While for some time the whole "illegals" thing really pissed me off, somewhere along the line I just got over it.
Guess you could say the light came on.
You know how? Wouldn't we all run to Mexico if we could live for free at Mexican Gov't expense?
So they come here, for the "free shit".
So let them come, and stay. Just cut off the FREE SHIT. All of it. You want food? Get a damn job. A place to live? Get a damn job. Popping babies? Better get a damn job with insurance benefits.
As far as lowering the standard of living, well, I'm a little closer to 48 than when I became 47, and it looks to me like the standard of living has been falling for some time.
While the most money ever I made was more than just a few years ago now, I still make more than when me and my wife were starting out, but we live just as tightly as we ever did, and now both of us are working, as opposed to just myself back then, as she stayed home to be with the kids. We still drive older vehicles. We will never have a retirement fund, there has never been spare income to fund it with. We still cannot do vacations. We do not share the standard of living that our parents do, and I cannot think of anybody who does.
As for democrats and republicans, they are two sides of the same coin. Voting is, and has been for some time a ploy to make us peons feel like we matter. All that has been accomplished by voting for some decades now has been to switch from riding on an electric bullet train to hell to riding a regular diesel/electric slower train. We have always been on the same track, with the same destination.
We are going to hell, so you might as well get ready. The only question is whether it will be fire monsoon season or not, and how long we stay, and how much work it will take to leave.
Oh, BTW, I recently read somewhere that either from the EO, or just already existed in obamacare, that companies hiring illegals don't have to pay obamacare premiums on them, so it's like a $3000 a yr bonus to hire illegals.