Originally posted by Breacher:
Arguing for legalized wages below a sustainable living wage level is politically suicidal.
I can remember, not all that long ago, when arguing for marijuana legalization was something no politician would ever do. Come to think of it, arguing for open borders is a politically dumb thing to do, too. The right thing to do, but politically dumb.
Times change. We'll just have to educate the people on this, like we have on drugs and a myriad of other things. Or, more likely, an economic collapse will occur and with unemployment around 30% - 40%, the minimum age will just sort of get ignored.
This really should be the subject for another thread, but I will throw this out there: If you're going to try to legislate economic prosperity, why stop at just a "minimum wage?" Why not just guarantee everyone an annual income of $100,000 or so? Then we'd all be rich!
The reason we don't, of course, is because it would be ridiculous. You can't legislate economic prosperity. And minimum wage laws try to do exactly that.
Onward and upward,