Lets look at this one:

“In fact, that panel was set to meet on the morning of September 11, 2001. Needless to say, that meeting never took place, and following the attacks on that day, America’s focus largely and appropriately turned towards confronting al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan and threats from other international terrorist groups. Our efforts to also combat potential acts of domestic terrorism have continued and will only be enhanced by the work of this committee.

End quote

Seriously, while the holdover Clintonistas were plotting warfare against patriotic Americans and ignoring the FBI agent who had actually rung the alarm on a group of Saudis training in Arizona to fly but not land airliners, Al Queda handed them their asses on a silver platter and demonstrated to the world what happens to regimes whose stock and trade is treason, betrayal and the use of national resources to carry out petty cultural vendettas against a formerly dominant constituency.

Now that the "war on terror" is officially coming to a close, or at least going into lower speed residual momentum, the Clintonista holdovers and bureaucrats don't want to miss out on the opportunity to declare war on another set of domestic enemies, so why not go to war again against the Bill of Rights?

Now really look at the cases of injustice tied to the "war on terror" and then the many concessions made to organizations like CAIR and all of those Islamists in Michigan, they could really count themselves the winners in this thing, and why? Successful demands made on the tail end of the constant threat of more incidents of terror on the home soil with massive payouts and construction of a massive HUMINT infrastructure in America's growing Islamic subculture.

Now when we look at the actual product of that, what have they really handed over? A few totally manufactured cases of individuals who were either low level or not connected at all to the actual overseas directed Al Queda networks. We get a smattering of black American ex-convict converts, who probably would also have been mistreated and rejected by the overseas branches of Al Queda, and then a number of low intelligence and emotionally crippled individuals who also would have been of less use to them, meanwhile, as payment for "national loyalty", the likes of Dearborn Police Chief Haddad gets thrown the bone of a massive tactical operation directed toward what his constituency has nightmares about - a Christian militia group which somewhat reminds them of the Christian militias which stopped them from the wholesale massacre and gunpoint conversion of Christians in Lebanon in the 1980s. That's after billions of dollars of handouts to foreign intelligence networks, domestic HUMINT networks and the construction of a massive police state infrastructure that was designed from the outset to be turned against US. Just a couple weeks ago, a friend of mine was helping me sell some stuff on Ebay, including an old scope I had which was bought by some guy in Australia. Lo and behold, it got "lost" in Australian customs, not seized, since no laws were broken, but "lost". After that, every single package incoming from that guy's ebay/paypal account is getting stopped for a week in every national border customs facility it runs through. My guess, a very educated guess, is they saw my name somewhere and some dickheads at the Australian branch of the "five eyes network" put the word out that I had something to do with that ebay account therefore it had to be attacked." Motherfuckers, but it is an example of economic warfare directed at a US person by an overseas authority based on a gun control issue which is directed by that nation's anti-bill of rights policies. What's funny is that we ordered airsoft market stuff from Red China, and the stuff which only touches the China to US postal system does not get interfered with, because the real admitted Communists already approved the products for sale under their laws...

I shudder to think however, about the massive expenditure that is going to shift into converting all of those shitheads at WRAM into a new VolksPolice or brown shirt army which has little or no actual public accountability but will definitely be taking its orders from secret police headquarters in Washington DC and Virginia. Quite possibly by extension, foreign intelligence services. That's not even getting into the issues where the foreign intelligence services like those out of the Mexican equivalent of the Justice Department are deeply in bed with drug cartels, or their BATF equivalent is a division of their national military, which is openly hostile to our 2nd amendment and their own 10th article in their own rights as enumerated in the Mexican constitution. This is what will get really complicated real quick as opposing factions in the government use plausible deniability in the form of "independent" militias to carry out policies which for whatever reasons they were unable to openly sell to congress.

Which gets me to the Bundy Ranch thing. Both sides actually do have deep government connections, just Harry Reid and his BLM goons nominally have government sanction, while supposedly, the militia factions who showed up don't, except that I have seen hints and evidence of FBI policy dictating a lot of actions on their part, including limitations on rules of engagement, removal of the disenfranchised persons (felons) who showed up to help, and "factional infighting" which closely resembles bureaucratic conflict where everyone pretends to be on the same side while undermining each others efforts, carefully trying to blame others for failures and take credit for successes.

I am going to echo Mark Koernke on this, at least for anyone who wants to pay attention to what I would direct, if I were in charge of anything or calling any shots; we must absolutely positively maintain the moral high ground in these upcoming issues and maintain a focus on enforcing the Bill of Rights but very carefully pick and choose the battles which best make our point without falling into the trap laid for Libertarians of reducing the argument to absurdity and then using that absurdity to drive wedges between us and our chosen constituency.

I see this with that shithead attorney who has managed to camp James Yeager's forum who goes by the name of "Umpire", and unfortunately, a lot of that mentality has managed to infect Yeager himself to some degree in his "gay rights" stance. I would support their right to keep their shit in the closet, but as soon as they start dictating their definitions of marriage and "decency" on the actual bedrock constituency, then its time to change boats.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.