Quite a thought provoking thread.

To me, having open borders essentially requires a single world government. I don't see a good way to provide for national defense, community defense, and a court system to ejudicate private ownership, trade, and basic civil rights, when you have many nations or groups of people vying for world domination.

Only if imported workers do not use social services and accept lower wages from employers might they lower the cost of goods and services to those in the community that buy those items. The questions becomes 1) does the lower wages of these employess lower overall wages, 2) will the lower cost of labor be passed onto those in the community in lower prices and 3) will those in the community be able to afford those products if total wages are suppressed?

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...