Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
While you seem to think correctly on a lot of issues, on anything that has to do with your Ideas on Free Market Anarchism you don't think logically and you seem to be living in a fantasy world or in an Alternate Universe.
You mean this isn't Bizarro World I'm on? smile

I'll grant you that open borders is probably not realistic anytime in the near future. (After that economic collapse, who knows.) But we can sure make our immigration policies a whole lot more realistic. Have immigrants sign the guest book, and maybe do a routine background check. (I said maybe, because dealing with corrupt government officials most likely makes this an exercise in futility, anyway.)

Here's just something to think about. Texas doesn't stop immigrants coming from any of the other States, and people have been moving there for jobs in droves, from California, Oregon, New York, and every other state. Incredibly, despite all those legal immigrants, the Texas economy is still growing. You could, of course, give the credit to Rick Perry, but I'm not inclined to do that.

Come to think of it, with all the "illegal" immigrants in Texas, the economy still keeps growing, too. What a shocker.

As to why the economy is tanking in California, and why people don't open carry there, well, I think you know the answer to that. Look at who their lawmakers are. Now, if you really want to deport some people, you can start with Governor Moonbeam and work your way down.

Onward and upward,