Originally posted by airforce:
Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
[b]I believe it would be likely that from 20 to 40 Million econometric refugees would move into the United States just from Mexico within the first one or two years of the Border being Open.
And then there are the 6.64 Million Guatemalans who live below the poverty line and would want to move here.
And then there are all the people who live below the poverty line from all the other nations from south of the border.
And lets not forget the Somalis and other Muslims who live below the Poverty line.
If all those people wanted to come here, what's stopping them now?
Onward and upward,
airforce [/b]Brother then what about everyone leaving the doors of their Homes and Businesses unlocked and open.
Surely what difference would it make since
What's stopping them now from robbing People.And while people are at it whey bother locking and taking the Keys out of their Cars.
airforce you have a big problem you are so much a Free Market Anarchist, it keeps you from living in the real world.
If all those people wanted to come here, what's stopping them now?
If you were not blinded by your beliefs, you would be able to see that there is a huge difference between having to pay
Human Smugglers large amounts of money to Smuggle them across a very dangerous border where a lot of Illegals die, either from the Elements or from being Murdered by the Smugglers themselves, to just walking or driving legally and unmolested through a Border Checkpoint.
And what about Arizona and California. Why don't the Gun Owners in California
Open Carry or Carry Concealed without a License like Gun Owners do in Arizona.
Since as you stated
If all those people wanted to come here, what's stopping them now? And as to Gun Owners
if Gun Owners wanted to Carry what's stopping them now? While you seem to think correctly on a lot of issues, on anything that has to do with your Ideas on Free Market Anarchism you don't think logically and you seem to be living in a fantasy world or in an Alternate Universe.