Originally posted by tigers1011:
Then, for just being here illegally, are stealing the financial resources of this nation at local, state & federal levels.

Someone please let me know which law I can break..or do I get to choose??
Regarding the first part, reread the first post in this topic. They're not "stealing the financial resources of this nation." On the contrary, their cheap labor benefits ALL Americans. Rather than being a financial drain, they are putting dollars in your wallet.

As to the second, if the government passed a law requiring all Americans to turn in their guns, would you comply with that law? Don't answer that question, just think about it.

Originally posted by Archangel1:
4. Illegal aliens of any nationality would not be in our prisons for any crime if they were not here illegally.
5. While the topic is about Mexican immigrants specifically, should we descriminate against Salvadorians, Hondurans, Columbians, Venezualans and Guatamalans that have fled their Spanish speaking countries too? I would guess that families from those countries that are trying to bring other family members to the US might get a little ticked off if only Mexicans had a free pass.
They would not be illegal aliens if we had a sensible, just immigration policy. And they most likely wouldn't be in prison at all if it were not for Prohibition. And there would be a lot fewer of them here in the first place, if we didn't have all those dumb minimum wage laws that demand to be broken. But that's a subject for another topic.

And you're right, I really didn't mean to single out Mexicans.

I'll grant you, the right of free travel is probably incompatible with tyrannical nation states. So is that an argument against the right of free travel, or against the nation state? Hmmm...

Onward and upward,