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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157239
04/17/2014 04:52 AM
04/17/2014 04:52 AM
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Originally posted by Sapper1:
Anyone who names a fed as a source of information is going to get a visit from other not so nice agencies. Especially if it was real information.

This should be obvious to all here. misinformation is disinformation.
Correct under the majority of circumstances. You can't go burning a high value informant or sympathizer. I have read a lot about. The FBI semi-publicly saying they were on An investigation against Harry Reid over these land grab corruption deals anyway then were officially blocked from investigating further. I have this sneaking suspicion that they are on an alternate plan to use their own controlled militia factions to fight the BLM on this since they can't do it officially.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157240
04/17/2014 05:34 AM
04/17/2014 05:34 AM
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[QUOTE] [According to both sources, plans are being made to physically return on or about the date of the “American Spring,” which is scheduled for 16 May 2014. The purpose for choosing that date or approximate time period should be obvious. The most vocal and visible leaders of the patriot movement will be busy organizing and attending the DC event. It is during this period that the BLM and support agencies, by way of their physical presence combined with court actions, is intended./QUOTE]

Does his indicate the Bunkerville scene is a self driven event or an attempt to reduce manpower from the DC march?

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157241
04/17/2014 08:05 AM
04/17/2014 08:05 AM
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Please tell me that we are not leaving to go to DC. Thats the dumbest crap I've heard all day. I will not knowingly participate in my own destruction. But hey, what do I know?!

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157242
04/17/2014 08:19 AM
04/17/2014 08:19 AM
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Leo, we'll be ready to deploy wherever needed when the SHTF.

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157243
04/17/2014 08:21 AM
04/17/2014 08:21 AM
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Ask Adam Kokesh how his DC demonstration worked out.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157244
04/17/2014 08:55 AM
04/17/2014 08:55 AM
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Originally posted by airforce:
Ask Adam Kokesh how his DC demonstration worked out.

Onward and upward,
Indeed. That's why I don't see this "American Spring" thing being very productive. I don't know ANY Militiamen who are going. It will just be a bunch of activists.

HOWEVER, if they are fired upon we'll be responding.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157245
04/17/2014 09:13 AM
04/17/2014 09:13 AM
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This just in from Mike Vandebough:

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Pardon the delay, but I am now on the ground at the Bundy Ranch operation.

Didn't get in until I had been up for about 27 hours straight (no sleep on the planes because of screaming babies, sitting in an aisle seat and being mugged by lurching passengers and kamikaze beverage carts driven by insane stewardesses -- Delta, what can I tell you). My first few hours on scene were very instructive. Oath Keepers is doing a great job supporting the security operation with logistics and other support. Plenty of Oath Keepers and Three Percenters in the group. There is also an outer encampment that seems to be inhabited largely by fruits and nuts. The EBGs (evil bad guys) are certainly testing the perimeter and playing all sorts of psywar games -- which is being handled by competent folks in the security detail. The problem is that there are now too few to rotate out for rest -- and it is important that folks be fresh when faced with the various threats, especially those generated by the fruits and nuts. (Stewart Rhodes, who brought me from the airport around 0200HRS, immediately took over a post from a fatigued trooper for the rest of the night.) There is no margin for error, so fresh bodies are needed. Folks who have been holding back because of the uncertainty generated by some of the disinformation and press antics by the fruits and nuts need not worry. There are competent people in charge of the inner ring. My laptop's ability to mesh with wifi has gone by the wayside as I wasn't able to get on the Net at the Columbus and Atlanta airports. Now, having reported in, I'm going to get something to eat and then crash.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157246
04/20/2014 03:41 AM
04/20/2014 03:41 AM
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Report: Bundy Family Unearths BLM Mass Cattle Grave

“I feel that this needs to be put out for the public to see”

Mikael Thalen
April 20, 2014

New photos released by the Bundy family Sunday provided more evidence to the claim that the Bureau of Land Management was illegally killing and burying confiscated cattle.

Posted to the official Bundy Ranch Facebook page, the gruesome image shows several dead cattle being removed from a makeshift grave discovered just this weekend.

“Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot,” the picture’s description reads. “I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see.”

The picture backs up reports by several people including Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who commented on the BLM’s cattle graves last Tuesday.

“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes,” Fiore said. “They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so they throw a cow in and they put dirt over him and you have cows’ legs sticking up out of the dirt.”

Fiore also displayed several photos on her Twitter account Sunday, labeling the incident the “BLM Massacre.”

Although the BLM’s court order only permitted the agency to seize Bundy’s cattle, federal agents have thus far already admitted to shooting and killing two prized bulls, claiming the animals were a “safety hazard.”

Video from the area also revealed holes in water tanks, a smashed tortoise burrow, as well as destroyed fences and water lines.

“They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week,” Corey Houston, family friend of Cliven Bundy, told Fox News last week. “Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks … desert environment, shoot cattle.”

Separate images taken from an airplane also uncovered hundreds of cattle stuffed into small pens on a BLM compound, prompting the FAA to order a no-fly zone over the area.

Despite a clear and violent overreach by the BLM, Nevada Senator Harry Reid has responded to the incident by calling Bundy and his supporters “domestic terrorists.”

“There were hundreds, hundreds of people from around the country that came there,” Reid said at an event in Las Vegas. “They had sniper rifles in the freeway. They had weapons, automatic weapons. They had children lined up. They wanted to make sure they got hurt first … What if others tried the same thing?”

Unsurprisingly, proof of automatic weapons being present during the stand off between peaceful protesters and the BLM was not provided by Reid. Video of the incident also clearly shows only men and woman, most of whom were unarmed, lined up peacefully.

Whether it be assaulting a cancer survivor, attacking a pregnant woman, tasereing protesters, killing animals or unleashing an attack dog, all extreme behavior has exclusively come from the BLM.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157247
04/20/2014 06:22 AM
04/20/2014 06:22 AM
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"Sic semper tyrannis"

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157248
04/21/2014 05:37 PM
04/21/2014 05:37 PM
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Gunfire at Easter in the desert. It ain't over until it's over. The tripwire in the Virgin River Valley.

From Ephesians Chapter Six:

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Yesterday, I spent a blessed Easter in the desert of Nevada on the banks of the Virgin River. At ten in the morning, Ryan Bundy led a service of prayer, reflection and testimony at the gooseneck trailer/stage that had served as my speaker's platform the day before. It was a simple service, exquisitely beautiful in its simplicity and sincerity. Folks got up and shared what was on their hearts as God chose to move them, and I did so as well. It is my firm belief that it is impossible not to see the hand of God in the events of the past weeks. As I was speaking, semi-automatic rifle fire echoed from the hills above the river. The volunteers were going through a morning training exercise. It seemed to profane the day and the moment, yet it was a poignant reminder of the situation that the Bundys find themselves thrust into in the name of principle, a reminder of the evil that prowls right outside their door, and of the necessity of good men and women from all over the country to stand between them. God, I observed to the small gathering, might forgive us for the seemingly disrespectful interruption, knowing of that necessity.

Jerry DeLemus

After the service, I hitched a ride up the road to the volunteer base camp, where Jerry, the tactical commander of the Oath Keeper-supported security force led another service for the troops from Chapter Six of Ephesians. Somehow, hearing Paul's words about pulling on the full armor of God there, in that setting, as I looked from one face to the other of these volunteers -- who have come so far and risked so much already and who still risk all in a confrontation of right and wrong with the militarized police forces of the most powerful government on the planet -- I shuddered with the power of the image, the emotion of that moment, unchanging since the Founding, immortal in its moral force.

There is a feeling among those who merely pay attention to the news cycle that this is somehow over, that the potential for disaster has been averted. It has not. The men and women dug in on the banks of the Virgin River understand that and are in it for the long haul. It ain't over until it's over. The defensive operation, almost despairingly comic in its early days of confusion, is coming together now. Volunteers come in, others leave, but will be back. The logistics, fueled by the generous donations of money and material from all over the country, are coming together, as are the various "shops" of planning, operations, communications and support. The inevitable snitches, most of them painfully obvious, have nothing to report to their masters for no laws are being broken. The paid provocateurs are gradually tipping their hands as well. Jerry, his hardy band of mission-focused veterans, and the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters who form the teeth of the teams in overwatch and the muscle of the logistics tail are doing pretty well, thank you very much, despite all the psy-war games played by the Feds, including a regular but invisible bombardment of all of the various forms of our communications by the Feds. (Notice that we still haven't been able to get the videos of Saturday's speeches on YouTube? Your tax dollars at work.)

Today I must fly out of here, having helped, I hope, in my own small way. Left behind will be that determined minority of increasingly confident and competent volunteers. I wish I didn't have to leave. My instincts cry out to stay. But I have other duties that must be seen to. Yet, I know I will be back. These men and women are where God placed them at this precise moment and place in history, carrying out the function of that "well-regulated militia" that the Founders intended to defend the people in times such as these. They represent the shield, the armor, of a free people. They are also a tripwire. The Feds must go through them -- they must kill them -- to get to the Bundys. The Feds know this, and they are hesitant about what will happen if they try. That is called strategic uncertainty. And in the present context, that is a very good thing. They need to be cautious.

So I fly out today. But the volunteers are digging in along the Virgin River for the long haul. I have a feeling that they will still be there when I get back, keeping the Bundys safe from the evil intentions of armed bureaucrats. And as the sun rose over the desert on Easter Sunday, it was brought home to me by those twin services that here is a cause worth living for and returning to -- it is a cause worth fighting and dying for as well. Jerry and his volunteers of indomitable spirit know this. They have taken the measure of the situation, the weight of their duty, and they have acted.

They are digging in along the Virgin River -- a fragile human tripwire arrayed against an out-of-control imperial federal government that ought to know better. They are digging in, and they need your support, in whatever way you can give it.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157249
04/21/2014 06:35 PM
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Leonidas, SBL I with you a 110%. Next visit I am bringing some really and I mean really strong coffee and a white board..

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157250
04/21/2014 07:43 PM
04/21/2014 07:43 PM
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I use the FB social media for the sheer size of it,access to large numbers, but today a the Idaho militia got some camera time on local media, they denounced anybody fighting tyranny to which I suggested they stay on the porch where they are safe, unfriended and blocked.

It is a shame, but nurse-maid militia is it's own worst enemy.

Courage is being afraid and saddling up anyway .

PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157251
04/22/2014 05:12 AM
04/22/2014 05:12 AM
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I never used Facebook much until recently. There's a lot of good info on it, but also a ton of rumors, half truths, and outright lies. Sorting through all the crap can be a chore.

I just found a group calling themselves the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia. They claim to have 50,000 people, so it's rather curious I never heard of them until yesterday. I sent them an invite, so maybe they'll show up.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157252
04/22/2014 08:25 AM
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FB is no ones friend Using it to wade through the sheep in hopes of finding a brave sheep is tantamount to attacking windmills in the beliefs that they are dragons. They (the sheep of many buggers)have woken up to the reality. And they have accepted their role as sheep. They like it. They never have to take the risk of being the sheep dog. And as long as they are not in England they wont be buggered without representation.

Its a fact. you cant save everybody. the ones who said to hell with being a sheep have already left the flock.

Less than 1 percent at any given time are standing up with courage. The rest of the population is figuring out their favorite position for the nailing.

Strat your agrarian community idea is spot on.

and Airforce its a postcard militia.

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157253
04/22/2014 10:09 AM
04/22/2014 10:09 AM
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AF, I have to call BS on the 50,000 man militia. Total BS. I live in a state of 8 million and we have no where near that. People are people regardless of there geography.

Think about how many you have in your states national guard. Just my .02

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157254
04/22/2014 11:12 AM
04/22/2014 11:12 AM
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Originally posted by Leonidas:
AF, I have to call BS on the 50,000 man militia.
Yeah, but a newsman in Oklahoma City bought that number, no questions asked. smile For now, I'm going to assume the guy is following Sun Tzu's advice.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157255
04/23/2014 01:51 AM
04/23/2014 01:51 AM
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Be interesting to know who the "hired cowboys" are that were contracted out to do the dirty work.

Never use Google again.....
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157256
04/23/2014 01:52 AM
04/23/2014 01:52 AM
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Anyone doing a FOIA concerning drone footage from Uncle Sam?

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157257
04/23/2014 03:58 AM
04/23/2014 03:58 AM
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I know many hate to hear it...

But it was twitter and Facebook that lead the way in gathering support for Bundy..

It was Alex Jones and drudge that lead the media..

Breitbart, Blaze and others were against Bundy till it was obvious that the story was not what the feds said..

MSNBC and some lefty sites still are vilifying the Patriots and Bundy, but that's expected.

Beck was completely in Reids corner till it look so terrible, he went quite about it, then started putting out little stories on Bundy's side..

He is now trying to pivot because he was on the wrong side..TOO many on the wrong side of this... Faux Patriots and news media being outed by this...IMHO...

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157258
04/23/2014 04:50 AM
04/23/2014 04:50 AM
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Originally posted by Sapper1:
Less than 1 percent at any given time are standing up with courage. The rest of the population is figuring out their favorite position for the nailing.

Strat your agrarian community idea is spot on.

and Airforce its a postcard militia.
The actual number is one tenth of one percent but my FB account is different from the norm, I only used it for political activism, 400 of those FB friends are people I know face to face and many I have trained and a few of the FB friends have friend list in 50,000 so with a little time we can reach a million even if only a tenth of a percent of those contribute a dollar it still enabled me to send 20 people with rifles to the Bundy ranch that other-wise could not afford the gas money, ammo rifles etc .

PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157259
04/23/2014 05:42 AM
04/23/2014 05:42 AM
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I didn't know about the Bundy Ranch until Strat did a Facebook post about it. There's a lot to dislike about social media in general and Facebook in particular, but overall it's a positive. No one would have ever heard about the Bundy Ranch without Facebook, or about the Iranian demonstrations a few years ago without Twitter.

The idea is to think of social media as a force multiplier, and learn how to best use it to our advantage.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157260
04/23/2014 10:40 AM
04/23/2014 10:40 AM
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There is word that the BLM and other law enforcement thugs are planning a SWAT raid on the Bundy home.

Illigitime non carborundum

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157261
04/23/2014 05:43 PM
04/23/2014 05:43 PM
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Originally posted by swabjocky:
There is word that the BLM and other law enforcement thugs are planning a SWAT raid on the Bundy home.
Please don't take this as me busting on you, but this report can do very little to build the intel picture because-

(A) We don't know the origin of the report so we can not evaluate the source or try to acquire more detail from that source
(B) What actions on our part does this information facilitate? Should we send every rifle we have to the Ranch? Some other point that might be more effective in achieving a strategic goal we have?
(C) How large in the threat? What special equipment are they using, if any? How will I recognize them?
(D) How can I find out how this report was vetted, so it has a low probability of being part of a deception directed against my unit?

I would rather have no information than bad information.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157262
04/23/2014 10:54 PM
04/23/2014 10:54 PM
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Feds acting as Militia at Bundy Ranch

This is almost always the case.

Stand up for the Republic!

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Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157263
04/24/2014 02:15 AM
04/24/2014 02:15 AM
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Perhaps it is time for an extra Nms under security. I wondered about this in the 90s.
My suggested answer is that each unit who forms under the NMS create a unit ID. The card could have what the Military ID card does so no privacy issues rise.
1. Photo
2. Name in lower upper case. f,m,l
3. Unit
4. On back is a copy of the oath
5. On back is the red imprint of the right trigger finger
(if missing use one you shoot with)
6. On back is your known signature as you use it.
7. On back is the name and signature of the issuing commander.

While these are cheap to make on business cards they, if stored digitally on an encrypted file also easy to send to the mission commander, or carry on an encrypted thumb drive.

Still no sure thing it is better than a guess and harder for local leo to thwart or duplicate. Remember that under the Dick Act each militia soldier needs what every soldier has.
Uniform with patch and name tape

Those who wish to fly under all radar can provide other id as needed, but you can't have it both ways. You can't represent the people if you don't exist.

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157264
04/24/2014 03:48 AM
04/24/2014 03:48 AM
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Tactical Intelligence Considerations–with Commentary Relevant to Bunkerville
April 23, 2014

PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157265
04/24/2014 11:56 AM
04/24/2014 11:56 AM
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It seems that at least some of Cliven Bundy's supporters are jumping ship, since he apparently made a faux pas and said some derogatory things about black people.

Since Patriots and Conservatives in general are already being vilified just for not supporting the liberal agenda, we must be extra careful to not make a gift of any more ammunition that can be used against us to the enemy.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157266
04/24/2014 12:51 PM
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Just saw two version of the interview. Full version speaks many truths. The shorten version typical liberal dribble to cause division of the races. This just shows they the smoke and mirror system are desperate.

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157267
04/25/2014 01:47 AM
04/25/2014 01:47 AM
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Ranchers should stick to ranches, and keep their answers to less than 6 words.
The folks from the support should do the PAO business.

Those folks with political futures will always jump ship when their political livelihood gets imperiled! If Mr Bundy has a message beyond the hole full of shot cows it should be put on HIS web page so he can see the editing.

Like I said before. This action is very expensive to a lot of the fighters personally. There needs to be a plan for relief fighters organized outside the Ranch so no one goes broke. The BLM has plenty of money and can extend this a long way.

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157268
04/25/2014 02:53 AM
04/25/2014 02:53 AM
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If they're going to play the sound bite game, well, we can play that too.

Originally said by Sen. Harry Reid:
...Barack Obama is is electable, because he is a light-skinned African-American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157269
04/25/2014 04:47 AM
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Unedited Video Shows Bundy Making Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican Comments

Media censors footage to spin remarks as racist

Paul Joseph Watson
April 25, 2014

The controversy over Cliven Bundy’s “racist” remarks has taken a new turn after longer unedited footage emerged showing the Nevada cattle rancher making pro-black and pro-Mexican comments that were excised out of media reports.

The full clip illustrates how the original New York Times report edited out statements made by Bundy both before and after his supposedly “racist” remarks, which when taken in their full context actually constitute a pro-minority position. Media Matters also cut out these crucial comments from their YouTube upload of Bundy’s remarks.

Bundy’s full comments are reprinted below, with the parts not printed by the New York Times and other media outlets highlighted in bold.

…” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party.

While Bundy’s use of terms such as “negro,” “colored people” and references to picking cotton are undoubtedly politically incorrect (though not unsurprising for an 80-year-old farmer), when taken in its full context, his argument is actually anti-racist in that it laments the plight of black families who have been caught in the trap of dependency on government.

The comments that were also vehemently pro-Mexican were not included in any of the mainstream reports which smeared Bundy as a racist.

“What’s more sad than the refusal to openly discuss the issues – is how quickly the conservative right is willing to throw Bundy to the wolves based solely on the New York Times and Media Matters opinion,” writes the Conservative Treehouse blog, noting that Bundy’s comments are no more controversial than those made by Shirley Sherrod, who was staunchly defended by leftists.

While Bundy’s remarks have been spun as a racist call for a return to slavery, he is clearly using references to slavery only to make a point that blacks are no better off living under the economic slavery of the welfare state.

Furthermore, Bundy’s argument that, “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail,” is clearly directed at the government’s treatment of black people and is therefore a defense of and not an attack on black Americans.

“It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse,” writes Jack Flash. “And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. Racist? Why is he praising Mexicans as better than whites, if he’s some sort of white supremacist racist?”

HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes’ Deceptively Edited Version


Watch Bundy explain how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. And just as importantly, you’ll at the end of the video he gives passionate praise and defense of hispanic illegal aliens, lauding them for “better family structures than most white peoples’” Racist? Why is he praising Mexicans as better than whites, if he’s some sort of white supremacist racist?. Take a hike all you lying, character-assassinating, leftist pieces of dog shit.


Now watch the edited version of Bundy’s remarks as promoted by the left-wing Media Matters and as reported in the NY Times:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157270
04/25/2014 06:27 AM
04/25/2014 06:27 AM
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We need to be correcting the mainstream media's spin everywhere we can. And we need to do it ASAP. Facebook, left-wing blogs, everywhere. We're not going to change what they report, of course, but the people reading them will get the truth. And while we're at it, let's expose the inherent racism of the left, too.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157271
04/25/2014 09:33 AM
04/25/2014 09:33 AM
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Originally posted by safetalker:
Perhaps it is time for an extra Nms under security. I wondered about this in the 90s.
My suggested answer is that each unit who forms under the NMS create a unit ID. The card could have what the Military ID card does so no privacy issues rise.
1. Photo
2. Name in lower upper case. f,m,l
3. Unit
4. On back is a copy of the oath
5. On back is the red imprint of the right trigger finger
(if missing use one you shoot with)
6. On back is your known signature as you use it.
7. On back is the name and signature of the issuing commander.

While these are cheap to make on business cards they, if stored digitally on an encrypted file also easy to send to the mission commander, or carry on an encrypted thumb drive.

Still no sure thing it is better than a guess and harder for local leo to thwart or duplicate. Remember that under the Dick Act each militia soldier needs what every soldier has.
Uniform with patch and name tape

Those who wish to fly under all radar can provide other id as needed, but you can't have it both ways. You can't represent the people if you don't exist.
For OPSEC reasons, it seems like this is something that should be done the day of or day before deployment. Correct me if I'm wrong.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157272
04/26/2014 01:26 AM
04/26/2014 01:26 AM
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I concur. That or they are stored safe from when the soldier is vetted and printed and lamanated as they reach 72 hours, then hand out at jump time.

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157273
04/26/2014 03:27 AM
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Sides in the Media wars are forming...Controlled opposition Glenn beck, Who has been against Bundy from the get go...Has really ramped up his vitriol..

He has told people to rise for years..Then when some one makes a stand Fed Beck and his 5 Former FBI controllers come out and tell people to submit..

He has attacked Bundy, Alex Jones and anyone else who has been supporting Bundy...

I wondered if he was just supporting the powerful Mormons against a weaker Mormon, But it can't be that simple..

I think that close to the end of his Fox news days he was warned and then removed from the air for not backing down, but they got to him somehow, either his NSA file or he was always in their pockets..

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157274
04/26/2014 03:43 AM
04/26/2014 03:43 AM
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I stopped listening to Beck 2 years ago, But I do Read Him and MSN to see what they are Spewing. Fox Is a Disappointment !!!!!!!!! Not looking good.

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157275
04/26/2014 06:18 AM
04/26/2014 06:18 AM
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Bundy is back on the Drudge Report, with a couple articles asserting he is not a racist and that his remarks were taken out of context. I don't know if Hannity and the politicians will come back, but it looks like we're winning this round, too.

Onward and upward,

Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds #157276
04/26/2014 08:53 AM
04/26/2014 08:53 AM
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Beck is wanting to go towards influencing the bulk of the population by aiming at the culture like the libs have done for the last 50+ years. I think he's trying to play this one on the "down low" not wanting to harm his credibility by siding with "radicals" as the MSM paints us. I think he is on our side, but like Peter he is denying us 3x before the cock crows. I think much of what he speaks of is supporting the ideals of limited government, maximizing individual, family and community responsibility...

I like Mark Levin. Some nights I can catch the Herman Cain show out of OK City, I like him a lot also.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds [Re: safetalker] #167907
08/27/2018 12:53 AM
08/27/2018 12:53 AM
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The real Truth Of Bundy Ranch I was there

Known fact Blackwater was there, I confronted a Blackwater mercenary shit head
known fact I located stolen Cattle found where they were being taken to in California

Known fact I uncovered a massive coverup involving Dirty Harry Reed . and the little known US Geological survey report on not what was above the ground ,
cattle endangered turtles .Horsehit but was what was under the ground and fight for mineral rights precous silver, gold and rare minerals used in building rockets
that report was delivered to Cliven Bundy .

Last edited by Bryan; 08/27/2018 01:07 AM.

Major B Hunt
Re: Nevada Rancher in Standoff With Feds [Re: airforce] #167937
08/28/2018 07:06 PM
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Bryan, I would LOVE PROOF of the things you assert, but unfortunately second hand 'hear say' is NOT EVIDENCE you can enter in court. No matter what you say in a 'blog', it is NOT EVIDENCE!

Now how do you know folks are Blackwater employees? If you found 'stolen cattle' why wasn't the Sheriff taken to where they were so they could have been recovered? What actual evidence did you find that we could use against Harry Reed? BTW have you actually seen that report on the minerals?

Care to answer MY questions? They are simple compared what you would face from Lawyers while you would be on the stand testifying.

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