Damn right I responded to a Rape once on Staff Duty. The Victim was a German National. The Soldier was ETS'ng the next day. Command Ignored it the MP's overlooked it and by the Time Polizei responded the bozo was out of Country. That was right after my last Deployment to Iraq in 2008-2009. 2010 was Afghanistan where I saw far more things far worse than rape being done to non combatants. Its the new norm Rape is cheaper than video games and the internet It does not require alcohol. Rufees make it easier and so does GHB.
The inner Workings of the Army at some units reflects more of a crime spree zone in the worst places you can imagine.
At 1st ID 2nd BCT we had dominance rapes going on. that's male on male and it was the new guys to the unit getting raped by teams of other guys. CID had a hard time with that. And most victims would not come forward.
After the Troop surge authorized by Wacky Bush we had the bottom of the Barrel coming into the Army. And it showed. I once stopped a Soldier at Graffenwohr during gunnery and asked him where the hell was his weapon !!!
His reply below
Pvt. Guillane: Smoke I don't have one
Me: Bullshit !! Don't lie to me
Pvt. Guillane: I am not lying. I am not allowed to have one.
At this point I hit the roof.
Me: You are unfucking believable that is utter bullshit. I smell it and I call it. Where is your commander. You are coming with me and we are going to fix this situation right fucking now.
Pvt. Guillane: My unit is the 1-17 and My commander is in building 8606.
Me: Good hop in the Humvee.
Me again not in the TC seat you idiot that's my seat! you get in the back. What the hell! your in the army a day and you think you can just hop in my fucking seat. Do you see me driving no you don't SPC. McFerrin is my driver and my best 13F You on the other hand are still a maggot. A maggot with out his weapon.
So off we go to see his commander. I get to his commander and Lo and Behold after a brief conversation I find out that Pvt. Guillane is a convicted felon who enlisted in California. What was he convicted of you might ask. STRONG ARMED ROBBERY.
That's right the Army waived it and put him on a Crew served weapons team all he carried was ammo and barrels. That is the loophole in the Lautenberg Amendment.
and as far as Pvt. Guillane future performance. Well he got ahold of a female Sergeants room key stole her money and credit cards. Then he played the abused and mental card and got discharged.
So that is how some units work.