Specific responsibility and or personal knowledge of who stepped into the DC police command structure is with the DC Capitol Police watch commander during that time period.

It is dirt common in government circles like that, especially with feds, and especially in the DC area for the various power brokers to use their rank and position to influence agencies other than their own. That's where a lot of the law enforcement "task force" organizational model comes from, as some leader types command task forces made up entirely of people not even from their own agency. On the other hand, patrol and tactical response usually go in a fairly linear paramilitary command structure. That is linear, until you get to a point where someone is at the decision making level and then may be influenced by an outside agency.

That's where the feds and the alphabets are experts extraordinaire, and where in the confusion of secret government stuff, the spooks constantly take advantage to obscure exactly who is giving which orders and why, so at the ground level, some trooper type gets his orders from a known superior, but at that watch commander level, he should not have had to "check with someone" to authorize deployment except for the one possibility of an assumption that the Navy already had some sort of elite security group in the building. That might explain the initial reports of multiple shooters and someone wearing paramilitary style uniforms that nobody recognized. That, and fuck them for assuming the black guy was the security guy and the white guys were some militia conspiracy theorists going off on a spree shooting. Fuck them and let them shoulder their prejudices at the funerals of their friends and loved ones.

That watch commander, his identity needs to become a number one top level priority among whatever joke of an intelligence structure that we happen to have, and it must also become the one test made to all these shitheads who claim to "come up with information" spoon feeding their conclusions along with a smattering of facts pulled from the Internet and "confirmed" by someone they will not give you the name of, but is "credible". If you know someone who maintains their .gov connections and they hesitate or withhold that information, they are an enemy of freedom and justice and I don't buy this bullshit of "ongoing investigation" that's just the fucking coverup.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.