Permitting anyone to move to the USA who wants to, would not only be political suicide it would be National Suicide.
Does anyone who wants to have Open Borders have any idea of how many people would be moving here within a short time span of like maybe One or Two Years.
I believe it would be likely that from 20 to 40 Million econometric refugees would move into the United States just from Mexico within the first one or two years of the Border being Open.
And then there are the 6.64 Million Guatemalans who live below the poverty line and would want to move here.
And then there are all the people who live below the poverty line from all the other nations from south of the border.
And lets not forget the Somalis and other Muslims who live below the Poverty line.
So all you members who want Open Borders what do you think would happen if lets say just 40,000,000 Impoverished Mexicans looking to for a better Econometric life were to move here, like I stated in a time span of just one year?
Well I have a very good idea of what the results would be and it would not be very nice.
I think most of the members understand that a very large percent of that 40 Million would not be able to find any work or a place to live. And I think most of the members also understand that if they can't get work to feed their families a lot of them would turn to crime.
And what might Citizens do if this Mex Crime became a large enough problem?
I believe that if pushed far enough American Citizens would take the Law into their own hands.
And Crime is only one of the problems.