beginning of the TV Show the People's Court where it is stated: Don't take the Law into your own hands take them to Court. That is the way it should work, but if the People no longer believe that they will receive true Justice from the Courts they may and probably will stop seeking Justice through the official Legal System and start taking the Law and Justice into their own hands.

Today a significant percentage of the People now believe that when there is a situation of a Law Enforcer vs a regular Citizen the Courts will always side for and decide for the Law Enforcer even when there is overwhelming evidence of the Law Enforcer's guilt and the regular Citizens Innocence.

So when in cases like Eric Garner, a Grand Jury, in spite of overwhelming Evidence, refuses to Indict the Officer who killed a person who did not deserve to die, it is only normal human thinking and behavior to want get personal payback against the killer.

One important question is, not if but when people will start to take the Law and Justice into their own hands.

So while what happened to those two Cops in NYC is most likely the doing of a twisted mind or as it seems from the evidence a bad person who had already shot his ex-girlfriend and is not representative of what regular people are planning on doing, it is evidence of what may happen if Cops do not stop beating and killing innocent people and the Courts continue to exonerate Cops and in effect give them like James Bond a License to Kill.

If the NYC Cops come down hard on Blacks or people Protesting against the killing of Eric Garner, they just may push more people to the edge who will then start to kill more Cops in Revenge. And unless someone takes proper action to stop it, it will continue to escalate until there is a real War in the Streets of NYC, or wherever the Cops are killing people. And the Cops better be careful what they wish for since t hey just might get it, and it will not be fun for them.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)