Originally posted by airforce:
Originally posted by Archangel1:
[b]1. Do you think that murders and pediophiles from other countries should be free to roam our country?
No. But then, I don't think murderers and pedophiles who were born here should be free to roam around, either. But that's really not what we're talking about.
Originally posted by Archangel1:
2. Do you think that terrorists from other countries should be free to roam our country?
Be careful here. There are some who would classify us as terrorists. In any event, I haven't heard of a lot of Mexican terrorists coming here since the days of Pancho Villa. We've all heard rumors that Hezbollah operatives are in Mexico and Central America, but I've never heard of one crossing the southern border.
Originally posted by Archangel1:
3. Why did the Roman Empire collapse?
I can think of quite a few reasons, including economic collapse the people in general being fed up with corrupt government officials. When a country weakens itself through economic policies and corruption, it becomes vulnerable to all kinds of rotten things. And you don't need to go all the way back to Roman times to find examples of that.
As to the various Hispanic street gangs, yes, they exist. Like the home-grown gangs, they are a product of the War on Drugs, but there is also an element of self-defense in there, too. Various criminals see illegal aliens as an easy mark, because for obvious reasons they hesitate to call the police when someone robs or defrauds them. (And, yes, police officers have been known to do this, too. Right here in Tulsa we recently arrested a police officer for robbing an "illegal alien" - who, in this case, was actually an undercover officer.)
If you want to end the problem of street gangs, end Prohibition. Stop arbitrarily classifying millions of peaceful people as "illegal." And, while you're at it, end the minimum wage. But two of those solutions are beyond the scope of this topic, and I'd really rather keep this focused.
As to the prison where half the inmates are illegal aliens, that's not surprising. Most states, to reduce prison violence, try to keep rival gangs separate, so that Bloods might be in one prison, Crips in another, and Hispanic gangs in still another. There is no shortage of prisons these days.
Onward and upward,
airforce [/b]1. Regarding the Natural Right of Free Travel. No sovereign country can have open borders, remove common cultural identities, fail to speak and use a common language in commerce and community, fail to effect laws to protect private property, fail to provide for a common defense and survive long term. If you are not a citizen of the country where you wish to travel, get a passport and visa, and follow the laws of that country. I prefer that criminals of one country stay in that country, so our citizens don't have to pay in life or silver.
2. Prohibition should have taught us that drug use and drug trade should not be illegal. I don't advocate drug use but it should be my choice not someone elses. This is one area that we are in sync.
3. I used the Roman Empire because it was the world power of its time. Corruption and importing aliens with differing cultures and languages to handle lower level jobs and tasks was the point.
4. Illegal aliens of any nationality would not be in our prisons for any crime if they were not here illegally.
5. While the topic is about Mexican immigrants specifically, should we descriminate against Salvadorians, Hondurans, Columbians, Venezualans and Guatamalans that have fled their Spanish speaking countries too? I would guess that families from those countries that are trying to bring other family members to the US might get a little ticked off if only Mexicans had a free pass.